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Hỗ trợ trực tuyến Fb www.facebook.com/DayKemQuyNhon Mobi/Zalo 0905779594 Tài liệu chuẩn tham khảo Phát triển kênh bởi Ths Nguyễn Thanh Tú Đơn vị tài trợ / phát hành / chia sẻ học thuật : Nguyen Thanh Tu Group GIÁO ÁN DẠY THÊM (KẾ HOẠCH BÀI BUỔI 2) - TIẾNG ANH 8 GLOBAL SUCCESS (2 CỘT) NĂM HỌC 2023-2024 (HK1 + HK2) WORD VERSION | 2023 EDITION ORDER NOW / CHUYỂN GIAO QUA EMAIL [email protected] G I Á O Á N D Ạ Y T H Ê M T I Ế N G A N H G L O B A L S U C C E S S Ths Nguyễn Thanh Tú eBook Collection vectorstock.com/7952634 Kế hoạch bài dạy buổi 2_ Tiếng Anh 8_ Năm học 2023- 2024 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Date of planning : ....../..../ 2023 ENGLISH 8 Date of teaching: ........... UNIT 1 : LEISURE TIME - Day 1 WEEK : I. OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson Students will be able to review and practice vocabulary, the grammatical points that they have learnt . 1. Knowledge: - An overview about the topic Leisure time - Use the words related to leisure activities and expressions about likes and dislikes; - Pronounce the sounds /ʊ/ and /u:/ correctly in words and sentences; - Use verbs of liking / disliking followed by gerunds and / or to-infinitives to talk about likes and dislikes; - Read for general and specific information about leisure activities with family; - Write sentences or an email about leisure activities with friends + Vocabulary: words related to leisure activities and expressions about likes and dislikes; + pronounce the sounds /ʊ/ and /u:/ correctly in words and sentences; + Grammar: Use verbs of liking / disliking followed by gerunds and / or to-infinitives to talk about likes and dislikes; 2. Competence: - Students will be able to practice listening and reading skills . - Develop communication skills and cultural awareness. 3. Qualities: - Love talking about activities in leisure time. - Develop self-study skills. II. TEACHING AIDS: - Teacher: Grade 8 text book, laptop, projector / TV..... - Students : Text books, workbook English 8 - Practical grammar book; another workbooks IV. PROCEDURE : Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I. PRESENTATION: * Teacher revises some grammar notes in Unit 1 : II. GRAMMAR: 1. Verbs of liking/ disliking (Các động từ chỉ sự yêu thích/ không thích) * Các động từ chỉ sự yêu thích trong tiếng Anh thường bao gồm các động từ như: * enjoy (v) thích thú ; love (v) yêu - like (v) thích ; fancy (v) mến, thích; prefer (v) : thích hơn * hate (v) ghét ; dislike (v); don’t like không thích - detest (v) căm ghét (+ adore (v) rất thích, mê ) 2. Cách dùng : - Learn how to form and use them. - Review. D - Copy them. ẠY KÈM QUY NHƠN OFFICIAL
Kế hoạch bài dạy buổi 2_ Tiếng Anh 8_ Năm học 2023- 2024 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ - Khi có một động từ chỉ hành động khác theo sau động từ chỉ yêu thích , ta phải dùng động từ đó ở dạng danh động từ (V-ing) hoặc động từ nguyên mẫu có to (to- infinitive). 2.1. Các động từ chỉ sự yêu thích chỉ có thể được theo sau bởi danh động từ (gerund) : adore, enjoy, fancy, dislike, detest. Eg :- I like building dollhouses; They dislike surfing the net. 2.2. Các động từ chỉ sự yêu thích được theo sau bởi cả danh động từ và động từ nguyên mẫu có to: like, love, hate, prefer - We love going/ to go to the cinema ; Trang hates getting up/ to get up early. 2.3. Các cụm từ đi kèm với giới từ để chỉ sự yêu thích: be fond of (thích) , be keen on (say mê, ham thích) , be crazy about (rất thích) , be interested in (thích, ham mê) , be into. * LANGUAGE NOTE: - To be keen on means to be very interest in or willing to do something. - I'm quite keen on football. ( Tôi khá mê bóng đá.) - To be fond of means to like someone/something or doing something very much. I'm very keen on strawberries. - To be crazy about is stronger than keen /fond. - To be crazy about (Phát cuồng) Dùng nó mạnh hơn ( keen /fond )quan tâm / thích * Ask Ss do more exercises in work book ENGLISH 8 - T guides. - Let Ss do themselves. - T goes round helping if necessary. - Call Ss to do . - T comments. Give the correct answers Exercise 2: Complete each of the sentences with a suitable word or phrase from the box. 1. I’m _______ of taking photos. In my free time, I usually go out and take photos of people and things. 2. Mai is_______ in history. She often goes to museums to see new exhibits and - Learn how to use them. - Copy. - Learn how to use them. - Ss do themselves. - Ss do themselves. - Give the answers. * Key: 1. fond 2. interested 3. keen 4. crazy 5. into 6. fond 7. interested crazy , interested; fond , into , keen , not fond , D about ẠY KÈM QUY NHƠN OFFICIAL Kế hoạch bài dạy buổi 2_ Tiếng Anh 8_ Năm học 2023- 2024 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ learn about the past. 3. My sister is _______ on cooking. She wants to become a chef in the future. 4. My cousin is _______ about surfing the net and playing computer games. 5. My brother spends lots of time surfing the net, but I’m not _______ it. 6. I'm _______ of making models because I'm not patient. 7. My brother is ________ in playing computer games 8. I’m not crazy_______ doing DIY. I’m never able to finish any DIY projects I start. Exercise 3 : Fill in each blank with a suitable word. 1. Mark is _______ about sport, and he can play basketball. football. table tennis, and golf. 2. Are you keen _______ gardening or going shopping. 3. Many girls are interested in _______ DIY. 4. My mum and I love _______ , so we can spend hours in the kitchen. 5. Is your grandfather ________ of collecting stamps and coins? - Yes. he is. 6. What does your brother do in his free time? - He usually ________ the net. 7. My friends are ______ on doing judo, and they go to the judo club every Sunday. 8. Why are you not ______ cooking? — Because I often burn myself. 9. Are they ________ in playing badminton after school 10. I am not keen _______ going shopping because it takes so much time. Exercise 5: Choose the correct option of the verb in bracket. 1. Many people prefer surfing/ surf the Internet to reading books. 2. They fancy dancing, but they rarely going/go to a discotheque. 3. She enjoys to make/ making crafts, especially birthday and greeting cards. 4. Would you mind help/ helping me with the computer settings? 5. My grandfather doesn’t like (watch/ to watch) cartoons. 6. Jane prefers (visit / visiting) the beautiful beaches in Vietnam. 8. about - Copy . - Learn how to do them. - Ss do themselves. * Key: 1. crazy 2. on 3. doing 4. cooking 5. fond 6. surf 7. keen 8. into 9. interested 10. on - Learn how to do them. - Ss do themselves. - Give the answers. * Key: 1. surfing 2. go 3. making crafts, 4. helping 5. to watch 6. visiting 7. play 8. going 9. making 10. messaging - Copy . DẠY KÈM QUY NHƠN OFFICIAL
Kế hoạch bài dạy buổi 2_ Tiếng Anh 8_ Năm học 2023- 2024 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. I'm into playing sport, especially table tennis. I (play / to play) table tennis almost every afternoon. 8. Do your parents love (going / go) to the cinema in their free time? 9. My mother adores (to make/making) paper flowers very much. 10. Does she fancy (messaging / to message) her friends? Exercise 6 : Fill in each blank with the correct form(s) of the verb in bracket. 1. Lan and Ann love (chat) _______ each other in their free time. 2. What do Nam and Mark prefer ( do) _______ at the weekend? 3. My sister hates (get)_______ up early to do exercise 4. Some teenagers don’t like (read) ________ comic books 5. Does Tom fancy (cycle) _______ in the park with his friends? 6. In my leisure time, I love (knit)_______ , (build) ________ dollhouses. 7. Nga detests (play)________ sport because It’s tiring 8. Tom enjoys (do) ______ puzzles, especially Sudoku. 9. Do you love (spend) __________free time with other people? 10. I love (spend ) ______ time with my family because it’s a great way to connect with them. * Ask Ss do more exercises in work book ENGLISH 8 - T guides. - Let Ss do themselves. - T goes round helping if necessary. - Call Ss to do . - T comments. Give the correct answers - Ask Ss do more exercises about tenses if have time. III. Homework : - Review lessons - Finish exercises. - Prepare new lesson. - Learn how to do them. - Ss do themselves. * Key: 1. chatting 2. doing 3. getting 4. to read/ reading 5. cycling 6.knitting ; building 7. playing 8. doing 9. spending 10. spending - Learn how to do them. - Ss do themselves. - Give the answers. - Copy . + Copy Ngày ......... Tháng ...... Năm 2023 KÝ DUYỆT DẠY KÈM QUY NHƠN OFFICIAL Kế hoạch bài dạy buổi 2_ Tiếng Anh 8_ Năm học 2023- 2024 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ * Photocopial materials: UNIT 1: LEISURE TIME _1 A. VOCABULARY: (See Glossary/ Page 136 textbook) Word Pronunciation Meaning balance (n) /ˈbæləns/ sự thăng bằng, sự cân bằng bracelet (n) /ˈbreɪslət/ vòng đeo tay crazy (adj) /ˈkreɪzi/ rất thích, quá say mê cruel (adj) /ˈkruːəl/ độc ác detest (v) /dɪˈtest/ căm ghét DIY (do-it-yourself) (n) /ˌdiː aɪ ˈwaɪ/ (/ˌduː ɪt jəˈself/) hoạt động tự làm ra, sửa chữa hoặc trang trí đồ vật tại nhà fancy (v) /ˈfænsi/ mến, thích fold (v) /fəʊld/ gấp, gập fond (adj) /fɒnd/ mến, thích keen (adj) /kiːn/ say mê, ham thích ............. II. GRAMMAR: 1. Verbs of liking/ disliking (Các động từ chỉ sự yêu thích/ không thích) * Các động từ chỉ sự yêu thích trong tiếng Anh thường bao gồm các động từ như: * enjoy (v) thích thú ; love (v) yêu - like (v) thích ; fancy (v) mến, thích; prefer (v) : thích hơn * hate (v) ghét ; dislike (v); don’t like không thích - detest (v) căm ghét (+ adore (v) rất thích, mê ) 2. Cách dùng : - Khi có một động từ chỉ hành động khác theo sau động từ chỉ yêu thích , ta phải dùng động từ đó ở dạng danh động từ (V-ing) hoặc động từ nguyên mẫu có to (to- infinitive). 2.1. Các động từ chỉ sự yêu thích chỉ có thể được theo sau bởi danh động từ (gerund) : adore, enjoy, fancy, dislike, detest. Eg :- I like building dollhouses; They dislike surfing the net. 2.2. Các động từ chỉ sự yêu thích được theo sau bởi cả danh động từ và động từ nguyên mẫu có to: like, love, hate, prefer - We love going/ to go to the cinema ; Trang hates getting up/ to get up early. 2.3. Các cụm từ đi kèm với giới từ để chỉ sự yêu thích: be fond of (thích) , be keen on (say mê, ham thích) , be crazy about (rất thích) , be interested in (thích, ham mê) , be into. * LANGUAGE NOTE: - To be keen on means to be very interest in or willing to do something. ( To be keen on có nghĩa là rất quan tâm hoặc sẵn sàng làm điều gì đó.) - I'm quite keen on football. ( Tôi khá mê bóng đá.) - To be fond of means to like someone/something or doing something very much. ( - To be fond of có nghĩa là thích ai đó / cái gì đó hoặc làm điều gì đó rất nhiều.) DẠY KÈM QUY NHƠN OFFICIAL
Kế hoạch bài dạy buổi 2_ Tiếng Anh 8_ Năm học 2023- 2024 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ - I'm very keen on strawberries. ( Tôi rất thích/ quan tâm đến dâu tây.) - To be crazy about is stronger than keen /fond. - To be crazy about (Phát cuồng) Dùng nó mạnh hơn ( keen /fond )quan tâm / thích Example: - He is fond of taking photo. (Anh ấy thích chụp ảnh ) - My sister is keen on cooking. (Chi gái tôi mê nấu ăn.) + Khi muốn dùng các cụm từ trên để diễn tả sự không thích, chúng ta thêm not vào sau động từ be. Example: - I'm not crazy about surfing the net. (Tôi không mê lướt net.) - He is not interested in messaging friends. (Anh ấy không thích nhấn tin cho bạn bè.) - My sister is not into drawing. (Em gái tôi không mê vẽ.) DAY 1: PRACTICE EXECISE UNIT 1_1 Exercise 1: Write the activities from the box under the correct pictures Exercise 2: Complete each of the sentences with a suitable word or phrase from the box. 1. I’m _______ of taking photos. In my free time, I usually go out and take photos of people and things. 2. Mai is_______ in history. She often goes to museums to see new exhibits and learn about the past. 3. My sister is _______ on cooking. She wants to become a chef in the future. 5. My cousin is _______ about surfing the net and playing computer games. 6. My brother spends lots of time surfing the net, but I’m not _______ it. 7. I'm _______ of making models because I'm not patient. knitting ; riding a horse; making paper flowers; playing sport; cycling; playing badminton; surfing the net; doing DIY; cooking; messaging friends; doing puzzles; going shopping. crazy , interested; fond, into , keen , not fond , about DẠY KÈM QUY NHƠN OFFICIAL Kế hoạch bài dạy buổi 2_ Tiếng Anh 8_ Năm học 2023- 2024 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. I’m not crazy_______ doing DIY. I’m never able to finish any DIY projects I start. Exercise 3 : Fill in each blank with a suitable word. 1. Mark is _______ about sport, and he can play basketball. football. table tennis, and golf. 2. Are you keen _______ gardening or going shopping. 3. Many girls are interested in _______ DIY. 4. My mum and I love _______ , so we can spend hours in the kitchen. 5. Is your grandfather ________ of collecting stamps and coins? - Yes. he is. 6. What does your brother do in his free time? - He usually ________ the net. 7. My friends are ______ on doing judo, and they go to the judo club every Sunday. 8. Why are you not ______ cooking? — Because I often burn myself. 9. Are they ________ in playing badminton after school 10. I am not keen _______ going shopping because it takes so much time. 11. My sister isn't ______ playing sport. 12. Are you interested ______doing DIY? 13. Mai and Quynh Anh are ______ about playing board games. 14. Phong isn't ______ of doing puzzles very much. 15. Peter spends one hour on the Internet almost everyday. He is ______ on surfing the net . Exercise 4: Complete the sentences with appropriate leisure activities. 1. Mai loves ________ 30 minutes a day. She thinks puzzles are good for the brain. 2. My favourite leisure activity is_________. I can make many things myself, such as paper flowers and bracelets. 3. _________ is a popular way for teens to spend their free time. Many of them send messages to each other every day. 4. What do you like ________ in your free time? 5. My brother is fond of _________ with his friends. On Sundays, he usually plays football, goes swimming, or plays badminton with them. 6. Do you fancy ________ out for a drink? 7. Some teenagers enjoy ________ free time with their friends. 8. Tom spends one hour on the Internet almost every day. He is keen on _________ . Exercise 5: Choose the correct option of the verb in bracket. 1. Many people prefer surfing/ surf the Internet to reading books. 2. They fancy dancing, but they rarely going/go to a discotheque. 3. She enjoys to make/ making crafts, especially birthday and greeting cards. 4. Would you mind help/ helping me with the computer settings? 5. My grandfather doesn’t like (watch/ to watch) cartoons. 6. Jane prefers (visit / visiting) the beautiful beaches in Vietnam. 7. I'm into playing sport, especially table tennis. I (play / to play) table tennis almost every playing sport, doing, doing puzzles, messaging friends, doing DIY, surfing the net, spending, going DẠY KÈM QUY NHƠN OFFICIAL

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