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Unit 9: CITIES OF THE FUTURE A. PHONETICS Decide whether the question tags in B’s responses have rising or falling intonation. Mark rising intonation () or falling intonation () after the question tags. 1. A: In January 2013, Hong Kong was named the number one smart city in the Asia Pacific region. B: And Hong Kong ranked the highest, didn’t it? 2. A: Dubai’s airport will be the busiest in the world by 2050. B: Certainly. Dubai will continue to be a major point of connection in Middle East, won’t it? 3. A: The authorities of Beijing will transform it into a smart city by 2050. B: I don’t think so. They haven’t found any solutions to its smog problems, have they? 4. A: Oasis is one of the coolest city concepts with houses on trees. B: In fact, trees are oxygen-producing, sustainable, and pretty. 5. A: India plans to build 100 smart cities by 2050. B: Really? Cities in India often lack services, effective public transportation and recreational areas, don’t they? 6. A: Which cities are doing the most to become the sustainable, connected, innovative city of the future? B: Definitely, the cities in Asia Pacific and Latin America are struggling the hardest, aren’t they? B. VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR I)-Fill in each blank in the following sentences with the correct word/phrase from the box. sustainable optimistic infrastructure quality of life city dwellers detects renewable urban overcrowded inhabitants 1. Most of the _________________ population we will see in 2050 will be in cities that don’t even exist yet in Africa, Southeast Asia, China, Central and South America. 2. In fact, India is projected to add 404 million _________________ to its population by 2050. 3. London has recently started a new traffic light system that _________________ when a lot of cyclists are approaching and stays green longer to aid traffic flow. 4. The city of the future should have the _________________ and transportation which link the needs of citizens of all generations. 5. Songdo is unique, offering city _________________ something they have never had access to before. 6. The city officials are _________________ that the downtown will continue to be a green population center. 7. This rapid growth of the population has caused daunting problems for city planners, such as _________________ roads. 8. It comes as no surprise that Seattle is the gold standard of _________________ city living. 9. New York City is expected to increase its _________________ energy capacity by 50% by 2050. 10. Our communities will be cleaner and more sustainable, so our _________________ will be better. II)-Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word/phrase from the box.
classes dustbins qualities developers display appliances infrastructure tutors technologies underground Songdo, which means “Island of pine trees” in Korean, is called “The City of the Future” by many (1) _________________. Up to now, Songdo has completed about 60 percent of its planned (2) _________________ and buildings, developers say, and reached a population of about 70,000 - a third of the number expected by 2018, when the city may be finished. One morning, we found ourselves at Songdo’s waste- management center where we watched a video about the city’s garbage-removal system. Narrated like a Hollywood film, it explained that all of Songdo’s trash is sucked into (3) _________________ pipes, and is automatically sorted and recycled, buried, or burned for fuel. These pipes connect all apartment buildings and offices; consequently, there are no street-corner (4) _________________ or garbage trucks. Next, at a nearby office building, we learned about Songdo’s so-called “telepresence” system, which is currently being tested by 100 of the city’s residents. The system allows Songdo residents to sit in front of custom television screens and chat with English (5) _________________ in Hawaii or take fitness (6) _________________ from instructors elsewhere in Korea. Finally, we visited Cisco’s Global Innovation Lab, where more technologies-in- development were on (7) ________________, including mobile phone-controlled home (8) ________________ and even micro-chip tracking of Songdo’s children so they don’t get lost. These and other (9) _________________ were being pitched to the Songdo government by Cisco, but had not been adopted yet, meaning that for the time being at least, the city’s children were free to sneak over to friend’s houses without fear of surveillance. Tourists often seek out history and natural beauty, but here is a history-less and especially unnatural city. These (10) _________________, in many ways, actually make Songdo appealing. III. Complete the sentences, using the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. The information will be collected through the ________________. (detect) 2. Cities need to make full use of land in order to achieve urban ________________. (sustain) 3. Some of the other problems predicted for the near future include limited and diminishing arable land, deforestation, ________________, and degradation of land and water. (urban) 4. For South Korea, Songdo is more than a hi-tech business district, but a template for future ________________. (develop) 5. Songdo is the prototype for the green ________________ the Korean government wants to build the economy on in the future, (invest) 6. The pace of ________________ is happening fast in the United States. (innovate) 7. I think the cities of tomorrow also need to consider the ________________ of open space, (available) 8. Cities at their best are social environments where ________________ and human ________________ go hand in hand. (create - develop) IV. Complete the sentences with the correct question tags. 1. The global population is growing towards nine billion by 2050, ________________? 2. By 2050, between 70 and 80 per cent of the world’s population will live in cities, ________________? 3. One billion children are deprived of one or more services essential to survival and development, ________________? 4. Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer banned telecommuting, ________________? 5. Tianjin, the eco-city in China, has focused on ensuring all its structures qualify as green buildings, ________________? 6. Chicago is dedicated to being a green building leader, ________________?
V. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the correct form. 1. If I (have) ________________ a problem, my mum always (help) ________________ me. 2. If my father (go) _______________ to bed late, he (be) _______________ bad-tempered in the morning. 3. If my sister (play) ____________ her music too loudly, my mum (shout) ____________ at her. 4. If my brother (have) ______________ lots of homework, he (eat) ______________ his dinner in his room. 5. If my brother (not have) ______________ any homework, he (practise) ______________ the guitar and (write) _______________ songs. 6. If my sister (get up) ________________ late, she (not have) ________________ breakfast. 7. If there (be) _____________ football on the TV, my father always (watch) _____________ it. 8. If we (be) ______________ noisy, our teacher (give) ______________ us lots of homework. VI. Match a clause from column A to a clause from column B and make a sentence with if, using the correct verb form. A B 1. an. old lady (need) help with a heavy bag 2. I (wake) up early at the weekend 3. a stranger (offer) me a lift 4. it (rain) on a Sunday 5. my mum (ask) me to tidy my room 6. someone (be) rude to me 7. I (feel) a bit sad 8. I really (like) a song on the radio A. I always say no because it’s not safe. B. I do it immediately. C. I usually try to go back to sleep. D. I talk to my friends and I usually feel better. E. I always offer to carry it. F. I go out and buy the CD. G. I’m still polite to him/ her. H. I stay in and surf the Internet. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. VII. Complete the questions with the correct words. Then write the answer using the words in brackets. 1. What ___________ you eat ___________ your parents work late? (eggs and noodles) If 2. What ___________ your teacher do ___________ you ___________ noisy? (we have to sit at the front) If 3. Where ___________ your mum go ___________ she wants to relax? (the garden) When 4. Who ___________ you talk to ___________ you feel sad? (my friends) If 5. ___________ your dad wants to eat out, where ___________ he usually go? (Korean restaurant) My dad
6. If you ___________ know the answer to a question, ___________ you ask your teacher? (No) If C. READING I. Match a subheading in column A with its definition in column B, writing the answer in each blank. 2050 Visions 8 pioneer US cities prove the future is now Answer A B 1. Urban biking A. With over 6,000 acres of parks, 300 athletic fields, and 300 sunny days a year, Denver leads the way for this. 2. Education B. With compost, recycling, and landfill standard, Seattle is serious about commitment to recycle 60% of all waste. The city’s government and residents all follow eco- friendly practices strictly. 3. The destination for night owls C. You’ll find the center of local and organic food deep in the heart of Texas: Austin. This ensures that the money residents spend in Austin stays in Austin, supporting the economy of local farmers. 4. Sustainable city living D. Over 50 colleges and universities spread the landscape of Boston, and 44% of Boston residents hold at least a Bachelor’s degree. 5. Technological accessibility E. With its dedicated urban forestry programme, Portland has embraced its natural roots in attractive ways with backyard chicken, ducks, or even goats. 6. Active living F. With over 200 miles of bike-friendly streets, it's time to start the search for a cycling outfit in Chicago. The bike lanes are busy with 3,000 bicycles around the city. 7. Responsible eating G. In an ultra-connected world, Minneapolis is setting a new standard with free, city-wide Wi-Fi. 8. Natural/Urban balance H. New York is the city that never sleeps. Limitless nightlife never quits and public transit is open 24/7. II. Match the qualities of cities of the future with their descriptions. Write the quality in each blank. Energy independent homes .A Efficient water use .B Smart grids. C Solar surfaces . D E. Solar energy from space F. High-speed long-distance travel G. Innovative wind turbines H. Living buildings 1. _______________________________________________ Cities will generate electricity from a host of new wind power innovations - turbines that float on the ocean, bladeless wind turbines, and turbines that hover in the atmosphere. 2. _______________________________________________ Solar panels will begin to appear in unlikely places. They will cover sidewalks, line the outside of buildings, and double as fully functional windows. 3. _______________________________________________

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