Content text 04. ANIMAL KINGDOM.pdf
Echinodermata PHYLUM- ECHINODERMATA . Organ system, Coelomate, Radial Symmetry. . Sping bodied. . Endoskeleton of Calcareous Ossicles. . Water Vascular system present. Eg:- Starfish, Sea urchin etc. PHYLUM- HEMICHORDATA Hemichordate . Organ System, Coelomate, Bilateral symmetry. . Worm - like with proboscis, collar and trunk. . Excretory organ - proboscis gland. Eg:- Balanoglossus & Saccoglossus PHYLUM- CHORDATA Chordata . Organ system, Coelomate Bilateral symmetry. . dorsal hollow nerve Cord present. . Paired pharyngeal gill slits present. Sub – Phyla . Urochordata/ Tunicata . Cephalochordata. . Vertebrata. CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS VERTEBRATA [ Notochord replaced by bony/ cartilaginous Vertebral Column] CYCLOSTOMATA Class Cyclostomata . Sucking & Circular mouth without jaws. . Cartilaginous cranium & Vertebral Column. . Gill Slits present. Eg:- Lamprey & Hagfish CHONDRICHTHYES Class Chondrichthyes . Cartilaginous fishes. . Gill slits without operculum. . Placoid Scales on skin. . Electric organ (Torpedo) & (sting ray) Poison sting present. . po Eg:- Dog fish, Saw fish, etc. OSTEICHTHYES AMPHIBIA . Bony Fishes. . Gill slits covered by operculum. . Air bladder present. Eg:- Flying fish, Rohu, Sea horse, etc. Class Amphibia . Live in aquatic & terrestrial habitats. . Body divided into head & trunk. . Heart- 3 Chambered. . Poikilothermous. Eg:- Toad, frog, Salamander REPTILIA Class Reptilia . Body Covered with scales and scutes. . Heart – 3 chambered [except crocodile]. . Poikilothermous. Eg:- Cobra, Alligator, Tortoise, etc. AVES Class Aves . Presence of feathers, beak & wings. . Bones long & hollow- Pneumatic. . Heart - 4 Chambered. . Homoiotherms. Eg:- Crow, Pigeon, Penguin, etc. MAMMALIA Class Mammalia . Mammary glands present. . Skin have hair homoiothermous. . External ear or pinnal present. Eg:- Platypus (oviparous), Kangaroo, Blue Whale, Common Dolphin(Viviparous) PHYLUM- CTENOPHORA Ctenophora . Tissue level, Acoelomate, Radial symmetry. . Comb plates for locomotion. . Bioluminescence Eg:- Pleurobrachia and Ctenoplana. PHYLUM- CNIDARIA Coelenterate/ Cnidaria . Tissue Level, Acoelomate, Radial Symmetry. . cnidoblasts present. . Two body forms- Polyp and Medusa. . Alternation of generation, metagenesis. Eg:- Sea anemone, Sea fan and Brain Coral. PHYLUM- PORIFERA Porifera . Cellular, Acoelomate, Asymmetrical. . Body with ostia, spicules and choanocytes and canals in walls. . Hermaphrodite. Eg:- Sycon, Spongilla PHYLUM- ARTHROPODA Arthropoda . Largest Phylum. . Organ system, Coelomate, Bilateral. . Respiratory organs present. . Body divided into – head, thorax and abdomen. . Jointed appendages. . Excretory organ - Malpighian tubules. Eg:- Scorpio, Butterfly, mosquito Prawn,etc. PHYLUM- MOLLUSCA Mollusca . Second Largest phylum. . Organ system, Coelomate Bilateral symmetry. . Body segmented having head, muscular foot & Visceral hump. . Mouth has radula. Eg:- Apples nail, Octopus, squid, etc. PHYLUM- ANNEHDA . Parapodia – Lateral appendages. . Nephridia for excretion and osmoregulation. Eg:- Earthworm and Leech. Annelida . Organ system, Coelomate, Bilateral symmetry. . Body segmentation- Metamers. Aschelminths PHYLUM- ASCHELMINTHES . Organ system, Pseudocoelomate Bilateral symmetry. . Body round, dioecious. . Digestive system Complete. . Muscular pharynx. Eg:- Round worm, Filaria worm and hook worm. PHYLUM- PLATYHELMINTHES Platyhelminthes . Organ and organ system, Acoelomate, Bilateral symmetry. . Flat body, hooks & suckers. Flame Cells. Eg:- Liver fluke & Tape worm (i) Cellular Level. (ii) Tissue Level, (iii) Organ Level/ Organ system level (i) Acoelomate. (ii) Coelomate, (iii) Pseudocoelomate ANIMAL KINGDOM Class Osteichthyes Cells Cellular level Eqithelial tissue Layers of smooth muscle Organ level ( stomach ) Tissue level ( Eqithelium ) Levels of Organisation Symmetry Diploblastic and Triploblastic Organisation Coelom Segmentation Notochord Basis of Classification