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02. SEXUAL REPRODUCTION IN FLOWERING 1. Apomixis in plant means development of a plant (a) From root cuttings (b) Without fusion of gametes (c) From fusion of gametes (d) From stem of cuttings 2. Micropropagation is (a) Germination of seed with cotyledons above the soil (b) A technique to obtain new plants by cultivating the cells or tissues in culture medium (c) To manufacture hormones (d) The mature stage of endosperm 3. Nitsch was able to get strawbarries of curious shapes by (a) Removing all the perianth (b) Splitting the ovary (c) Selectively removing some carpels (d) Inserting a needle into the ovary 4. Juvenile and adult plants are (a) Morphologically different (b) Physiologically same (c) (a) and (b) both (d) None of the above 5. Which type of propagation is better for the plant (a) By seeds (b) By tubers (c) By bulbs (d) By rhizome 6. Plants identical to mother plants can be had obtained from (a) Seeds (b) Stem cutting (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these 7. A clone is a group of individuals obtained through (a) Self pollination (b) Hybridization (c) Vegetative propagation (d) Cross pollination 8. Among the following which one is not a method of vegetative propagation (a) Budding (b) Layering (c) Sowing (d) Tissue culture 9. After culturing the anther of a plant, a few diploid plants were found along with haploid plants. The diploid plants could have arisen from (a) Generative cell of pollen (b) Cells of anther wall (c) Vegetative cell of pollen (d) Exine of pollen wall 10. Reproducing new plants by cells instead of seeds is known as (a) Biofertilizer (b) Mutation (c) Tissue culture (d) Antibiotics 11. The development of a sporophyte without fertilization from the vegetative cells of the gametophyte is called (a) Zygospory (b) Aplanospory (c) Apospory (d) Apogamy 12. Genetically identical progeny is produced when an individual (a) Practices self-fertilization
(b) Produces identical gametes (c) Practices reproduction (d) Practices by breeding without meiosis 13. Vegetative reproduction by layering is found in (a) Jasmine (b) Mango (c) Rose (d) All of these 14. Formation of a sporophyte from gametophyte and vice versa is termed as (a) Sexual reproduction (b) Asexual reproduction (c) Alternation of generation (d) Transformation 15. The plant material which is widely used in the preparation of culture medium is (a) Cycas revoluta (b) Cocos nucifera (c) Pinus longifolia (d) Borassus flabellifer 16. Development of embryo from the cells of the nucellus is called (a) Parthenocarpy (b) Apocarpy (c) Adventive embryony (d) Apospory 17. The development of gametophyte from the vegetative parts of the sporophyte without the intervention of spores is called (a) Parthenocarpy (b) Parthenogenesis (c) Apogamy (d) Apospory 18. To get haploid callus, one can culture (a) Embryo (b) Leaf tissue (c) Stigma (d) Pollen grain 19. The reason of formation of embryoid from pollen grain in a tissue culture medium is (a) Organogenesis (b) Double fertilization (c) Test tube culture (d) Cellular totipotency 20. Which of the following propagates through leaf-tip (a) Marchantia (b) Moss (c) Walking fern (d) Sprout-leaf plant 21. Grafting of tissue or organ between individuals of different species is called (a) Autograft (b) Isograft (c) Xenograft (d) Allograft (e) Intergraft 22. One of the plants using 'Foliar adventitious buds' as method for vegetative propagation is (a) Banana (b) Ginger (c) Bryophyllum (d) Calocasia 23. In which one pair both the plants can be vegetatively propagated by leaf pieces (a) Bryophyllum and Kalanchoe (b) Chrysanthemum and Agave (c) Agave and Kalanchoe (d) Asparagus and Bryophyllum 24. In a type of apomixis known as adventive embryony, embryos develop directly from the
(a) Nucellus or integuments (b) Synergids or antipodals in a embryo sac (c) Accessary embryo sacs in the ovule (d) Zygote 25. Stem cuttings are commonly used for the propagation of (a) Banana (b) Rose (c) Mango (d) Cotton 26. Carrot is micropropagate through (a) Embryo (b) Embryoids (c) Shoot culture (d) Callus 27. The part which is grafting on stalk of another tree is called (a) Graft (b) Bulbil (c) Bud (d) Scion 28. The formation of gametophyte from the sporophyte (without meiosis) is called (a) Apospory (b) Apogamy (c) Agametospermy (d) None of these 29. Intine of pollen grains is composed of (a) Lipid and protein (b) Cellulose and pectin (c) Lignin and cutin (d) Pectin and lignin 30. Anther is generally composed of (a) One sporangium (b) Two sporangium (c) Three sporangium (d) Four sporangium 31. A microspore mother cell forms (a) An ovule (b) An embryo sac (c) A pollen sac (d) Pollen grains 32. At the time of pollination, how many cells are formed in the pollen grains (a) One (b) Two (c) Three (d) Four 33. Generally in the wall of the anther lobes how many middle layers are formed (a) Seven (b) Three (c) Six (d) Nine 34. Branched type of pollen tube is formed in (a) Cucurbita (b) Salvia (c) China rose (d) Solanum 35. Endothecium layer of anther lobes is present (a) Outside the epidermis (b) Just inside the epidermis (c) In the innermost layer (d) In the middle region 36. If the leaf cell has 8 chromosomes, it is most likely that (a) Zygote will have 4 chromosomes (b) Gametes will have 8 chromosomes
(c) Gametes will have 4 chromosomes (d) Zygote will have 16 chromosomes 37. During meiosis in pollen mother cell the daughter cells are interconnected by passages. The whole structure is called (a) Symplast (b) Plasmodesmata (c) Syncytium (d) Coenocyte 38. Before dehiscence of anther (a) Middle layers enlarge (b) Endothecium develops fibrous thickenings (c) Tapetum develops fibrous thickenings (d) Epidermis degenerates 39. Pollinia are sac like structures (a) Which secrete yellow substance called pollen kit (b) Which are found in megasporangia (c) In which anther lobes are present (d) In which pollen grains are present in mass 40. Tectum, baculum, foot layer are the different parts of (a) Microspore wall (b) Microspore mother cell wall (c) Megaspore wall (d) Megaspore mother cell wall 41. A schematic illustration of the pollen grain is called (a) Pollenogram (b) Palenogram (c) Histogram (d) Parallelogram 42. If the developing microspore mother cells draw nourishment by contacting the tapetal cells, the type of tapetum is called (a) Plasmodial tapetum (b) Secretory tapetum (c) Amoeboid tapetum (d) Endothelium 43. The function of endothecium is (a) Nutritional (b) Mechanical support (c) Dehiscence (d) Protection 44. One pollen mother cell may produce four germinating pollen grains, each with two male nuclei and one tube nucleus. How many meiotic divisions are necessary to bring this about (a) Two (b) One (c) Three (d) Four 45. The germpores on the pollen grains are found on the (a) Exine only (b) Intine only (c) Both exine and intine (d) Vegetative cell 46. How many microspore mother cells will give rise to 256 microspores after reduction division (a) 512 (b) 128 (c) 64 (d) 96 47. The type of fossil pollen grains present in the area may be helpful in the exploration of (a) Coal (b) Petroleum (c) Fossil pteriodophytes (d) All the above 48. The pollen grain is (a) An immature male gametophyte (b) A mature male gametophyte (c) Partially developed male gametophyte

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