Content text 3140709 - PEM Syllabus.pdf
GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Engineering Subject Code: 3140709 Page 1 of 2 w.e.f. AY 2018-19 Semester – IV Subject Name: PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT Type of course: Undergraduate Prerequisite: Linear and non-liner data structures, working experience of any one structured programming language Teaching and Examination Scheme: Teaching Scheme Credits Examination Marks Total L T P C Theory Marks Practical Marks Marks ESE (E) PA (M) ESE (V) PA (I) 3 0 0 3 70 30 0 0 100 Content: Sr. No Topics Hrs. Module Weightage 1. Introduction to Economics; Definitions, Nature, Scope, Difference between Microeconomics & Macroeconomics Theory of Demand & Supply; law of demand, law of supply, equilibrium between demand & supply Elasticity; elasticity of demand, price elasticity, income elasticity, cross elasticity 5 12 2. Theory of production; production function, meaning, factors of production (meaning & characteristics of Land, Labour, capital & entrepreneur), Law of variable proportions & law of returns to scale Cost; meaning, short run & long run cost, fixed cost, variable cost, total cost, average cost, marginal cost, opportunity cost. Break even analysis; meaning, explanation, numerical 4 12 3. Markets; meaning, types of markets & their characteristics ( Perfect Competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic Completion, Oligopoly) National Income; meaning, stock and flow concept, NI at current price, NI at constant price, GNP, GDP, NNP,NDP, Personal income, disposal income. 4 12 4. Basic economic problems; Poverty-meaning, absolute & relative poverty, causes, measures to reduce Unemployment: meaning, types, causes, remedies Inflation; meaning, types, causes, measures to control 4 12 5. Money; meaning, functions, types, Monetary policy- meaning, objectives, tools, fiscal policy-meaning, objectives, tools Banking; meaning, types, functions, Central Bank- RBI; its functions, concepts; CRR, bank rate, repo rate, reverse repo rate, SLR. 4 12 6. Introduction to Management; Definitions, Nature, Management Difference between Management & administration, skill, types and roles of managers Management Principles; Scientific principles, Administrative principles, Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs theory 5 12 7. Functions of Management; Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Controlling ( meaning, nature and importance) Organizational Structures; meaning, principles of organization, types-formal and informal, line, line & staff, matrix, hybrid (explanation with merits and demerits), span of control, departmentalization, chain of command, centralization and decentralisation 6 12 8. Organisational culture of Environment concept of culture and its importance, 4 10