Content text TỔNG KẾT TRADE 2024-TK D1-NHẬT HOÀI TRADER - Aug.pdf
Initial Deposit 138220.8 Win 3 Max SL (= highest SL in pips) 34,226 Max Profit (=highest Profit in usd) 6989.4 % Risk per Trade (R) 1% Number of Trades 11 *điền vào các ô màu vàng *công thức chỉ tính 20 dòng đầu tiên, nếu a/c có số trade nhiều hơn nhớ điều chỉnh lại công thức theo hướng dẫn trong ngoặc đơn () Gross Profit (= total profit) 11227.8 Loss 6 Ave SL (= total SL in pips/number of trades) 3887.654545 Ave Profit (=total profit in usd/number of win trades) 3742.6 R Multiple (=total P/L in R) 3.90 Gross Loss (= total loss) -5976.0 BreakEven 2 Max Drawdown (= highest Drawdown %) -2.87% Max Loss (=highest loss in usd) -1465.2 Return (=balance/initial deposit) 3.80% Balance (= Gross Profit + Gross Loss) 5251.8 Win Rate (= Win/ (Win+Loss+Bre akEven) 27.3% Profit Factor (= Gross Profit/Gross Loss) 1.9 Ave Loss (=total loss in usd/number of loss trades) -747.0 Ave Reward:Risk (=ave profit/ave loss) 5.0 Pair Balance Entry Risk Exit Win/Loss/Break Date Buy/Sell Price Lot Size Price Pips $ Risk Price Pips $ Profit Even Drawdown % Profit/Loss in R Screenshot GOLD 138220.8 16/8 BUY 2476.26 0.31 2,431.62000 4,464 1382.2 2477.85 0 0.0 BE 0.00% 0.00 AUDJPY 138220.8 26/8 SELL 97.456 1.32 98.94100 148.5 1382.2 98.35 -87.4 -813.5 loss -0.59% -0.59 EURUSD 137407.3 13/8 BUY 1.09492 2.03 1.08815 67.7 1374.1 1.11018 152.6 3097.2 win 0.00% 2.25 BTCUSDT 140504.6 23/8 BUY 61907.9 0.4 58,485.30000 34226 1405.0 60402 -15059 -618.2 loss -0.44% -0.44 GE 139886.4 15/8 BUY 170.13 2 164.47000 566 1398.9 168.71 -145 -358.4 loss -0.26% -0.26 EA 139528.0 16/8 BUY 148.44 4 145.21000 323 1395.3 148.44 0 0.0 BE 0.00% 0.00 AMT 139528.0 23/8 BUY 221.22 3 216.92000 430 1395.3 242.76 2154 6989.4 win 0.00% 5.01 EA 146517.4 29/8 BUY 150.13 3 146.11000 402 1465.2 146.11 -402 -1465.2 loss -1.00% -1.00 UNH 145052.2 23/8 BUY 583.78 1 570.79000 1299 1450.5 594 1022 1141.2 win 0.00% 0.79 CVS 146193.4 26/8 BUY 59.32 6 57.17000 215 1461.9 57.45 -187 -1271.5 loss -0.87% -0.87 AMGN 144921.9 29/8 BUY 331.37 2 325.14000 623 1449.2 325.14 -623 -1449.2 loss -1.00% -1.00 143472.7