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www.iaritoppers.in Whatsapp : +91-9694095242 Page | 1 Soil Health Card Scheme (SHC) Events Launched : 19 Feb. 2015 at Suratgarh, Rajasthan Tagline/Theme  Swasth Dhara, Khet Haraa ( Healthy Earth, Green Farm ) Objective  To assist states in promoting Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) through judicious use of chemical fertilizers including secondry and micro nutrients in conjunction with organic manures & bio-fertilizers for improving soil health and its productivity. (SHC provides information to farmers on nutrient status of their soil along with recommendation on appropriate dosage of nutrients to be applied for improving soil health and its fertility.) Total Languages  Soil Health Card : 23 Languages Total Parameters  SHC contains the status of soil with respect to 12 parameters, namely -  N,P,K (Macro-nutrients)  S (Secondary- nutrient)  Zn, Fe, Cu, Mn, Bo (Micro - nutrients)  pH, EC, OC (Physical parameters)  Based on this, the SHC will also indicate fertilizer recommendations and soil amendment required for the farm. Latest update  Soil Health Card scheme has been merged in Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) cafeteria scheme as its one component under name ‘Soil Health & Fertility’ from the year 2022-23.  The Guideline of Village Level Soil Testing Labs (VLSTLs) has been issued on 22.06.2023. VLSTLs can be set up by individual entrepreneurs i.e. rural youth and community based entrepreneurs i.e. Self Help Groups (SHGs), Schools, Agriculture Universities etc.  The beneficiary/village level entrepreneur should be a youth whose age should not be below 18 years and should not be more than 27 years. Self Help Groups, Farmers Producers Organisation (FPO) can Current Affairs Part-10
www.iaritoppers.in Whatsapp : +91-9694095242 Page | 2 also be enrolled as VLSTL. Eligibility of enrollment of these groups is decided by District Level Executive Committee (DLEC).  As per the procedure, an entrepreneur can submit the application along with requisite qualification certificate, PAN Card, Aadhar Card to the office of Deputy Director/District Agriculture Officer.  Training of VLSTLs on soil sampling, testing, generation of soil health card is organized by manufacturers and state government.  VLSTLs further educate farmers about fertilizer recommendation and crop recommendation. Testing capacity of VLSTL  Testing capacity of each VLSTL is approximately 3000 soil samples in a year. Accordingly, each VLSTL may be assigned soil testing of 300 soil samples @ ₹300 per soil sample for which cost will be borne under the scheme. In addition to that, for the next 500 soil samples, VLE will be given incentive @ ₹20 per soil sample only from scheme. After that soil testing will be undertaken by VLE as per the rates decided by the respective state government. Ideal time for soil sampling  Soil Samples are taken generally two times in a year, after harvesting of Rabi and Kharif Crop respectively or when there is no standing crop in the field.  Soil Samples will be collected by a trained person from a depth of 15-20 cm by cutting the soil in a “V” shape. Mridaparikshak Events Launched : 18 Feb. 2015 by Shri Radha Mohan Singh What is it ?  It is a Mini Lab for Estimation of Soil Health and Fertilizer Recommendation and Preparation of Soil Health Card.  It is a digital mobile quantitative soil test minilab to provide soil testing service at farmers' doorstep. Developed By  ICAR-Indian Institute of Soil Science, Bhopal
www.iaritoppers.in Whatsapp : +91-9694095242 Page | 3 Total soil parameters  15 (pH, EC, organic carbon, available nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur, zinc, iron, manganese, boron, copper, gypsum requirement, lime requirement, and calcareousness )  Previously 10 Pradhan Mantri Kisan Maandhan Yojana (PM-KMY) Started Registeration Started : 9th August, 2019 Formerly Launched By PM : 12th September, 2019 Cut-off date for determining the eligibility of beneficiaries 01 August 2019 Launched at Ranchi, Jharkhand Administered by Department of Agriculture & Farmers welfare, GOI in partnership with LIC Objective  Old age protection and social security of Small and Marginal Farmers (SMF). Coverage/Eligibility  All Small and Marginal Farmers  Entry age between 18 to 40 years  Cultivable land up to 2 hectares as per land records of the concerned State/UT Scheme Exclusion  SMFs covered under any other statuary social security schemes  Farmers who have opted for Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maandhan Yojana and Pradhan Mantri Vyapari Maandhan administered by the Ministry of Labour & Employment.  All Institutional Land holders Funding 100% Central government Benefits  Minimum assured pension of Rs 3000/- per month after attaining the age of 60 years.  If the farmer dies, the spouse of the farmer shall be entitled to receive 50% of the pension as family pension.
www.iaritoppers.in Whatsapp : +91-9694095242 Page | 4 Monthly Contribution  55 to Rs 200 per month till the age of 60. (Farmers Age) Additional Features  Voluntary and Contributory Pension Scheme  Matching Contribution by the Government of India  Farmer’s monthly contribution can be made from the instalments of PM-KISAN or through CSCs. Operation Greens Announced in  Announced in Union Budget 2018-19  Launched in November 2018 Objectives  To protect the growers of Eligible Crops from making distress sale.  Enhancing value realisation of TOP farmers (Tomato, Onion, Potato)  Price stabilisation for producers and consumers (NAFED will be the nodal agency)  Reduction in post-harvest losses  Increase in food processing capacities and value addition Short term intervention  Providing transportation and storage subsidy @ 50%  Maximum admissible subsidy per Eligible entity : 1 crore  Storage facilities will be hired for a maximum period of 3 months. Long term intervention  Value addition projects in identified production clusters with Grant-in-aid @ 35% to 70% of eligible project cost subject to maximum of Rs. 50 crore per project. Grant-in-aid:  50 % for general category  70% for FPO/SC/ST  35% for post harvest processing facilities under value chain project

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