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Content text [Springboard] Collocation - Education

COLLOCATION LIST - SERIES #1 TOPIC : EDUCATION - a boost of motivation : nguồn động lực Her inspirational speech provided a much-needed boost of motivation for the entire team. - carry out painstaking tasks : đảm nhận việc khó khăn Teachers often carry out painstaking tasks, such as developing individualized lesson plans, to ensure each student's unique needs are addressed. - pursue higher education : học đại học Many individuals choose to pursue higher education not only for career prospects but also to broaden their perspectives and acquire a deeper understanding of the world. - develop autodidactic learning style : phát triển phong cách tự học Encouraging students to develop an autodidactic learning style empowers them to take initiative in their education and fosters a lifelong love for learning. - maintain your persistence : duy trì tính kiên trì In the face of academic challenges, it's crucial for students to maintain their persistence, recognizing that setbacks are a natural part of the learning journey. - burden constant pressure : gánh chịu nhiều áp lực Students often burden constant pressure, balancing academic responsibilities, extracurricular activities, and personal commitments. - stick to grueling learning schedule : lịch học dày đặc, nặng To excel academically, it's necessary for students to stick to a grueling learning schedule, allocating time for studying, assignments, and self-review. - university dormitories : khu vực kí túc xá Living in university dormitories provides students with a unique opportunity to form lasting friendships, engage in communal learning, and navigate the challenges of independent living. - foster learning progress : thúc đẩy tiến bộ trong quá trình học Educators aim to foster learning progress by creating dynamic and interactive classroom environments that stimulate curiosity and critical thinking. - hone social skills : trau dồi kỹ năng xã hội Participating in group projects and extracurricular activities is an excellent way for students to hone their social skills, fostering effective communication and collaboration. - endow students with promising opportunities : trao học sinh nhiều cơ hội hứa hẹn
Educational institutions play a crucial role in endowing students with promising opportunities, preparing them for future success in diverse fields. - exert yourself : cố gắng, nỗ lực Success in education often requires students to exert themselves, going beyond the minimum requirements to fully grasp complex concepts and skills. - face numerous adversities : đối mặt với nhiều khó khăn Throughout the educational journey, students inevitably face numerous adversities, from academic challenges to personal obstacles, each contributing to their growth. - nurture in-depth knowledge : nuôi dưỡng kiến thức chuyên sâu Educators strive to nurture in-depth knowledge by encouraging students to delve into subjects, explore connections between concepts, and question assumptions. - grasp a comprehensive understanding of knowledge : hiểu kiến thức kĩ càng Engaging in in-depth research and critical analysis helps students grasp a comprehensive understanding of knowledge, allowing for a more profound appreciation of the subject matter. - school with prestigious ranking and position : trường có danh tiếng và thứ hạng danh giá Choosing a school with a prestigious ranking and position is often seen as a strategic decision to ensure a high-quality education and increased opportunities for future endeavors. - impose rigorous regulations on students : áp đặt nội quy hà khắc lên học sinh In an effort to maintain a disciplined learning environment, educational institutions may impose rigorous regulations on students, fostering a sense of responsibility and accountability. - amass hands-on experience : trau dồi kinh nghiệm thực tế Internships and practical projects are invaluable opportunities for students to amass hands-on experience, bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world application. - accumulate pragmatic knowledge : trau dồi kiến thức thực tế Beyond theoretical concepts, students are encouraged to accumulate pragmatic knowledge by actively applying their learning to solve real-world problems and challenges. - overcome underprivileged circumstances : vượt qua hoàn cảnh khó khăn Many individuals who have overcome underprivileged circumstances through education serve as inspirational figures, illustrating the transformative power of learning in challenging environments.
- theory-focused lesson : tiết học nặng về lý thuyết While theory-focused lessons provide a solid foundation of knowledge, educators strive to balance theoretical understanding with practical applications to enhance students' overall learning experience. - attach profound importance to school : trường học giữ vai trò quan trọng Societies that attach profound importance to school as a cornerstone of personal and societal development tend to invest heavily in education and prioritize academic achievements. - the proliferation of online materials : sự gia tăng nguồn tài liệu online The proliferation of online materials has democratized access to information, offering learners a diverse range of resources to supplement traditional classroom instruction. - obtain outstanding outcomes : đạt kết quả xuất sắc Students who consistently apply themselves and embrace a growth mindset are more likely to obtain outstanding outcomes, both academically and in their future endeavors. - Embark on a scholarly expedition: Bắt đầu một cuộc thám hiểm kiến thức (Ý chỉ việc bắt đầu khám phá học đường, kiến thức mới) Beginning a scholarly expedition involves not only attending classes but actively seeking knowledge through research, exploration, and a curiosity-driven approach to learning. - Sustain a positive mindset: Duy trì tâm lý tích cực Amidst challenges, it's essential to sustain a positive mindset, as optimism can be a driving force for overcoming obstacles and achieving success. - Embark on a lifelong learning journey: Theo đuổi hành trình học suốt đời Choosing to embark on a lifelong learning journey is a commitment to continuous personal and intellectual growth, embracing knowledge throughout one's entire life. - Execute arduous academic endeavors: Thực hiện những nỗ lực học tập khó khăn Students who successfully execute arduous academic endeavors demonstrate resilience and determination, paving the way for a fulfilling educational experience. - Engage in advanced educational pursuits: Bắt đầu theo đuổi việc học ở mức độ cao hơn For those seeking intellectual challenges, it's crucial to engage in advanced educational pursuits that push the boundaries of knowledge and critical thinking. - Cultivate an erudite and self-directed pedagogical approach: Bắt đầu phương pháp tự học By cultivating an erudite and self-directed pedagogical approach, learners take control of their education, fostering a sense of independence and curiosity.
- Sustain unwavering perseverance amidst intellectual challenges: Duy trì sự kiên trì vững chắc khi đối mới với những thử thách học tập The journey of learning is marked by ups and downs; sustaining unwavering perseverance amidst intellectual challenges is the key to long-term success. - Foster a collaborative work environment: Tạo môi trường làm việc hợp tác, hỗ trợ lẫn nhau In educational settings, it's important to foster a collaborative work environment where students can learn from each other, share ideas, and collectively grow. - Bear the incessant weight of scholarly expectations: Chịu đựng kì lượng học tập không ngừng của (Có thể dùng trong ngữ cảnh cố gắng học tập vì áp lực, kì vọng từ gia đình, xã hội,...) Navigating through academic pursuits requires individuals to bear the incessant weight of scholarly expectations, balancing academic performance and personal growth. - Adhere rigorously to an exacting regimen of scholarly pursuits: Tuân thủ chặt chẽ theo một chế độ hoặc thời khoá biểu học tập dày đặc, khắc nghiệt Achieving academic excellence often involves adhering rigorously to an exacting regimen of scholarly pursuits, managing time efficiently for focused learning. - Promote the trajectory of intellectual advancement: Thúc đẩy sự phát triển của trí tuệ Educational institutions play a crucial role in promoting the trajectory of intellectual advancement by providing innovative programs and fostering a culture of curiosity. - Refine the intricacies of interpersonal adeptness: Hoàn thiện những phức tạp của sự thành thạo trong giao tiếp xã hội (Có thể dùng trong ngữ cảnh diễn tả mục đích, tầm quan trọng của giáo dục) As part of education, refining the intricacies of interpersonal adeptness prepares individuals to navigate social complexities, fostering effective communication and collaboration. - Endue scholars with auspicious avenues for growth: Ban tặng những học giả những cơ hội phồn thịnh để phát triển (Có thể dùng trong ngữ cảnh diễn tả mục đích, tầm quan trọng của giáo dục) Institutions of higher learning aim to endue scholars with auspicious avenues for growth, ensuring they have diverse opportunities to thrive and contribute to their fields. - Exert strenuous efforts in the pursuit of erudition: Nỗ lực mạnh mẽ trong việc theo đuổi sự hiểu biết sâu rộng Successful scholars are known to exert strenuous efforts in the pursuit of erudition, demonstrating a relentless commitment to expanding their depth of knowledge. - Confront myriad vicissitudes with indomitable fortitude: Đối mặt với vô số khó khăn, thăng trầm với tinh thần bất khuất

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