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Content text CHUYÊN ĐỀ 2 - SỰ PHỐI THÌ.doc

lúc, cho tới khi Trong TƯƠNG LAI: BY THE TIME + S + V (hiện tại đơn), S + V (tương lai hoàn thành) Eg: By the time she gets home, everyone will have gone to bed. AFTER diễn tả hành động xảy ra xong rồi mới tới hành động khác Trong QUÁ KHỨ: AFTER + S + V (quá khứ hoàn thành), S + V (quá khứ đơn) Eg: After she had done her homework, she went out for a walk. Trong TƯƠNG LAI: AFTER + S + V (hiện tại hoàn thành), S + V (hiện tại đơn) Eg: After she has done her homework, she goes out for a walk. BEFORE diễn tả hành động xảy ra xong trước khi có hành động khác tới Trong QUÁ KHỨ: BEFORE + S + V (quá khứ đơn), S + V (quá khứ hoàn thành) Eg: Before she went to bed, she had locked all the doors. Trong TƯƠNG LAI: BEFORE + S + V (hiện tại đơn), S + V (tương lai hoàn thành) Eg: Hurry up or the film will have ended before we go to the movie. UNTIL/ TILL diễn tả nghĩa “cho tới khi” S + V (tương lai đơn)/ V(bare)/DON’T + V(bare) + UNTIL/TILL + S + V (hiện tại đơn/hiện tại hoàn thành) Eg: I will wait for you until it is possible. Wait here until I come back. B. PRACTICE EXERCISES Exercise 1: Give the correct forms of the verbs in the blankets. Question 1: When I______(see) you tomorrow, I______(tell) you my news. Question 2: By the end of the month the estate agent______(sell) twenty houses. Question 3: When I______(wait) for the bus, I saw my close friend. Question 4:______She______(study) English since she______(be) four years old. Question 5:______We______(study) while they are going out. Question 6: As soon as we______(get) there, we______(phone) for a taxi. Question 7:______He______(see) 10 mice when he______(come) into the room. Question 8: We went home when we______(finish) our work. Question 9: When I was going to the door, the phone______(ring). Question 10: I will go to the library before I______(do) the shopping. Question 11: At this time last night, I______(learn) while my father______ (watch) TV Question 12: He______(watch) TV when I come to see him. Question 13: He______(live) in New York for 4 years before he______(move) to New York. Question 14: We______(send) a report as soon as we______(finish) our work. Question 15: We______(wait) here until the rain______(stop). Question 16: He will go home as soon as he______(finish) his work. Question 17: At 11:30 tomorrow, we______(have) lunch in our friend’s house. Question 18: His health has improved since he______(return) from the hills. Question 19: The Chinese______(make) spaghetti dishes for a long time before Marco Polo______(bring) it back to Italy. Question 20: It is the first time he______(drive) a car. Question 21: I understand you ______(have) an unpleasant experience at the weekend. What exactly______(happen)?

A. has left B. had left C. will have left D. leaves Question 9: He______his Chinese course before he went to China to continue his business. A. will finish B. has finished C. had finished D. will have finished Question 10: Please send us a postcard as soon as you______in London. A. will arrive B. is going to arrive C. arrive D. arrived Question 11: I______you this book when I meet you tomorrow. A. give B. will give C. is giving D. has given Question 12: We______for going home when it began to rain. A. were preparing B. are preparing C. will be preparing D. have prepared Question 13: John______in the same house since he left school. A. lived B. had lived C. was living D. has lived Question 14: I had prepared dinner before I______to work. A. went B. was going C. had gone D. is going Question 15: When she came into the hall, she______her arms to the audience, smiled and bowed deeply. A. opened B. had opened C. was opening D. is opening Question 16: I have never played badminton before. This is the first time I______to play it. A. try B. tried C. have tried D. am trying Question 17: The car______ready for him by the time he comes tomorrow. A. will be B. will have been C. will being D. are going to be Question 18: He greeted her. She really______better than when he______her last. Yes, she______. A. looked/saw/had changed B. looked/saw/changed C. looked/had seen/had changed D. had looked/had seen/had changed Question 19: When I last saw him, he______in London. A. has lived B. is living C. was living D. has been living Question 20: I sat down at the desk and______why my father's letter______yet. I______to ask him to send me some money at once. A. wonder/hasn’t arrive/wrote B. wondered/hadn’t arrived/wrote C. wondered/hasn’t arrived/wrote D. wondered/hadn’t arrived/had written Question 21: By Christmas, I______for Mr. Smith for six years. A. will have been working B. will work C. have been working D. will be working Question 22: I will come and see you before I______for the States. A. leave B. will leave C. have left D. shall leave Question 23: By the age of 25, he______two famous novels. A. wrote B. writes C. has written D. had written Question 24: When her husband was in the army, Mary______to him twice a week A. was writing B. wrote C. was written D. had written Question 25: I have never played football before. This is the first time I______to play. A. try B. tried C. have tried D. am trying Question 26: Since Tom______, I have heard nothing from him. A. had left B. left C. has left D. was left Question 27: After I______lunch, I looked for my bag. A. had B. had had C. will have had D. have had Question 28: By the end of next year, George______English for two years. A. will have learned B. will learn C. has learned D. would learn Question 29: These were the highest words of praise they______from the old man. A. ever heard B. have ever had C. had ever had D. will have ever heard Question 30: He will take the dog out for a walk as soon as he______dinner.

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