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1 FRIENDS GLOBAL 12 – UNIT 3: CUSTOMS AND CULTURE Exercise 1: Choose the best option 1. If the weather is fine, they (goes/ will go) camping tomorrow. 2. My parents will give me a gift if I (will pass/ pass) the final exam. 3. If you are polite to others, they (will be/ are) nice to you. 4. Unless Sylvie (studies/ will study) hard, she will fail the exam. 5. My parents won’t allow me to go out if I (don’t finish/ won’t finish) my homework. 6. If the cable TV (doesn’t/ won’t) work, we will rent a DVD. 7. If you don’t want to stay at home, you (go/ can go) with me to the supermarket. 8. If you (will be/ are) a good listener, you will gain many friends. 9. Sylvie won’t attend the meeting if she (won’t/doesn’t) want to. 10. You can’t have this job unless you (have/will have) long working experience. Exercise 2: Choose the best option 1.  ……………………. (they / be) happy if Sylvie …………………(do) that? A. Will they be – does B. Will they be – do C. Are they – will do 2. Unless Sylvie …………………….(start) now, she …………………….(not finish) the project on time. A. start – won’t finish B. will start – don’t finish C. starts – won’t finish 3. Your mother …………………….(smile) happily if you …………………….(give) her some beautiful flowers. A. smiles – give B. will smile – give C. will smile – gives 4. Sylvie …………………….(take) a taxi to get home if it …………………….(rain). A. will take – rains B. takes – rains C. takes – will rain 5. If he …………………….(go) to the pub, he …………………….(come across) some old friends. A. go – will come across B. goes – comes across C. goes – will come across 6. The meeting …………………….(begin) as soon as all of them …………………….(be) ready. A. will begin – are B. will begin – will be C. begins – are 7. If my brother …………………….(study abroad), I …………………….(feel) happy for him. A. studies abroad – feel B. studies abroad – will feel C. study abroad – will feel 8. If Sylvie …………………….(go) to the supermarket, she …………………….(buy) some tomatoes. A. will go – buy B. goes – will buy C. go – buy 9. His parents …………………….(be) upset if he …………………….(smoke). A. won’t be upset – smokes B. are – will smoke C. will be – smokes 10. If you …………………….(be) thirsty, …………………….(drink) some grape juice. A. are – will drink B. will be – drink C. are – drink 11. What …………………….(happen) if you …………………….(not go) to school on time? A. happen – won’t go B. will happen – don’t go C. will happen – doesn’t go 12. Unless Sylvie ……………………. (hurry up), she …………………….(be) late for work. A. won’t hurry up – will be B. don’t hurry up – will be C. hurries up – will be 13. If you ……………………. (keep) eating too much, you …………………….(be) getting fat. A. keep – will be B. keep – are C. will keep – are 14. Sylvie …………………….(not know) the secret unless you …………………….(tell) her. A. don’t know – tell B. won’t know – tell C. won’t know – tells 15. If Sylvie …………………….(get) a haircut, she …………………….(look) much better. A. gets – look B. will get – looks C. gets – will look Exercise 3: Choose the best option 1. Will you write to me if I (give / will give) you my email address? 2. If we (win / will win) this match, we’ll be in the finals. 3. If the new Bond film (comes / will come) to our cinema, I (go / ‘ll go) and see it. 4. How (does / will) Sylvie get back tonight if she can’t find a taxi? 5. I (am / will be) surprised if this film (gets / will get) an award.
2 6. (Do you / Will you) make dinner tonight if I (do / will do) the shopping? 7. If I (hear / will hear) that song one more time, I (scream / will scream)! 8. What (do they / will they) do if they (don’t / won’t) pass their exams? 9. If I (go / will go) out tonight, Sylvie (will stay / stays) at home with my mom.  10. If we (stay / will stay) up late, we (are / will be) exhausted tomorrow morning. 11. If the weather (is / are) nice tomorrow, our family (will have / has) a picnic. Exercise 4: Rewrite these sentences with the given words 1. If you don’t cook dinner, you will be hungry tonight. => Unless ………………………………………………………………….. 2. I will feel bored if Sylvie and David don't come to the party with me. => Unless ………………………………………………………………….. 3. We won’t invite them if they don't apologize. => Unless ………………………………………………………………….. 4. He will cry louder if his mom doesn't give him some toys. => Unless ………………………………………………………………….. 5. If Sylvie doesn’t promise to get home early, her father will get angry. => Unless ………………………………………………………………….. 6. If we don’t prepare a map, we will be lost soon. => Unless ………………………………………………………………….. 7. If Sylvie doesn’t save enough money, she won’t buy that house. => Unless ………………………………………………………………….. 8. You can’t get a handsome salary if you don’t have an IELTS degree. => Unless ………………………………………………………………….. 9. If you don’t eat less, you can’t avoid weight gain. => Unless ………………………………………………………………….. 10. If he doesn’t learn English, he can’t transcript those English books. => Unless ………………………………………………………………….. Exercise 5: Rewrite these sentences with the given words 1. If Sylvie finishes her homework early, he can watch TV. => Unless ………………………………………………………….. 2. If she comes to the meeting, she will help you finish the project.  => Unless ………………………………………………………….. 3. If Sylvie apologizes, I will forgive her. => Unless ………………………………………………………….. 4. If you finish your chores, you can go out for dinner. => Unless ………………………………………………………….. 5. If Sylvie works hard, she will succeed. => Unless ………………………………………………………….. 6. If it doesn’t snow, we will go hiking. => Unless ………………………………………………………….. 7. If they come to the party, we will have a surprise for them. => Unless ………………………………………………………….. 8. If it is not too hot tomorrow, we will have a party. => Unless ………………………………………………………….. 9. If Sylvie finishes her book, she will publish it. => Unless ………………………………………………………….. 10. If they win the match, they will advance to the finals. => Unless ………………………………………………………….. Exercise 6: Rewrite these sentences with the given words
3 1. If you finish your chores, you can go out with him. 2. If Sylvie studies hard, she will pass the exam. 3. If it doesn’t rain, we will have a picnic in the park. 4. If they come to the party, we will have a great time. 5. If Sylvie doesn’t help me, I won’t finish it on time. 6. If Sylvie ose doesn’t finish her homework, she won’t be allowed to play outside. 7. If you don’t clean their room, you won’t be able to watch TV. 8. If Sylvie doesn’t help with the chores, she won’t get pocket money. 9. If the drought continues, plants and animals will perish. 10. If he gets proper medical care, he will survive. 11. If he wins the first prize, his mother will be happy. 12. If you don’t behave, I will throw you out. 13. If you ask more politely, I will buy you a drink. 14. If she is late, we will go without her. 15. If I get a promotion, I will buy a car. Exercise 7: Choose the best option 1. ………I use your pen please? A. May B. Could C. Will D. Might 2. Take an umbrella. It ………….rain later. A. could B. will C. must D. might 3. ………..I have a cup of tea, please? A. Can B. May C. Will D. Might 4. We haven't got a lot of money, so we ………………….go on holiday next year. A. will B. may not C. might D. couldn’t 5. Your smartphone probably isn’t broken. It ………………………….out of charge. A. can’t have run B. could have run C. must have run D. will have run 6. The school show is on YouTube. Our teacher ……………..it. A. can’t have uploaded B. might have uploaded C. must have uploaded D. will have uploaded 7. He went 80 km in less than an hour. He ……………………very fast. A. must have driven B. can’t have driven C. might have driven D. would have driven 8. She …………………………her phone at school. Or perhaps she left it on the bus. A. can’t have left B. might have left C. must have left D. can have left 9. There’s no bread left. They …………………………it all. A. can’t have eaten B. could have eaten C. must have eaten D. will have eaten 10. I didn’t get your email. Do you think you …………………………it to my old email address? A. can’t have sent B. could have sent C. must have sent D. can have sent Exercise 8: Choose the best option 1. This is a hospital. You ………………………..smoke here. A. mustn’t B. must C. can D. may 2. He had been working for more than 11 hours. He …………………….be tired now. A. mustn’t B. has to C. must D. had to 3. We …………………..wear a uniform, so I normally wear sports clothes. A. didn’t have to B. don’t have to C. must D. mustn’t 4. When I get home, I …………………do my homework. A. had to B. must C. has to D. have to 5. I’m not sure but I think it …………………..the postman who knocked just then. A. must have been B. could have been C. should have been D. can have been 6. Do you think I …………………. Sylvie? A. must have called B. should have called C. can’t have called D. mightn’t have called
4 7. I think Sylvie ………………..here. I think I saw her car. A. should have been B. can have been C. must have been D. might have been 8. I think you …………… speak to your teacher. She’ll help you. A. should B. must C. may D. could 9. I …………………….you earlier to talk about the project, but I was not home.  A. should have called B. might have called C. must have called D. have to call 10. She …………………………the taxi to work today. I’m not sure. A. may have taken B. must have taken C. can have taken D. should have taken Exercise 9: Fill in each blank with a suitable word below: must / mustn’t / needn’t / have 1. In Saudi Arabia, you …………….. use a knife and a fork to eat. You can use your fingers if you prefer. 2. In Britain, if you are invited for a meal at somebody’s home, you ………… take a present. It’s very rude not to bring anything. 3. In many parts of Asia, you ……….. touch or pat somebody on the head. It is considered impolite. 4. In most cultures, you …………….. speak with food in your mouth. Swallow your food before you start talking. 5. Generally, you …………… use formal language in emails to friends. But in business emails, you ………………. use colloquial language. 6. If you receive an invitation with RSVP on it, you ……………… reply. 7. In many countries, you …………. use your finger to beckon somebody. It’s very rude. 8. You ……………… talk in the library. The librarian will get very angry if you do. 9. I ……………… pass the exam with very good marks to go to that university. 10. The teacher said we ……………… to give him the projects next week. Exercise 10: Fill in each blank with a suitable word or phrase below: should / may / don’t have to / need to / needn’t / can’t / must 1. You ……………… help me, but you can if you want! 2. We ……………… paint the living room. We haven’t done it for years. 3. I ……………… do these exercises, but I really like doing maths problems. 4. I don’t think you ……………… eat so much chocolate. It’s bad for you. 5. I’m not sure what we’re doing tomorrow. We ………….. go to the cinema. 6. Sylvie ………….. be at the leisure centre. It’s closed. 7. You shouldn’t drive fast. You ………….. have an accident one day. 8. I can see people opening their umbrellas. It ………….. be starting to rain. 9. Sylvie ………….. be wearing her coat. It’s on the peg over there. 10. It’s five o’clock now and the bus takes twenty minutes, so I ………….. get home just after five twenty. Exercise 11: Choose the best option 1. “It’s freezing in here. The window must / could / should be open.” 2. “Where’s Sylvie?” “I’m not sure. She might / should / will be playing football.” 3. You shouldn’t / mustn’t / can’t be listening to the teacher if you are whispering to the student next to you. 4. Sylvie has revised very hard for her exams so she should / may / won’t do well. 5. We needn’t / should / wouldn’t have run all the way to the station. The train was an hour late. 6. It was an amazing show. You would have bought / should have bought / didn’t need to buy a ticket when you had the chance. 7. No wonder Jane is angry with you. You shouldn’t / wouldn’t / needn’t have forgotten her birthday. 8. We needn’t have taken / shouldn’t have taken / didn’t need to take any food to the party because we knew there would be lots there. 9. I’m sorry. I would / should / wouldn’t have told you that I wasn’t coming out tonight. 10. She thought she was going to fail, but she wouldn’t / should / needn’t have worried. She passed easily. Exercise 12: Fill in each blank with a suitable word 1. I went past the new noodle bar in town. It ……………. be very good – there was nobody in it.

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