Content text TS Tuấn Anh-Nha Trang 2024_TAN.pdf
The e-DiVA Program: Improving care for people with dementia using an iSupport Virtual Assistant The Neuroscience Conference on Cognition and Holistic Health for the Elderly, 6-8 th Dec 2024 Nha Trang, Vietnam Tuan Anh Nguyen Associate Research Professor and Principal Research Fellow National Ageing Research Institute Swinburne University of Technology University of South Australia
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This project is funded by NHMRC e-ASIA Joint Research Program grant (APP2001548). I was supported by - an NHMRC-ARC Dementia Research Development Fellowship (grant identification number APP1103860), - an NHMRC-NAFOSTED international collaborative research grant (APP1154644) I am currently supported by - an NHMRC-eASIA grant (APP2001548) - an NIH R01AG064688 grant 8/12/2024 2
INTRODUCTION 3 Why support for carers? ➢ Most people with dementia are cared for by unpaid family carers1 ➢Carers: Lack knowledge and skills → suboptimal care, unmet care needs and negative health outcomes2 ➢40% carers have clinically significant depression or anxiety3 1 Prince M, et al 2015; 2 Bressan V, et al 2020; 3 Mahoney R, et al 2005 8/12/2024
INTRODUCTION 8/12/2024 4 Why support for carers? ➢Vs general population and carers of people with other chronic diseases, dementia carers have worse mental and physical health, more absences from work, and lower quality of life4 ➢Carer burden, distress predict care recipient’s hospitalization and institutionalization5 4Ory MG, et al 1999; 5Coehlo DP, et al 2007