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ESSAY 1. Do you need to like what you do or not? Nowadays, many people choose to do a job because it has a high salary range, and helps improve their financial problems. They suppose that they do not need to like the job that they do. However, I think that having interest in the career that we are pursuing will bring a lot of benefits, including creating better work efficiency and reducing stress. First, people who have interest in their work will have a better work efficiency. If they like their jobs, they will have motivation and inspiration whenever they are at the workplace. As a result, they can do the tasks much faster, and get the best results. I am a designer in a clothing company. Since I was young, I have had a passion for designing clothes, so when I applied for the job, I felt really excited and happy. After I entered the company, the tasks were actually difficult at first. However, I always tried my best because becoming a designer was my dream, and I thought that I needed to dedicate my life to pursue my dream. Thanks to my belief and effort, all the tasks became much easier, and I completed them successfully. I felt very happy because my interest in designing helped me succeed in my job. Therefore, I think that enjoying the work will help people work more efficiently. Second, if people like the field that they are working in, it will reduce stress, create a pleasant and enjoyable atmosphere when they come to work. When they have to face harsh problems, they will use the most positive ways to deal with them. As a result, they will not feel stressed and exhausted when they come to work, even when they need to do the tasks outside the office. My friend was a technician in an international corporation. Actually, he really wanted to become an artist, but his family forced him to follow his family's tradition. They prohibited him from working in the field that he liked, and sent him to a technical company. My friend was very stressed when he came to work, and he often said that he wanted to quit the job, as technique was not his favorite field. Finally, he decided to leave the company, and found a new job in an art center. Although he had a lower salary range than the range in the previous company, and he often needed to do the tasks after the working hours, he still felt very happy with the job. Therefore, I believe that having interest in the work that we do can reduce stress when we are at work and help us have a pleasant atmosphere. In conclusion, it is important that people should like the work that they do, as it will help people work more effectively. Besides, employees can reduce stress and have a pleasant and enjoyable atmosphere at the workplace. Therefore, I think that people should consider working in the field that they like when they choose their careers. 2. Ads and disads of advertising on TV Selling more products is the final goal of every company in the market. Many business owners choose to use TV commercials to advertise their products, as they think that it is the most effective way. In my opinion, this method has both benefits and drawbacks. Advertising products on TV may help the company reach more people. However, customers
and companies cannot interact directly through TV commercials, thus business owners cannot collect customers’ opinions and thoughts about their products. On the one hand, the biggest benefit of using TV commercials is that it can reach lots of customers. Nowadays, almost every household owns at least a TV in their home. Besides, the frequency of watching TV is much higher than other types of activities, as TV shows are interesting and realistic. Therefore, business owners can advertise their products on TV, especially during peak hours or during dinner time from 6 to 9 p.m. This will bring their products to more customer’s awareness. Two years ago,my brother opened a new restaurant. At first, there were no customers, as the restaurant had no reputation and it was also a little far from the city center. I recommended him to advertise his restaurant on TV, as the people in our area loved watching TV when they had dinner. After two days of advertising on TV, there were several customers visiting the restaurant. My brother decided to put more effort into this method of advertisement. Two months later, the restaurant was always full of customers, and sometimes all the dishes were sold out quickly. Thanks to TV commercials, my brother’s restaurant reached lots of customers and gained considerable profits. On the other hand, if companies advertise their products on TV, it has no interaction between advertisers and customers. Customers can only see the commercials through TV channels, they can not comment or share their thoughts directly with the companies. Therefore, business owners may not know the reactions and thoughts of the customers if they use TV commercials. I work for a fashion company. One time, we released a new collection, we advertised it by different methods, including TV and social media. When we collected the reactions of the customers about the products, the results of TV commercials were quite disappointing, as we could not know what the audiences were thinking when they watched our advertisement on TV. There was no direct interaction between us and our potential customers. On the contrary, with advertising on social media, we could easily collect the opinions of customers, as they could comment and share their thoughts directly under the posts on social media platforms. Therefore, we decided not to use the TV commercials anymore, as it could not help us collect the customers’ reactions and opinions. In conclusion, choosing to advertise the products on TV depends on each company’s decision. This has both benefits and drawbacks. It can help the company reach more people; however, there will be no direct interaction between the companies and their customers. 3. Which is more beneficial for children: playing sports or studying a foreign language? ● Playing sport To have a comprehensive development, children nowadays spend a lot of time joining different activities. However, I believe that playing sports will be more beneficial for children, as it helps children relieve stress and regain their energy. Besides, participating in sports will improve children’s health. First, playing sports helps children reduce stress after a long studying day. Many children spend 7 to 8 hours studying at the school, besides, they may have to join extra classes outside the school. Thus, they have no free time to relax, and it will make them feel exhausted. Playing sports is an ideal choice for children to reduce stress and regain energy, as
it can be considered as an entertainment activity after a long-lasting day. My brother is a high school student. Since he was 6, he has had to spend nearly 10 hours studying per day, including lessons at school and extra classes at some centers. My brother frequently felt really tired and depressed. One day, I saw a notification about a new park near my house. I decided to take my brother to that park on weekends, and we spent time playing badminton, basketball and volleyball together. Although playing sports made my brother feel tired, he was still excited, as he could gain lots of fun when leaving his studying desk and playing sports. Since then, he has always spent 1 to 2 hours a day playing some kinds of sport after leaving the school. Thanks to this, he could relieve all stress after studying for a long time. Second, playing sports may enhance children’s health. Concentrating on books or computers all day makes their eyes and back tired, sometimes, it will lead to several types of illness like short-sightedness. Playing sports helps improve students’ muscles, decrease the rates of illness and thus improve their health. When I just entered the university, the huge amount of lectures and presentations made me depressed. I needed to sit on the chair and study almost 12 hours per day and did nothing except for studying. After two weeks, my eyes and muscles were always tired. I had to go to the doctor and he said that my eyes and muscles needed something to be relaxed. Thus, I decided to go outside, spend 30 minutes running around the park near my house. As a result, I felt much better as I did not need to sit all day, and the tiredness also disappeared. Therefore, I believe that playing sports plays an important role in children’s development. In conclusion, there are many activities that bring huge benefits to children. However, I believe that playing sports is one of the most essential factors, as it will help children reduce stress and improve their health. ● Foreign language To have a comprehensive development, children nowadays spend a lot of time joining different activities. However, I believe that studying a foreign language except for their first language will be more beneficial for children, as children can acquire valuable knowledge. Besides, using foreign languages fluently will help children have a better future. First, acquiring a new language helps children gain more valuable knowledge. Through learning a foreign language, they can also explore the traditions, customs or cultures of a nation, even when they have not visited that country. As a result, their minds will be broadened. When I was young, I watched a lot of TV programs about the USA. I was extremely interested in the cultures of that country, and I had a strong passion in exploring new things about the USA, including learning their language. Thus, my mom registered an online course for me to learn English. After that course, from a child who did not understand what English was, I could speak English fluently. Besides, I gained lots of useful knowledge about the USA that I had never known before. I thought that it was a priceless experience, as learning English has enhanced my knowledge. Second, studying a foreign language will bring a better future for children. Nowadays, globalization has become much more popular, thus, many companies require their employees to speak a foreign language fluently to adapt with the quick changes of the market. As a result, if children have a chance to study another language except for their mother tongue, they will be given priority when they apply for a job. Besides, applicants who can speak
multiple languages will tend to have a higher salary range than those who can speak only one language. Two years ago, my sister applied for the position of a marketing intern in an international corporation. They required all applicants to speak Spanish fluently, but my sister was not good at Spanish. As a result, she failed the interview. Since then, she has realized the importance of learning a foreign language. She totally concentrated on learning Spanish, and five months later, when she applied for the position in that company again, she passed the test thanks to her fluency in Spanish. She continued to improve her Spanish, and she also learned Chinese and Korean. Her willingness to learn new languages helped her get promoted easily, and now my sister has become a marketing director in that company. Therefore, I firmly believe that studying a foreign language will help children have a better future. In conclusion, there are many activities that bring huge benefits to children. However, I believe that learning foreign languages is one of the most essential factors, as it will help children gain more useful knowledge and bring a better future for children. 4. Many governments fund programs that help protect the environment. In your opinion, is this a good use of government funds? Preserving the environment is a popular problem among different countries. Many governments use their money to sponsor programs that protect the environment. I firmly believe that this is an ideal choice. It will help the government gain more support from their people and create a greener area. First, funding money for protecting the environment helps the government gain more support and belief from their people. Preserving the environment has been an existing problem for years, and many people are aware of this problem. They spend more effort on making their life greener, such as planting more trees or reducing the use of plastic products. Therefore, if the government organizes fundraising programs for environmental campaigns, they will receive compliments from people. As a result, the people will believe in the government, and support the government in any situation. Second, using the government funds for environment protection programs will help create a greener area. Once the government has taken actions on funding for the programs that help protect the environment, every person in the nation will understand the necessity of environment preservation. They will follow the government’s actions, and use their money to protect the environment. Thus, the area will become much greener, and the rates of pollution will be decreased. My hometown has many industries, and there are lots of emissions released into the air per day. Last year, the local government in my hometown organized a fundraising day. All the money was used to sponsor planting more trees in my area. Many ordinary people came that day and started to follow that action. They also used their own money to buy trees and planted them along the roads. Thanks to these actions, my hometown has become much cleaner, and the rates of pollution have decreased considerably. Therefore, I believe if the government funds programs for environment protection, this will help raise awareness of people, and the area will become greener. In conclusion, protecting the environment belongs to each person’s responsibility, including both the government and normal people. However, the government should also put

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