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Topik : Literasi Bahasa Inggris (Pembahasan Soal Tahun-Tahun Sebelumnya) Subtopik : Literasi Bahasa Inggris (Pembahasan Soal Tahun 2021) 1 Kelas UTBK ONLY Kurikulum SNBT Pertemuan ke- 11 Mata Pelajaran Literasi Bahasa Inggris Belajar Apa Hari Ini Tujuan Pembelajaran 1. Pembahasan Soal Tahun 2021 (1) LO1: Siswa mampu menjawab berbagai tipe soal Literasi Bahasa Inggris yang muncul pada/mirip dengan UTBK 2021. Materi Prasyarat* - Ringkasan Starchamps (⭐) Kuis (1-8) Total 48 ⭐ (masing-masing ⭐6) 1
Aktivitas Opening dan Warmer Opening (Slide Opening 1) Opening - SMT mengucapkan salam, menyambut, dan menyapa siswa (Slide Opening 2) Perkenalan SMT dan TA - SMT mengenalkan diri dan TA yang bertugas (Slide Opening 3) Aturan Kelas - SMT membacakan aturan kelas yang berlaku (Slide Opening 4) Belajar Apa Hari Ini - SMT membacakan materi pelajaran Warmer - Warmer dirancang oleh SMT yang membawakan materi LO 1: Siswa mampu menjawab berbagai tipe soal Literasi Bahasa Inggris yang muncul pada/mirip dengan UTBK 2021. Pembahasan Soal no 1-8 SMT membahas soal nomor 1-8 yang terdapat di Bank Aktivitas Siswa Questions 1 and 2 are based on the following passage. Korean Pop music, more broadly known as K-Pop, has dramatically soared in popularity worldwide in recent years. Indonesia, like many others, has not escaped the wave of this cultural phenomenon, especially among its teens. The influence of K-pop on Indonesian teens has had several positive outcomes. One of the most profound effects of K-Pop's rise is the enhanced cultural exchange it has fostered. As Indonesian teens become more invested in K-Pop, they subsequently grow to be more open to and informed about Korean culture. This openness promotes a global perspective and an appreciation for diverse cultures. Moreover, as teens delve into K-pop, they often end up learning the Korean language to better grasp the lyrics of songs, interact more fluently with artists during fan meetings, or enjoy South Korean TV shows. This learning opportunity not only expands their cognitive abilities but also paves the way for international communication and travel. 2
K-Pop is a multidimensional phenomenon, encompassing not just music but dance, singing, and fashion as well. Teens in Indonesia, inspired by their favorite K-Pop artists, are likely to explore these art forms, possibly leading to increased self-confidence and creativity. The shared passion for K-Pop often drives teens to become part of fan clubs and online communities, creating a space to engage with like-minded peers. This strong sense of community and shared identity can enhance social skills and aid in forming meaningful relationships. Finally, K-Pop artists often embody and promote core values such as hard work, discipline, and perseverance – traits that are admired and mirrored by their fans. Captivated by their idols' success stories, Indonesian teens can be motivated to employ these positive attributes in their own lives. 1. Which statement is INCORRECT regarding the positive impact of K-Pop's popularity on Indonesian teens? A. Global views broaden and cultural appreciation fosters due to enhanced cultural exchange. B. Admiration for positive values exhibited by idols increases motivation for better relationships with them. C. Korean language learning improves cognitive abilities and international communication skills. D. Exploring various art forms like dance, singing, and fashion leads to increased self-confidence and creativity. E. Involvement in fan clubs and online communities improves social skills and relationship-building. Jawaban: B Soal menanyakan hal yang BUKAN merupakan dampak positif popularitas K-Pop pada remaja Indonesia. Informasi mengenai hal ini ditemukan pada teks 1. Berikut ini adalah dampak-dampak positifnya pada remaja. ● Meningkatnya pertukaran budaya yang mendorong tumbuhnya perspektif global dan penghargaan terhadap keragaman budaya (paragraf 2). Pilihan A benar. ● Mempelajari bahasa Korea yang pada akhirnya meningkatkan kemampuan kognitif remaja dan membuka jalan bagi komunikasi dan perjalanan internasional (paragraf 3). Pilihan C benar. ● Eksplorasi berbagai bentuk seni yang memungkinkan meningkatnya rasa percaya diri dan kreativitas (paragraf 4). Pilihan D benar. 3
● Menjadi bagian dari klub penggemar memungkinkan meningkatnya keterampilan sosial (paragraf 5). Pilihan E benar. ● Termotivasi untuk menerapkan nilai-nilai positif yang dipromosikan oleh idola dalam kehidupan (paragraf 6). Jadi, yang bukan merupakan dampak positifnya adalah kekaguman terhadap nilai-nilai positif yang ditunjukkan oleh para idola yang meningkatkan motivasi untuk menjalin hubungan yang lebih baik dengan idola-idola tersebut. Nilai-nilai positif tersebut adalah untuk diterapkan dalam kehidupan remaja penggemar, bukan supaya memiliki hubungan yang lebih baik dengan idola mereka. Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang paling tepat adalah B. 2. “... has dramatically soared in popularity worldwide in recent years” (Paragraph 1) The word soared in the sentence has the same meaning as .... A. skyrocketed B. plummeted C. descended D. stagnated E. crawled Jawaban: A Soal menentukan kata yang bermakna sama dengan kata soared pada kalimat tersebut. Soared artinya melonjak. Jadi, Korean Pop music, more broadly known as K-Pop, has dramatically soared in popularity worldwide in recent years artinya ‘Musik Pop Korea, lebih dikenal sebagai K-Pop, popularitasnya melonjak drastis di seluruh dunia dalam beberapa tahun terakhir’. Kata yang bermakna sama adalah skyrocketed (meroket). Sementara itu, plummeted artinya ‘anjlok’, descended artinya ‘turun’, stagnated artinya ‘mengalami stagnasi (tidak ada perubahan)’, dan crawled artinya ‘merangkak’. Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A. Questions 3 and 4 are based on the following passage. While Korean pop music, also known as K-Pop, has experienced a significant rise in worldwide popularity in recent years, it's important to address the potential negative impacts, particularly among the teen population in Indonesia. One potential concern is that the overconsumption of K-Pop content can lead to teens spending excessive amounts of time online, neglecting other important aspects of life such as academics, physical activities, and direct social interactions. This excessive screen time not 4

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