Content text 31. MEDICATION ERRORS.pdf
PHARMD GURU Page 2 3) IMPROPER DOSE ERROR: It occurs when a patient is given a dose, that is greater (or) less than the prescriber dose. 4) UNAUTHORIZED DRUG ERROR: Administration of medication to a patient without proper authorization by the prescriber can be categorized as an unauthorized drug error. 5) DETERIORATED DRUG ERROR: Medications that are dispensed or administered, beyond the expiration date, may have lost potency or less effective or ineffective. 6) WRONG TIME ERROR: Timing of administration is critical to the effectiveness of medications. Maintaining adequate concentration of drug in blood is required for effectiveness. Administering doses, too early (or) too late may affect the drug concentration in blood. 7) WRONG DOSES FORMER ERROR: Drugs administered (or) dispensed in a different form, other than the ordered form by the prescriber. 8) WRONG DRUG PREPARATION ERRORS: Some drugs require reconstitution (Adding liquid to powder drug) to dispense or administer a drug, but failed to do such type of procedure leads to wrong drug preparation error. 9) WRONG ADMINISTRATION TECHNIQUE ERROR: Doses that are administered using an incorrect technique are categorized as wrong administration technique error. 10. MONITORING ERROR: It results from inadequate drug therapy review.
PHARMD GURU Page 3 11) COMPLIANCE ERRORS: Medication errors are committed by physicians when they fail to adhere to a prescribed drug regimen. MEDICATION ERROR REPORTING On identifying medication error the pharmacist reports to the physician. Further the medication error report form is filled on forwarded to MEDWATCH website. The reports are reviewed by the staff of the Department of Medication Error Prevention and Analysis (DMEPAA). DMEPAA uses guidelines for the confirmation of medication error. They find the cause and solution & inform them to FDA. FDA publishes in journals.