Content text [LECTURE NOTE] W7.0 - L5 - AGREE: DISAGREE.docx
ADVANTAGES & DISADVANTAGES Nowadays, the development of technology has allowed computers and mobiles to translate language automatically. Do you think the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages? Step 1: Đọc đề (3-5 lần) + Phân tích tasks + Xác định approach (Lợi hay hại nhiều hơn; frame/ specific/ hybrid approach) => Write 12381314 Topic: Phát triển công nghệ -> translate language automatically Task: Advantages > disadvantages (compare) technology (translate language) => Specify = Who? Who? [Học sinh; Người đi làm ở cty đa quốc gia; Người đi du lịch nước ngoài] (Thường dùng khi Solutions; N chỉ người) => Specify = Aspects (Đề phải nhắc đến organization) => Specify = PROCESS [Google translate = step 1 -> step 2 -> step 3] => (benefit) đa dạng được góc nhìn, với mỗi góc nhìn, các bạn xác định benefits/ drawbacks Google translate Step 1: Nhập thông tin (input) (+) copy/ paste => nhanh chóng trong việc dịch 1 văn bản dài (+) tiện lợi (various means = ảnh, voice, text) => voice/ speech recognition = daily communication với người nước ngoài = traveling Step 2: Choose language (+) offer various language options Step 3: Translated text (output) (+) Speedy/ fast/ instantaneous translation (-) Low level of accuracy [Grammatical errors// Word meaning] ⇒ APPROACH: LỢI > HẠI => Viết 12381314
Specific approach 1 It is true that language can now be translated automatically by computers and mobile devices thanks to advances made in technology. 2 Although this development can have some drawbacks, the advantages gained are highly justifiable. 3 The most obvious disadvantage of machine translation can be …....low level of accuracy.... 8 Nevertheless, I think that electronic translators can bring greater benefits [in terms of/ related to/ two of which are/ including/ namely .......various language options............. and ....convenience...............] 13 In conclusion, it is undeniable that machine translation software can ...still offer inappropriate word choice and grammatical errors........... 14 However, I am of the opinion that this development is far more beneficial . as .....diverse language choices........ and ............. speech recognition........ it can offer are undeniably convenient.