Content text Caller MOLE Training Guide
1 | P a g e V1.06/11/18 MOLE Training Guide Recap Contact Details If the prospect’s details are no longer correct, then you should update MOLE with the new contact details while the prospect is on the phone. 1. If you are on the script, you will need to go back to the prospect’s profile to make these changes. 2. Click ‘Edit’ to access all contact details. Address update 3. Use the ‘Address Look Up’. If it is an international address, then press the flag symbol to select the required country. 4. Enter the post code to look up the new address 5. Ask for the house number and select the correct address from the list. The fields will update automatically for you. Always read the address back to the prospect. 6. Select one of the address notes buttons to explain why you’ve changed it. 7. Click ‘update address’ to save. Email/Phone update 3. Mark the old/incorrect email/phone by clicking the ‘Incorrect’ tick box. 4. Select the note from the dropdown list that explains why it has been removed e.g. Old – Number belongs to someone else 5. Update by pressing ‘Amend Tels/Emails’. 6. Select the type of phone/email you are amending from the corresponding list. 7. Add the number/email address and read it back to the prospect. 8. Select a note from the dropdown list that describes it e.g. New - Home Number. 9. Click ‘+Add’ to save.
2 | P a g e Processing a call that ends with a donation If the prospect wishesto donate, you’ll need to process the call in MOLE so that we can send out a thank you letter. We also want to make sure the gift is counted accurately towards our results. 1. Click ‘Spoke to Prospect’. 2. Select ‘Donation’. 3. Write your notes to justify the outcome of the call, including one line to confirm the chosen donation amount. Click ‘Process’. 4. Choose the relevant regular direct debit gift outcome. 5. ‘Select correct correspondence type and click change’. The following account details section will remain blank as this is a training scenario. 6. Review the notes before clicking ‘Next’ to save. Adding new information to MOLE Profession, Interest and Education During your calls you are likely to gain lots of new information about the prospect. After you have finished your call you should try and add any relevant information to MOLE e.g. current/last role, current interests and last degree information Add new interest 1. Click ‘Full Interests History’’ on the prospects profile. 2. Find the interest that best matches the information you have found. 3. Click ‘+Add’ to save. 4. Click ‘Return to Prospect’. Add new profession 1. Click ‘Full Profession History’ on the prospects profile. 2. Tick whether it is ‘Current/Primary Profession’. 3. Select the most relevant Profession. 4. Add their Position. 5. Add their Organisation’s name 6. If applicable, complete any of the other fields. 7. Click ‘+Add’ to save. 8. Scroll back to the top and click ‘Return to Prospect’. Add new education 1. Click ‘Full Education History on the prospects profile. 2. Add the Establishment. 3. Select the type of Organisation 4. Add the Subject of study 5. If applicable, complete any of the = other fields. 6. Click ‘+Add’ to save. 7. Click ‘Return to Prospect’.
3 | P a g e Processing outcomes Arranging a call back If you need to call a prospect back to collect payment details, then you will need to set this up in MOLE. To ensure that the prospects appears on your list at the time you have agreed 1. Click ‘Spoke to prospect’. 2. Write any notes on the content of the call. This will be a useful aid to reminding you about the conversation when you call back so make sure your notes detail which stage of the call you were at. 3. Select ‘Call Back’ on the right-hand side and choose ‘Set specific time’. 4. Click on the calendar. Select a date and then time. Only set call-backs for days and time that we are calling and bear in mind that it is a 24-hour clock. 5. Click ‘Process’ to save and return to the home page. Processing an Opt Out If the prospect is unhappy about receiving a call during the introduction and does not wish to be called back, then we will need to remove them from the calling pool. 1. Click ‘Spoke to Prospect’. 2. Write any notes on the content of the call. 3. Select the outcome ‘Opt Out’ and click ‘Process’. 4. Select the type of Opt Out from the list. ‘Opt Out - Soft’ is when they are polite and just say they do not wish to take the call this year, or just hang up the phone. ‘Opt Out – Hard’ is when they say they never want to take a call of this nature or are rude during the introduction. Click ‘Continue’. 5. Review your entry and call notes and click ‘Next’. If requested, info on donating can be sent from here too. 6. The next page is the last page you will see before processing the call outcome. Review your notes, you can add additional information here. If everything looks ok, click ‘Accept’. Processing a call that ends without a donation If the prospect does not wish to donate, you’ll need to process the call in MOLE so that we know they said no and send out a thank you letter. 1. Click ‘Spoke to Prospect’. 2. Select ‘No donation’. 3. Write your notes to justify the outcome of the call. 4. Click ‘Process’. 5. Choose the most relevant outcome: e.g. ‘Financial reason (Paying for kids)’ and click continue. a. If after selecting the outcome you are asked whether it is a letter or an email you should select email then click ‘Change’. This helps save the development office time and administration costs. Click ‘Next’. 6. You can use the Development office notes section to let the Dev team know they need to take action e.g. ‘Please contact prospect to discuss an upcoming event’. If this option is not available add to caller notes. 7. Click ‘Next’ again, review and add any new details, then click ‘Accept’ to save.
4 | P a g e Processing a call where no one answers When you call a prospect there may be no answer (by far the most common outcome when dialling numbers). We want to record in MOLE that they were tried but also keep them in the selection so they can be tried again in another calling session. 1. Click ‘No Answer’. 2. DON’T write any notes. 3. Click ‘No Answer’ on the right. Processing a call where the prospect is uncontactable If you call a prospect and get through to someone who tells you the prospect is travelling for the next month, then we want to remove them from MOLE for the rest of calling, so they aren’t tried again. You must assign them an outcome which makes it clear they can be tried on a future campaign. 1. Click ‘Spoke to Someone Else’. 2. Choose ‘Uncontactable (Not available during times of calling)’. 3. Write up some notes to explain why you are choosing this outcome. 4. Click ‘Process’. Processing a call where none of the phone numbers are correct If you call a prospect and the number/s we have for them are wrong or invalid, then we want to remove them from MOLE so they are not tried again during this or future campaigns until we have a new phone number. 1. In contact details click ‘Edit’ and mark any incorrect phone numbers as per the instructions on page 1. 2. Click ‘All Tel Numbers Invalid’ 3. Write your notes to clearly detail that you have tried all of the numbers, they were all invalid and have been marked as so and click ‘Yes’. Instant Emails If a prospect doesn’t wish to process their donation over the phone you should send them a verification email to confirm where you are calling from. You can do this whilst the prospect is still on the phone. 1. If you are on the script, you will need to go back to the prospect’s profile. 2. Click the ‘Send Email’ button on the top right-hand side of the screen 3. Choose an email address or add one. 4. Choose the type of email to send 5. Send the email. Don’t worry this is a test and no email will be sent. The email will come from the Development Office. *Note: This is a test so you will not be able to send emails*