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Unit 4- Test 2 form 2025 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Question 1: A. supported B. participated C. qualified D. depended Question 2: A. ancestor B. parade C. splash D. calendar Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. Question 3: A. promote B. apply C. support D. current Question 4: A. proposal B. compliment C. cultural D. qualified Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the following exchanges. Question 5: The parade during the celebration is an exciting event that ______ bad things and welcomes a fresh start. A. gets off B. washes away C. takes place D. catches on Question 6: To be ______ for youth volunteering programs, individuals must meet certain criteria and possess the necessary skills. A. available B. eager C. qualified D. grateful Question 7: I propose organising a series of workshops and events related ______ leadership skills for the youth in Viet Nam. A. to B. with C. for D. in Question 8: The ______ of the region depends on collaborative efforts and mutual support. A. contribution B. relation C. promotion D. prosperity Question 9: Viet Nam has made significant progress in its efforts to achieve a ______ economy. A. prosper B. prosperity C. prosperous D. prosperously Read the following advertisement/school announcement and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the n umbered blanks from 10 to 15. Welcoming tourists Hello everyone. My name is Luca. (10)____ behalf of Suntan Tours I'd like to welcome you all to Los Cabos. The bus ride to your hotel will take about fifteen minutes. Right now I'd like to take a minute to familiarize you with(11)____ area and discuss some brief safety precautions. Firstly, I ask that you remain seated until we reach our destination and that you not eat or drink while on the bus. Secondly, please realize that it is against the law to get drunk in public. Enjoy your vacation, but do drink(12)____ and do not drink and drive. Question 10. A. in B. on C. with D. of Question 11. A. the B. no article C. a D. an Question 12. A. responsibly B. responsible C. irresponsibly D. irresponsible Railway Departure Announcement Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. This is your conductor speaking. We are about to depart from London Waterloo station. This is the 9:30 a.m. service to   Edinburgh Waverley , calling at Reading, Birmingham New Street, Manchester Piccadilly, Leeds and York. The journey time is approximately four hours and 30 minutes. Please make sure you have a (13)_____ticket for your destination and keep it with you at all times. (14)____you have any luggage, please store it in the racks above your seats or in the designated areas at the end of each carriage. Please do not leave any items unattended as they may(15)____ by security staff. Question 13. A. valid B. invalid C. available D. official Question 14. A. Even B. If C.Unless D. When Question 15. A. being removed B. be removed C. have been removed D. removing Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct arrangement of the sentences to make a meaningful paragraph/letter/conversation in each of the fallowing questions. Question 16.
a. The subject I would like you to talk about is manual handling. Back injuries are the most common safety issue so need a particular focus. A practical session where people can practice good lifting techniques would be ideal. If you are able to do this, please let me know what resources you would need so that I can provide them for you. b. Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to tell you about a training event I am organising for the morning of Tuesday 7 th  February. c. Thank you for your consideration and I am looking forward to hearing back from you. d. The seminar is on the issue of safety at work. Several people in the company have been injured recently while doing their job and the management believes that this is because they are either not aware of safety procedures or do not follow them. Consequently, they feel that more training is needed. e. As warehouse manager, you hold many certificates in workplace safety and I would be grateful if you would be prepared to share some of this knowledge and make a presentation during the seminar. I suggest that it should last for around 45 minutes.. f. Yours sincerely, A. b — d — e — a — c — f B. b — c — a — e — d — f C. b — e — d — a — c — f D. b — a — d — e — c — f Question 17. a. Also, you can also make new friends through this platform. When you connect with people from all over the world, it opens doors to learning about new cultures, values and traditions from different countries. b. In addition to this, it is also a great source of information and news. It helps in staying updated with the latest happenings in the world and subscribing to popular fan pages to get the latest updates c. First of all, it allows you to get in touch with people from the other side of the world without spending a penny. It is also a great way to connect with old school  friends  and college friends. d. Last but not least, You can get great opportunities for employment through social media too. e. Facebook bring us numerous benefits. A. e — a — c — b — d B. c — e — a — b — d C. c — a — b — d — e D. e — c — a — b — d Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct option that best fits each uf the numbered blanks from 18 to 23. Online classes have been the best possible solution for educational institutions as well as students during the pandemic. Online education or online classes were not a new concept, but online classes’ prominence was seen only(18)___. The online class provides a flexible and quick learning option. Its adaptability and efficiency (19)___during the pandemic’s early days. It lowers the distance between learning locations. There are a lot of advantages as well as disadvantages to online classes. It is a versatile method of learning which helps connect with people from various parts of the globe,(20)___. Students were given their comfort zone to study,(21)____. It reduced a lot of paperwork, ultimately saving mother earth. Many renowned institutions have changed (22)____to online methods because it made education more accessible. There are also a few disadvantages, like, as a lot of students misuse these benefits and get(23)____. But it all depends on the individual and if they want to make their career bright. Therefore it is essential to know the limitations of everything. Question 18. A. when the pandemic B. while the pandemic C. after the pandemic D. during the pandemic Question 19. A. made them more popular B. made more popular C. made it more popular D. made them more popularly Question 20. A. which was not possible in offline classes B. that was not possible in offline classes C. this was not possible in offline classes D. it was not possible in offline classes Question 21. A. resulting in better performance and productivity B. resulting from better performance and productivity C. results in better performance and productivity D. resulted from better performance and productivity Question 22. A. their learning methods B. its learning methods C. his learning methods D. her learning methods Question 23. A. addicted to different games and social media B. addiction to different games and social media C. addicted for different games and social media D. addiction for different games and social media
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. Leadership skills play a vital role in personal and professional development. Whether in the workplace or in personal endeavours, possessing strong leadership skills can lead to success and positive outcomes. To develop these skills, individuals must be (24) ______ for opportunities that allow them to practise and enhance their abilities. One way to foster leadership skills is to participate in leadership development programs. These programs offer a structured and supportive environment (25) ______ individuals can learn and apply leadership principles. (26) ______ way to strengthen leadership skills could involve creating workshops or seminars related to effective communication, decision-making, and teamwork. These initiatives aim to provide individuals with the knowledge and tools necessary to lead with confidence. By taking part in such programs, participants have the opportunity to present their ideas, (27) ______ with others, and receive valuable feedback. (28) ______, applying for leadership positions or roles within organisations is a way to use and improve these skills. Individuals can seek out opportunities to lead projects, teams, or committees, which allows them to make a meaningful contribution and gain practical experience. Question 24: A. responsible B. qualified C. talented D. confident Question 25: A. which B. whose C. when D. where Question 26: A. One B. Another C. Every D. The Question 27: A. collaborate B. argue C. cope D. disagree Question 28: A. However B. Therefore C. Although D. Moreover Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Viet Nam, a lively and culturally rich nation, has been an active participant in the cultural integration within the ASEAN community, with its diverse traditions, ethnic groups, and historical heritage, Viet Nam has made significant contributions to the collective culture of the region. Viet Nam’s cultural integration in ASEAN can be seen through various aspects. One significant area is the promotion of cultural exchanges and collaboration. Vietnamese artists, musicians, and performers have taken part in regional festivals, exhibitions, and cultural events, showing the beauty and depth of Vietnamese arts and traditions. Viet Nam’s cuisine, with its distinctive flavours and culinary traditions, has also played a role in cultural integration. Vietnamese dishes such as pho, banh mi, and spring rolls have become well-loved and recognized in the region. Furthermore, Viet Nam’s cultural integration in ASEAN has been strengthened through educational and youth exchange programs. Vietnamese students and young professionals have participated in academic and cultural exchange programs, fostering friendships and connections with peers from other ASEAN countries. Through cultural integration, Viet Nam has gained a better understanding and appreciation of the cultures of other ASEAN countries. Vietnamese people have also had the opportunity to showcase their cultural heritage and connect with others in the region. It has fostered friendship and cooperation among ASEAN member countries. By sharing their cultural practices and learning from others, Vietnam has played an active role in promoting unity and harmony within ASEAN. Question 29: Which best serves as the title for the passage? A. Viet Nam’s Cultural Contributions to ASEAN B. Viet Nam’s Rich Cultural Heritage in ASEAN C. Cultural Exchanges and Collaborations in ASEAN D. Viet Nam’s Cuisine and Cultural Integration in ASEAN Question 30: The word “collaboration’in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ______. A. competition B. cooperation C. conflict D. isolation Question 31: According to paragraph 2, Viet Nam strengthened its cultural integration in ASEAN through youth exchange programs by ______. A. boosting tourism B. promoting connections with other ASEAN countries C. encouraging sports competitions D. establishing economic partnerships Question 32: The word “their” in paragraph 3 refers to ______. A. cultures’ B. Vietnamese people’s C. ASEAN member countries’ D. cultural practices’
Question 33: Which of the following is TRUE about Viet Nam’s participation in cultural integration within ASEAN? A. Viet Nam has remained isolated and uninvolved in cultural exchanges. B. Viet Nam has solely focused on showcasing its own cultural heritage. C. Viet Nam has actively promoted unity and harmony within ASEAN through cultural integration. D. Viet Nam’s cultural integration has created divisions and conflicts within ASEAN. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Identity and the ways we define it are constantly shaped by history. Socio-cultural exchanges in the region have helped establish a sense of a Southeast Asian identity. In shaping ASEAN Identity, arts and culture have a significant role to play. Artistic and cultural exchanges between Southeast Asian nations expose people to different worldviews and ways of life. They allow ASEAN people to become aware of cultural similarities as well as differences. Discussions alone cannot promote cultural understanding. What we need is to continuously take part in artistic and cultural activities and exchanges to become appreciative of each other’s society and culture. The art community has been leading such exchanges for many decades. In visual arts, the countless festivals, biennales, and other collaborative activities have brought together artists from different parts of Southeast Asian countries. These efforts have taken artistic practices into a whole new level and resulted in an array of artistic works that stretches from one corner of Southeast Asia to the other. Governments should play a facilitating role in this bottom-up process of regional identity-making. We begin with an awareness that each culture has been influenced by and have similarities with other cultures. Hybridisation, resulting from borrowing and adoption of cultural elements of other societies, is a historical fact. Having said these, ASEAN Member States are still very much culturally diverse. We should pay serious attention to each other’s cultural differences and specific cultural contexts to preserve national identities while building regional harmony. We believe that such cultural diversity is not an obstacle to development. In fact, we believe that cultural diversity is the foundation of sustainable development. ASEAN Member States’ distinct cultural practices allow each state to respond to complex sustainable development challenges such as climate change, migration, rapid population growth, food insecurity, land degradation, war and conflict in different ways. But our efforts can be complementary and can have spaces for collaboration. Our diverse cultural expressions can be channelled to create cultural and creative industries. Everywhere in the world today, cultural economy is on the rise. We need to invest in culture not only to improve people’s economic welfare, but also to create a more tolerant and diverse society. To foster ASEAN identity, we need to make an effort to strengthen our regional cultural ecosystem. Our regional identity depends on the preservation of the cultural identities of each ASEAN Member state. Hence, each state must work to nurture its unique cultural expressions while collaborating with other nations to expand cultural exchanges and link our cultural and creative industries. Adapted from https://theaseanmagazine.asean.org/article/fostering-asean-identity-through- collaborative- efforts-in-cultural-ecosystem/ Question 34: Which of the following can be the best title for the passage? A. Cultural Diversity and Regional Identity in ASEAN B. The Role of Cultural Diversity in Shaping ASEAN Identity C. Cultural Exchanges and Sustainable Development in ASEAN D. Promoting ASEAN Identity through Arts and Culture Question 35: According to paragraph 2, what is the purpose of artistic and cultural exchanges between Southeast Asian nations? A. To promote cultural differences and create divisions among ASEAN people B. To discourage people from participating in discussions and symposia C. To expose people to different worldviews and enhance their cultural understanding D. To limit artistic practices to a specific region within Southeast Asia Question 36: The word “tolerant” in paragraph 3 mostly means ______. A. developing B. accepting C. resistant D. biassed Question 37: The word “preservation” in paragraph 4 is opposite in meaning to ______. A. protection B. eradication C. transformation D. destruction Question 38: What does the phrase “they” in paragraph 2 refer to? A. Southeast Asian nations B. worldviews C. artistic and cultural exchanges D. ways of life

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