INTRODUCTORY POEM BY S T E V I E N I C K S He was in love with her Or at least she thought so She was broken hearted Maybe he was too Neither of them knew. She was way to hot to handle He was way too high to try He couldn’t even see her He wouldn’t open his eyes She was on her way to the stars He didn’t say goodbye She looked back from her future And shed a few tears He looked into his past And actually felt fear. For both of them The answer — would never be Everclear Don’t ask questions now Do that later She brings joy He brings Shakespeare It’s almost a tragedy Says she Don’t endanger me Don’t endanger me. He really can’t answer her He’s afraid of her He’s hiding from her And he knows — that he’s hurting her She tells the truth She writes about it She’s an informer He’s a x-lover There’s nothing there for her She’s already gone There’s nothing that can stop her She was just flying Thru the clouds Where he saw her ... She was just making her way — to the stars ~ When he lost her ...
b y T A Y L O R S W I F T R E P U B L I C R E C O R D S
FORTNIGHT FEATURING POST MALONE I was supposed to be sent away But they forgot to come and get me I was a functioning alcoholic Til nobody noticed my new aesthetic All of this to say I hope you’re okay But you’re the reason And no one here’s to blame But what about your quiet treason? WRITTEN BY TAYLOR SWIFT JACK ANTONOFF AUSTIN POST