Content text INTRODUCTION.pdf
1 | P a g e Introduction - Developmental Physiology - Feeling emotions Chart : Ifeel master chart feeling virtue skill anger ownership Responsibility initiative, problem- solving, solution- centric fear Self-acceptance Trust, compassion, boundaries sadness Tolerance Assertiveness, Voicing your truth, Gratitude, Jealousy Purposefulness, Objective driven, prioritizing, Confidence Surprise Playfulness, initiative, open to change Adaptable, growth driven Happiness Self-reliance self- love, contentment forgiving self regulation,delayed gratification
2 | P a g e Developmental psychology stages indicative age focus on libido developmental tasks associated with this age ericson personal charecteristic oral infancy (0-12months) mouth feeding moving from milk to solid food trust v/s misstrust HOPE anal toddlerhood (12months -3 years) anus toilet training autonomy v/s shame WILL phalic childhood(3years to 6years) genitals gender awarness genital stimulationand resolving anxiety by identifying with same sex parent initiative v/s guilt PURPOSE latent tweens (6years to 12 years) no focus period of calm and resolving previous stages industry v/s inferiority COMPETENCE genital adolescence (12years to 18years) genitals sexuality becoming sexually aware of self and others identity v/s role confusion FIDELITY
3 | P a g e Types of developments referred in various developmental theories Continuous development: changes that occur steadily, perhaps showing a constant, consistent improvement or growth. Discontinuous development: change that occurs in what appear to be great bursts of achievement following a period of steady consolidation or perhaps knowledge or skill. Asynchronous development: the situation that arises when a child is performing at a more advanced stage in one developmental skill and a less advanced stage in a second developmental skill
4 | P a g e Feelings and Emotions What are the feelings? How are you feeling different from emotions and moods? Why are we working with feelings in this program? Emotions are the first unconscious reactions. These unconscious chemicals, when they linger in the brain, they filter into our bodies and minds. They create feelings. Prolonged indulgence of feelings is experienced as moods (often develop from a combination of feelings.) What is Emotion? Immediate physiological response to a perceived stimulus. Chemicals are released throughout our body that lasts for about six seconds. Emotions are chemicals released throughout our bodies in response to a specific trigger. It takes our brains about .