Content text John J. Lentini - Scientific Protocols for Fire Investigation, Third Edition (2018, CRC Press) -
Scientific Protocols for Fire Investigation As a 30-plus year fire investigator and lecturer, I have had the opportunity to read several books advertised as being resources for fire investigators. Of those, Scientific Protocols for Fire Investigation, is one of the best. John Lentini has blended his extensive experience as a scientist, practical fire investigator and a central figure in the improvement of our profession in creating a must-have resource for all fire investigators. Scientific Protocols, now in its third edition, continues to excel at covering a broad variety of topics that are scientifically sound, well-presented, legally compelling and interesting to read. While NFPA 921 offers sound guidance to fire and explosion investigators, Scientific Protocols weaves many of 921’s principles together with actual examples from a variety of cases and investigations. It is unsurpassed in coupling sound scientific principles with real-life fire examples and delivers common-sense suggestions of how to apply them in fire investigations. This book should be required reading for all professional fire investigators and those seeking to broaden their knowledge of the field. —Steve Carman, Carman Fire Investigations, Grass Valley, California Scientific Protocols for Fire Investigation stands out as the crème de la crème on the topic of fire investigation. The book is easy to read and understand and serves as the most credible in the world-wide fire investigation community. —Dennis J. Merkley CEO, Fire Facts Incorporated, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Scientific Protocols is a must-have reference for any serious fire investigator or fire litigator. Lentini is at the forefront of fire science and that is reflected in his book. —Stuart A. Sklar, Trial Attorney, Farmington Hills, Michigan Lentini’s brilliant monograph gives us a giant leg up in approaching the challenges of fire investigation. —Dr. Bernard Cuzzillo, Fire Protection Engineer, Berkeley, California Scientific Protocols for Fire Investigation is a text that all professional fire investigators must read. —Wayne Chapdelaine, Fire Dynamics Analysts, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada Battle lines have been drawn around methodology, qualifications, and the reliable application of the scientific method. John Lentini has been a leader in these battles. Lentini’s Scientific Protocols promotes the use of the scientific method, identifies the required science for qualification, and provides examples of relevant applications. The enhanced third edition must be found on the bookshelves of any educated fire investigator. —Douglas J. Carpenter, Vice President/Principal Engineer, Combustion Science & Engineering, Inc., Columbia MD 2
CRC SERIES IN PROTOCOLS IN FORENSIC SCIENCE Norah Rudin and Keith Inman Scientific Protocols for Fire Investigation, Third Edition John J. Lentini Scientific Protocols for Forensic Examination of Clothing Jane Moira Taupin and Chesterene Cwiklik Ethics in Forensic Science: Professional Standards for the Practice of Criminalistics Peter D. Barnett Principles and Practice of Criminalistics: The Profession of Forensic Science Keith Inman and Norah Rudin 3
Scientific Protocols for Fire Investigation Third Edition John J. Lentini 4