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I. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others in each of the following questions. Question 1. A. multicultural B. cuisine C. insulting D. custom Question 2. A. identity B. festivity C. trend D. respect Question 3. A. anxiety B. staple C. barrier D. captivate Question 4. A. appreciate B. admire C. celebrate D. unfamiliar Question 5. A. cuisine B. spicy C. souvenir D. mystery Question 6. A. connected B. cross-cultural C. extracurricular D. appreciate Question 7. A. support B. pressure C. discuss D. mischievous Question 8. A. diversity B. sacrifice C. oblige D. significant Question 9. A. weather B. appear C. measure D. pleasure Question 10. A. ancestor B. celebrate C. conical D. certain Question 11. A. takes B. pens C. boats D. traps Question 12. A. romantic B. marriage C. attract D. private Question 13. A. tension B. decision C. provision D. precision Question 14. A. stopped B. talked C. married D. passed Question 15. A. bride B. oblige C. beside D. determine Question 16. A. confide B. conical C. contractual D. biologist Question 17. A. precede B. reject C. attention D. secure Question 18. A. sacrifice B. clap C. activity D. hate Question 19. A. groom B. bamboo C. school D. flood Question 20. A. marriage B. village C. surface D. attitude II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions. Question 1. A. autograph B. souvenir C. spicy D. origin Question 2. A. mystery B. connected C. ingredient D. unique Question 3. A. specialty B. lifestyle C. costume D. admire Question 4. A. delicious B. popularity C. reflect D. appreciate Question 5. A. hospital B. mischievous C. supportive D. special Question 6. A. family B. whenever C. obedient D. solution Question 7. A. biologist B. generally C. responsible D. security Question 8. A. confident B. important C. together D. exciting Question 9. A. possible. B. university C. secondary D. suitable Question 10. A. design B. novel C. cotton D. baggy III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 1. Prices of _ dishes also increased, forcing people to tighten their belts. A. unique B. staple C. connected D. multicultural Question 2. It’s such a pity that there’s still a big around homosexuality in some cultures. A. taboo B. trend C. festivity D. costume Question 3. The manager has always put an emphasis on and good performance. A. specialty B. blend C. ingredient D. punctuality Question 4. Leaving a small tip to a waiter can be deemed rude or even in some cultures. A. unique B. fascinating C. insulting D. cultural Question 5. We prefer to buy regional from bricks-and-mortar retailers. A. manners B. occasions C. specialties D. norm Question 6. Despite the , he managed to communicate his ideas to the committee. A. norm B. language barrier C. cuisine D. anxiety Question 7. Delaying parenthood is slowly becoming the in some communities. A. specialty B. confusion C. festivity D. norm Question 8. I think Tet is most fascinating festival in Vietnam. A. the B. Ø (no article) C. an D. a Question 9. What _ festivals do Vietnamese people celebrate? A. a B. an C. Ø (no article) D. the Question 10. Some people are concerned that celebrating foreign festivals can make people lose their sense of
. A. specialty B. anxiety C. identity D. cuisine Question 11. We may suffer from when we experience an unfamiliar culture for the first time. A. lifestyle B. bamboo dancing C. tug of war D. culture shock Question 12. We are now living in an increasingly world thanks to globalisation. A. staple B. extracurricular C. delicious D. connected Question 13. Foreign tourists are fascinated by a wide variety of traditional Vietnamese . A. cuisines B. trends C. mysteries D. origins Question 14. The of that ancient custom still remains a mystery to local people. A. origin B. confusion C. lifestyle D. identity Question 15. Cycling has been gaining in in many parts of Vietnam. A. trend B. popularity C. festivity D. origin Question 16. Cross-cultural fashion styles help to reflect the of the world. A. origin B. language barrier C. richness D. costume IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 1. Who is ____ girl over there with Jimmy? A. the B. a C. an D. Ø Question 2. The boss needs an assistant with ____ good knowledge of foreign trade. A. a B. the C. any D. Ø Question 3. We are having ____ terrible weather which is quite strange. Usually ____ weather in UK is not this bad. A. the – the B. a – the C. Ø - the D. the - a Question 4. Could you please close ____ window? I don't think it is necessary to open all the four. A. a B. the C. some D. Ø Question 5. ____ Gordons is a very interesting family. They like to travel around ____ world. A. A – the B . The - the C. A – a D. A-Ø Question 6. To absorb more oil from spring rolls, we can use materials like ____ newspaper to wrap them after frying. A. the B. any C. Ø D. a Question 7. After a hard-working day, I went to ____ bed and had ____ most beautiful dream ever. A. the - the B. a – the C. a – a D. Ø - the Question 8. I have visited ____ Portugal but I have never been to ____ Netherlands. A. the – the B . Ø - the C. a – the D. a - a Question 9. Every week, his mother goes to ____ university to visit him while my mother has never come to visit me since I went to ____ university. A. the - Ø B. the - the C. Ø - Ø D. a - the Question 10. He left on ____10 o'clock train yesterday to see his father who was taken to ____ hospital last week when he broke ____ right leg. A. the - the - the B. the - a - a C. a - a - the D. the - Ø - Ø V. Add "A/ AN/ THE/ X" to each of the following sentences. 1. He made his first attempt to engage in sporting activities four years ago with __ __ support of his family. 2. He was ____ most talented football player that our school had produced in years. His talent for ______ football was great. 3. He did __ __ Black Mountain hike with his friends, but had to check his blood glucose levels every four hours. 4. Do you know Professor Phan Huy Le whose great achievement was his books on ______ history of Viet Nam in _______ 19 th century? 5. _____ following year, he took part in __ __ Melbourne Sunset run to raise funds for _ ___ orphanage. 6. He wishes to straighten up and lead ______ respectable life. He would like to be socially acceptable due to his good behavior. 7. He had to brake hard to avoid hitting ___ ___ truck in front. 8. Doing things with generosity will give us ________ true happiness. ____ ___ more we give away, ___ ___ happier we are. 9. His career as ______ journalist was full of distinguished achievements. He was ___ respected and admired
 Shop for (6) crafts and souvenirs.  Fun activities for the whole family. Don't miss this exciting event showcasing diversity and unity! journalist. 10. Five years ago, when Edward was 35 years old, he was diagnosed with ________ diabetes. VI. Read the following school announcement and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 10 to 12. Question 1. A. Admire Question 2. A. connected B. Blend B. tasty C. Share C. cultural D. Bow D. extracurricular Question 3. A. the B. an C. Ø (no article) D. a Read the following brochure/school announcement and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 11 to 16. Question 4. A. an B. the C. Ø (no article) D. a Question 5. A. disgusting B. delicious C. rude D. stunning Question 6. A. spicy B. insulting C. connected D. Unique VII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct arrangement of the sentences to make a meaningful paragraph/letter in each of the following questions. Question 1. a. Finally, would you mind telling me if there are native German-speaking teachers at your language centre? b. First, could you please let me know whether there are German courses at your language centre? c. Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to ask for some information about the language courses at your language centre. d. I look forward to hearing from you. e. Yours faithfully, f. Next, I would also like to know how long the course for beginners lasts and how often classes take place. A. c - d - b - f - a - e B. c - f - b - a - e - d C. c - b - d - f - a - e D. c - b - f - a - d - e Question 2. a. Next, it enables you to build better relationships with people because through frequent sports you can get to know a lot about others' personalities. b. First, playing sports helps reduce the stress and gives you more energy in your life. c. In short, people should play sports regularly because it brings lots of advantages. d. Lastly, it improves your health. When playing sports, the body is protected from different types of harmful bacteria and viruses. e. Playing sports brings a lot of advantages. A. e - a - b - d - c B. e - b - a - d - c C. b - a - d - c - e D. c - b - a - e - d VIII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the numbered blanks. Nowadays more and more teenagers are getting involved in community activities. Some may join different charity groups to help the needy in their neighborhoods or other areas. (1)_______ and develop their own plans to help people in the community. These may include various community activities, such as donating old clothes, (2)_______ , and organizing after-school activities for children. (3)_______ , they gain numerous benefits. First, they come into contact with other teenagers who share similar interests. Secondly, teenagers can learn and improve (4)_______ . Thirdly, community activities can increase teenagers' self-confidence and (5)_______ . Finally, doing volunteer work in the community is the perfect School Announcement: Explore Cultures Competition Date: March 10th Time: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Show off your knowledge:  (1) facts about different countries.  Present traditional customs and attire.  Perform (2) dances or songs.  Display (3) artefacts and photos. Join us for a day of learning and celebration! Sign up by February 25th. Let's celebrate our diverse world together! Welcome to the International Cultural Festival in Hanoi! Date: 5th March 2024 Location: Hanoi Cultural Center Experience a vibrant celebration of global cultures:  Enjoy traditional dances from around (4) world.  Taste (5) cuisines from different countries.  Engage in interactive cultural workshops.
opportunity (6)_______ essential leadership experience that all employers want to see. Question 1. A. When others may set up volunteer clubs at their schools B. Others may set up volunteer clubs at their schools C. Setting up volunteer clubs at their schools to help D. If they want to set up volunteer clubs at their schools Question 2. A. cleaning up the environment B. to clean up the environment C. they can clean up the environment D. clean up the environment Question 3. A. To take part in community activities B. Teenagers taking part in community activities C. When teenagers take part in community activities D. Teenagers must take part in community activities Question 4. A. our life skills B. these life skills C. its life skills D. their life skills Question 5. A. boosting their well-being B. it is better to boost their well-being C. they should boost their well-being D.boost their well-being Question 6. A. for teenagers gaining B. for teenagers to gain C. that teenagers to gain D. teenagers to gain IX. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 26 to 30. Amparo Lasén, the Spanish sociologist who conducted the study found that Londoners use their cell phones the least in public. If they are with (1)_____people, they prefer to let calls be answered by voice mail (a recorded message) and then they check for messages later. If the English do answer a call on the street, they seem to dislike talking with others around. They tend to move away from a crowded sidewalk and seek out a place (2) ______they cannot be heard, such as the far side of a subway entrance or even the edge of a street. They seem to feel that the danger of the traffic is preferable to the risk of having their conversation be overheard. This has led to a behavior that Laser has called "clustering." At a busy time of day on the streets of London, you may find small crowds of cell phone users grouped together, each one talking into a cell phone. Even when it is raining- as it is often in London- people still prefer not to hold their conversations where others could hear. They talk (3) _______ their umbrellas or in a doorway. In Paris, however, there are stricter rules about how and when to use cell phones. It is not considered polite to use a phone in a restaurant, (4) _______, though it might be acceptable in the more informal setting of a café. One special custom that has developed in cafés seems unique to Paris. Young women often place their cell phones on the table beside them to signal that they are expecting someone. When the friend arrives, the phone is put away. In fact, the French are generally very disapproving of phone use in public and are quick to (5) _________ that disapproval, even to strangers. (Adapted from “Advanced Reading Power” by Beatrice S. Mikulecky and Linda Jeffries) Question 1: A. another B. other C. others D. every Question 2: A. which B. when C. where D. what Question 3: A. on B. under C. in D. after Question 4: A. for examples B. moreover C. nevertheless D. for instance Question 5: A. express B. gain C. rumor D. accumulate X. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 31 to 35. We first learn about loving and caring relationships from our families. Family is defined as a domestic group of people with some degree of kinship - whether through blood, marriage, or adoption. Ideally, each child is nurtured, respected, and grows up to care for others and develop strong and healthy relationships. This does not mean that it is always easy to make and keep friends; it just means that we share the goal of having strong relationships. "Family" includes your siblings and parents, as well as relatives who you may not interact with every day, such as your cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and stepparents. These are probably the people you are closest to and with whom you spend the most time. Having healthy relationships with your family members is both important and difficult.

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