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1 JEE Advanced (2024) P-Block CHEMISTRY Only One Option Correct Type Question (1-7) 1. The order of the oxidation state of the phosphorus atom in H3PO2, H3PO4, H3PO3 and H4P2O6 is [Oxidation state] (A) H3PO4 > H3PO2 > H3PO3 > H4P2O6 (B) H3PO4 > H4P2O6 > H3PO3 > H3PO2 (C) H3PO2 > H3PO3 > H4P2O6 > H3PO4 (D) PO3 > H3PO2 > H3PO4 > H4P2O6 2. The product formed in the reaction of SOCl2 with white phosphorus is [Chemical Reaction] (A) PCl3 (B) SO2Cl2 (C) SCl2 (D) POCl3 3. Which one of the following represents correct order of ionization energy? [Ionization energy] (A) B > Al ≈ Ga < In > Tl (B) B > Al ≈ Ga > In > Tl (C) B < Al > Ga < In > Tl (D) B < Al > Ga < In < Tl 4. B3N3H6 solution of hydrochloric acid ⟶? Select correct about above reaction. [Chemical Reaction] (A) No reaction (B) B3N3H6 shows substitution reaction and produces B3N3Cl6 (C) B3N3H6 shows addition reaction and produces B3N3H9Cl3 in which Cl is bonded to boron (D) B3N3H6 shows addition reaction and produces B3N3H9Cl3 in which Cl is bonded to nitrogen 5. Which is not hydrolysed? [Solubility] (A) PbCl4 (B) SiCl4 (C) SnCl4 (D) CCl4 6. Lead pipes are readily corroded by [Corrosion] (A) dil. H2SO4 (B) conc. H2SO4 (C) acetic acid (D) water 7. Identify the correct statement with respect to CO. [Chemical Reaction] (A) It combines with water to give carbonic acid (B) It reacts with haemoglobin in red blood cells (C) It is a powerful oxidising agent (D) It is used to prepare aerated drinks One Or More Than One Correct Type Question (8-12) 8. Select correct statement(s) about: [Silicates] (A) All the boron atoms are in sp2 hybridisation (B) It is planar (C) It is trimetaborate ion (D) It is isostructural with Si3O9 6– type silicate 9. On addition of cis 1-2 diol in the aq. solution of boric acid: [Chemical Reaction] (A) H+ ion concentration increases (B) H+ ion concentration decreases (C) (D) 3 BO3 − is formed 10. Which of the following property of lead is due to the consequence of inert pair effect? [Inert Pair effect] (A) Higher stability of Pb4+ as compared to Pb2+ (B) Higher stability of Pb2+ as compared to Sn2+ (C) Size of Pb2+ is 133pm but size of Pb4+ is 84pm (D) Pb4+ has oxidizing property Practice Sheet
2 11. Which of the following statement is/are incorrect regarding the compounds of carbon family elements? [Properties] (A) Maximum coordination number of carbon in commonly occurring compounds is 4, whereas that of silicon is 6. (B) The stability order of group 14 dihalides is SiX2 < GeX2 < SnX2 < PbX2. (C) The order of boiling point of hydrides of group 14 element is CH4 < SiH4 < GeH4 < SnH4. (D) MeSiCl3 on hydrolysis and subsequent condensation will produce (Me)Si(OH)3 12. Carbon differs from the rest of the family members because of [Properties] (A) number of unpaired electrons in the valence shell (B) small size (C) non-availability of vacant orbitals in valence shell (D) non-availability of d-orbital in valence shell Integer Value Type Question (13-17) 13. Total number of substances which contains hexagonal planar rings in their structures graphite, (BN)x, B3N3H6, C6H6, B2H6, H3P3O9: [Properties] 14. Find the number of properties which is/are correctly related to graphite. [Properties] (i) Thermodynamically most stable allotropes of carbon. (ii) Highest thermal conductivity among all allotropes of carbon. (iii) Lowest electrical resistance among all allotropes of carbon. (iv) C-C covalent bond length is higher as compared to diamond. (v) Hexagonal rings in structure. (vi) Football like molecule. 15. Total number of oxygen atom(s) which act(s) as bridge between any two silicon atoms in a mineral with composition MM' Si3Ox (M= divalent metal ion and M' = tetravalent metal ion). [Silicates] 16. What is the percentage of lead in lead pencil? [Compounds] 17. In the compound Na2[B4O5(OH)4]⋅8H2O, if the (i) number of B-O-B bonds is 'x' (ii) number of B-B bonds is 'y' (iii) number of sp2 hybridized B atoms is ‘z’ Calculate the value of x + y + z. [Properties]
3 ANSWER KEY 1. ( A ) 2. ( A ) 3 . (A) 4 . (C) 5 . (D) 6 . (C) 7 . (B) 8 . (A, B, C) 9 . (A, C) 10 . (B, D) 11 . (D) 1 2 . (B, D) 1 3 . (4) 1 4 . (3) 1 5 . (3) 1 6 . (0) 1 7 . (7)