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www.iaritoppers.in Whatsapp : +91-9694095242 Page | 1 Important Top 3’s in Agriculture S. No. Sector Highest in 1. Livestock population (2019-20) Uttarpradesh > Rajasthan > MP 2. Poultry population (2019-20) Tamilnadu > Andhrapradesh > Telenagana 3. Cattle population (2019-20) West Bengal > UP > MP 4. Buffalo population (2019-20) UP > Rajasthan > Gujarat 5. Sheep population (2019-20) Telangana > Andhra Pradesh > Karnataka 6. Goat population (2019-20) Rajasthan > West Bengal > U.P. 7. Egg production (2021-22) Andhra Pradesh > Tamilnadu > Telangana 8. Per capita availability of eggs (2021-22) Andhra Pradesh (501 nos per annum) > Telangana > A & N islands 9. Meat Production (2021-22) Maharashtra > UP > West Bengal 10. Species wise meat contribution (2021-22) Poultry > Buffalo > Goat > Sheep > Pig 11. Wool production (2021-22) Rajasthan > Jammu & Kashmir > Gujarat Current Affairs Part-1
www.iaritoppers.in Whatsapp : +91-9694095242 Page | 2 12. State wise milk production in India (2021-22) Rajasthan > UP > MP 13. Milk production (Per capita availability 2021-22) Punjab (1271 gms/day) > Rajasthan (1150 gms/day) > Haryana (1051 gms/day) 14. Total milk production in India (2021-22) 221.06 Million tonnes 15. Per day milk rate of exotic/crossbred cows (2021-22) Punjab (13.88 kg) > Chandigarh (11.98 kg) 16. Total Milk production of exotic/crossbred cows (2021-22) Tamilnadu 17. Leading States in Micro Irrigation Coverage (Drip + Sprinkler) Karnataka > Rajasthan > Maharashtra 18. Leading States in Drip Irrigation Coverage Maharashtra > Andhra Pradesh > Gujarat 19. Leading States in Sprinkler Irrigation Coverage Rajasthan > Karnataka > Gujarat 20. Major Source of Irrigation in India Tube Wells > Canals > Wells other than Tube wells 21. Highest Cultivated area under organic farming (Asked in BOM AFO-2021) MP > MH > Gujarat 22. Highest Production under organic farming MP > MH > Rajasthan 23. Highest import of fertilisers N > P > K 24. Highest Consumption of Fertilisers in Terms of Total volume (2021-22) UP > MH > MP
www.iaritoppers.in Whatsapp : +91-9694095242 Page | 3 25. Per hectare highest consumption of fertilisers (2020-21) Puducherry (312.04 kg) > Punjab (246.71) > Haryana (221.02) 26. Total State wise highest consumption of chemical pesticides (2022-23) UP > MH > Punjab 27. Per hectare highest consumption of chemical pesticides Punjab 28. Total State wise highest consumption of Bio pesticides (2022-23) West Bengal > Tamil nadu > CG 29. Highest Marine Fish Production (2021-22) Gujarat > Kerala > Tamil nadu 30. Highest Inland Fish Production (2021-22) Andhra Pradesh > West Bengal > UP 31. Highest total fish production (2021-22) Andhra Pradesh > West Bengal 32. Highest fish seed production (2020-21) West Bengal > Jharkhand 33. Highest Lac Production (2020-21) Jharkhand > Chhattisgarh > MP 34. Rice (Area) UP > West Bengal > Odisha 35. Rice (Production) West Bengal > UP > Punjab 36. Wheat (Area) UP > MP > Punjab 37. Wheat (Production) UP > MP > Punjab
www.iaritoppers.in Whatsapp : +91-9694095242 Page | 4 38. Maize (Area) Karnataka > MP > MH 39. Maize (Production) Karnataka > MP > MH 40. Total Nutri/Coarse Cereals (Area) Rajasthan > MH > Karnataka 41. Total Nutri/Coarse Cereals (Production) Karnataka > Rajasthan > MH 42. Total Pulses (Area) Rajasthan > MP > MH 43. Total Pulses (Production) MP > MH > Rajasthan 44. Total Foodgrains (Area) UP > MP > Rajasthan 45. Total Foodgrains (Production) UP > MP > Punjab 46. Groundnut (Area) Gujarat > Andhra Pradesh > Rajasthan 47. Groundnut (Production) Gujarat > Rajasthan > Tamilnadu 48. Rapeseed & Mustard (Area) Rajasthan > MP > UP 49. Rapeseed & Mustard (Production) Rajasthan > MP > Haryana 50. Soybean (Area) MP > MH > Rajasthan

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