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INTRODUCTION A COMPUTER is an electronic device that can be instructed to carry out an arbitrary set of arithmetic or logical operations automatically. Characteristics of Computers  Speed: The speed of computation is very high as the signals pass at the speed of light. Thus, millions of calculations can be done in a second.  Accuracy: As computers work on inbuilt software programs, there is no scope for human errors and are hence, highly accurate.  Information and Storage: A computer can store a large amount of data or instructions in its memory which can be retrieved at point of time.  Other characteristics include: Consistency, Automatic Operation, and Flexibility. History of Computers  Father of Computer: Charles Babbage  Father of Modern Computer Science: Alan Tuning  First Un-programmable Electronic Digital Computer: Atanas off Berry Computer (ABC)  First Purpose Electronic Digital Computer: Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator (ENIAC) GENERATIONS OF COMPUTERS: First Generation (1946 - 1959)  Used vacuum tubes & batch processing OS  Machine & Assembly Languages used  Examples: ENIAC, EDVAC, UNIVAC, IBM-701, IBM-650 Second Generation (1959-1965)  Used transistors  OS: Multi-Bag remaining, Time sharing  Memory: Magnetic cores, magnetic tapes and disks  Used assembly and high-level languages like FORTRAN, COBOL, Algol  Examples: IBM 1620, IBM 7094, CDC 1604 Third Generation (1965-1971)  Used ICs  OS: Remote processing, Time-sharing, Real-time, Multi-programming  Used High-level languages FORTRAN-II TO IV, COBOL, PASCAL PL/1, BASIC, ALGOL-68  Examples: IBM-360 series, Honeywell-6000 series, PDP, IBM-370/1683 Fourth Generation (1971-1980)  VLSI Circuits Used  Memory: Semiconductor and Winchester disk  High level Languages: Fortan 77, Pascal, Cobol used REKIB AFREDI 2 Visit:www.rekibafredi.com

DATA PROCESSING CYCLE OF A COMPUTER A computer's data processing cycle comprises of the following three steps: 1. Input:  It refers to the commands given by a user to the computer using input devices like mouse, keyboard etc. 2. Processing:  In this step, the command given by the user are carried out by the computer. Thus, this step produces a more useful form of data at the end. 3.Output:  The result of the processing that is stored and displayed to the user by means of output devices like monitor, printer etc. is called output. REKIB AFREDI 4 Visit:www.rekibafredi.com

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