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Unit 6: High flyers 6A. Vocabulary • Describing character: adjectives I. Match each pair of adjectives to the definitions. 1 modest / shy a not feeling confident in the company of people you don’t know __________ b not wanting to talk about the things you do well __________ 2 determined / stubborn a not letting anyone stop you doing what you’ve decided to do __________ b not to change your decision or consider anyone else’s opinion __________ 3 lazy / easy-going a relaxed and happy to do whatever people want __________ b not liking to work or use energy __________ 4 sensitive / emotional a having intense feelings about things and showing them __________ b being aware of your own feelings and other people’s __________ 5 arrogant / decisive a thinking you are better and more important than others __________ b expressing your opinions and feelings in a confident way __________ II. Complete the sentences with the adjectives in Exercise I. 1. Tom is very easy to get on with and he never worries about anything. He’s so_________. 2. David finds his study quite difficult, but he wants to succeed. He’s very_________. 3. Sarah is very __________ . She’s achieved a lot in her life, but not many people know about it. 4. I like getting up late at the weekend, but that doesn't mean that I’m __________ . 5. Phong is so __________ - he never listens to anyone’s advice. 6. Anna is very relaxed with people she knows, but in a new situation she’s very_________. 7. Jane always knows if you’re not happy. She’s very __________ to others. 8. Tony has a very superior attitude to everyone around him. He’s very _____________. III. Read the sentences. Tick (✓) the sentences that are correct, and replace three incorrect adjectives. 1. It’s good to have strong opinions, but if you never change your mind, that’s just being determined. ________________ 2. Stop telling me how to live my life. You’re very arrogant if you think you have all the answers. ________________
3. I like the way your mum knows when to give advice and when to say nothing - she’s very sensitive. ________________ 4. I don’t think Dan is afraid of giving interviews, he’s just very stubborn about his success. ________________ 5. Tom could do a lot better at school if he worked harder - he’s very easy-going. ________________ IV. Complete the sentences with the words below. easy-going responsible organised decisive emotional imaginative shy impatient cautious determined 1. He cries a lot. He’s very __________ . 2. Jane doesn’t like taking risks. She’s a very __________ person. 3. My sister is __________ and doesn’t like to be the centre of attention. 4. My brother is very __________ and isn’t difficult to please. 5. A(n) __________ person, like Amy, will never stop trying, even when something seems impossible. 6. Mai is someone you can trust, who makes good decisions - she’s __________ . 7. Phong is great because he makes his mind up really quickly - a really __________ boy! 8. Lan always has wonderful ideas, she’s very __________ . 9. David wants everything and he wants it now! He’s pretty __________ . 10. Quan always knows where things are and what he has to do - he’s very __________ • Describing character: nouns or adjectives V. Complete the sentences with the correct word of each pair below. shy / shyness modest / modesty honest / honesty cheerful / cheerfulness optimistic / optimism ambitious / ambition flexible/flexibility generous /generosity sympathetic /sympathy sociable /sociability 1. a/ In spite of all her problems, she manages to remain __________ . b/ The team was in a mood of great __________ after their success in the previous season. 2. a/ She had her back to me and didn’t seem very __________ . b/ The morning tea break is half an hour because this is an important time for __________ 3. a/ His friends were very __________ when he lost his job. b/ We have absolutely no __________ for students who get caught cheating in exams. 4. a/ Linda has always been a(n) __________ and hard-working worker. b/ He had always had a(n) __________ to become a doctor.

2. Ben is friendly and talkative. He is really __________ and makes friends easily. 3. Robert never does what the teacher asks him to do. He’s __________ and rude. 4. Sue’s parents are so __________ . She can do anything she wants to. 5. Johnny is really good at painting and writing stories. He’s very __________ . IX. Complete the sentences with the words below. arrogant confident funny generous lazy nasty rude shy 1. You’ll like my cousin. She’s really __________ . She can tell some great jokes. 2. Robert thinks he’s better than other people. He’s so __________ . 3. ‘Jack isn’t talking to anyone. Is he OK?’ - ‘Yes. He’s just __________ .’ 4. ‘Please help me wash the dishes.’ - ‘Don’t be __________ ! I washed them yesterday.’ 5. My brother can talk to anyone. He’s so __________ . 6. ‘Susan’s hair and clothes are awful! ’ - ‘Don’t be __________ . I think she’s a very nice girl.’ 7. My aunt is taking me to Hue for my birthday. She’s very __________ . 8. ‘Hey! Give me some orange juice! ’ - ‘Don’t be so __________ ! Say ‘please’.’ X. Complete the sentences with the opposite to the underlined adjective. 1. He’s usually generous but he can sometimes be quite __________ . 2. She’s very quiet but her sister is really __________ . 3. When you go for a job interview, you must be __________ , not shy! 4. It’s better to be __________ about the future than pessimistic. 5. Luckily, there are more polite people in the world than __________ ones. • Personal qualities: phrases XI. Complete the sentences with the words below. capacity humour communicating courage self-confidence sense organizational skills initiative 1. Most managers in business are very good at __________ so that they and their staff can understand each other well. 2. It seems strange that some people that are very fit don’t have physical __________ to overcome challenges. 3. She has tremendous energy and a huge __________ for hard work. 4. At school he lacked __________ , and we were surprised at his later success. 5. I’m afraid my brother doesn’t have a very good sense of __________ , and he sometimes hurts other people’s feelings. 6. Although she was quite young, she showed a lot of __________ and was promoted to manager after a year. 7. Some people are brilliant thinkers, but they have no common __________ .

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