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B. a dead duck: kế hoạch bị dẹp bỏ D. a bear with a sore head: cáu kỉnh, gắt gỏng Dịch nghĩa: Cậu có thấy Johnathan sáng nay không? Trông anh ta rất ốm yếu. Chắc hẳn anh ta tiệc tùng suốt đêm qua. 48. C Kiến thức về từ vựng Đáp án C. inhibited / inˈhibitid/ (adj): rụt rẻ, thiếu tự nhiên Các đáp án còn lại: A. prevent /proˈvent/ (v): ngăn cản prevent sb from Ving: ngăn cản ai làm gì B. hindered / ˈhaində/ (adj): ở đằng sau To hinder someone from working: cản trở không để ai làm việc gì D. deter / diˈtə:/ (v) + sb from Ving: ngăn cản ai làm gì Dịch nghĩa: Cô ta đã cười với tôi vài lần, nhưng tôi quá rụt rè để hẹn cô ấy. 49. B Kiến thức về từ vựng Poet / ˈpouit/ (n): nhà thờ Comparison / kəmˈpærisn/ (n): sự so sánh To bear (stand) comparison with: có thể so sánh với Dịch nghĩa: Là một nhà thơ, tôi nghĩa cô ấy có thể so sánh với nhà thơ vĩ đại nhất thế kỉ này. 50. C Kiến thức về thành ngữ Thành ngữ: as poor as church mouse: nghèo sơ nghèo xác Các đáp án còn lại: A. beggar /ˈbegə/ (n): người ăn mày B. miser / ˈmaizə/ (n): người keo kiệt, người bủn xỉn D. pauper / ˈpɔ:pə/ (n): người nghèo túng; người ăn xin Dịch nghĩa: Những ngày sinh viên, anh ấy nghèo sơ nghèo xác LESSON 18 Question 1: The _____ of two houses prove such a financial burden that they were forced to sell one. A. upshot B. upkeep C. uproar D. upsurge Question 2: In this student days, he was as poor as a church_____. A. beggar B. miser C. mouse D. pauper Question 3: Harry doesn’t _____ to great fame and fortune, he just wants to make a decent living. A. crave B. hanker C. yearn D. aspire Question 4: I wrote to them a fortnight ago but ______ I haven’t had a reply.
A. as yet B. these days C. so long D. just now Question 5: I couldn’t stop myself from _____ with boredom during the lecture. A. sighing B. gasping C. panting D. blowing Question 6: She didn’t show even a _____of emotion when the court found her guilty. A. gleam B. wink C. flicker D. flash Question 7: It's not surprising that he became a writer because he always longed to see his name _____. A. in type B. in print C. in letters D. in edition Question 8: The police are looking into new ways of _____major crime. A. contending B. wrestling C. combating D. striving Question 9: The technological and economic changes of the 19th century had a marked _____ on workers. A. cause B. effect C. impact D. consequence Question 10: The first sign of vitamin A disorder is night _____. A. loss of sight B. lack of vision C. invisibility D. blindness Question 11: The _____ are against her winning a fourth consecutive gold medal. A. chances B. bets C. prospects D. odds Question 12: References can have a considerable _____ on employment prospects. A. cause B. decision C. weight D. bearing Question 13: The prospects of picking up any survivors are now _____. A. thin B. narrow C. slim D. restricted Question 14: From time to time he _____ himself to a weekend in a five-star hotel. A. craves B. indulges C. treats D. benefits Question 15: Men still expect their jobs to take _____. A. superiority B. imposition C. priority D. seniority Question 16: The police have been ordered not to _____ if the students attack them. A. combat B. rebuff C. retaliate D. challenge Question 17: The teacher gave me some _____ advice on which college to enroll. A. nonsensical B. sound C. loud D. preposterous Question 18: I can't tell you the exact amount, but I can give you a _____ estimate. A. smooth B. tidy C. rough D. similar Question 19: Marge walked away from die discussion. Otherwise, she _____ something she would regret later. A. will say B. said C. might say D. might have said Question 20: You are not supposed to park on the hard _____ except in an emergency. A. lane B. shoulder C. leg D. area Question 21: The new school complex cost _____ the city council had budgeted for. A. just twice as much as B. twice more by far than C. twice much more than D. almost twice as much as Question 22: Larry _____ forgot where he'd left his keys.
A. momentarily B. directly C. singularly D. shortly Question 23: The Earth will be a planet where human beings, animals and plants live in peaceful _____. A. cooperation B. coordination C. corporation D. coexistence Question 24: James could no longer bear the _____ surroundings of the decrepit old house. A. oppressive B. domineering C. pressing D. overbearing Question 25: I find the idea of experimenting on animals _____. A. disagreeing B. objectionable C. distasteful D. objective Question 26: He's a bit timid and hasn't yet _____ the courage to apply for the job. A. put on B. get off C. plucked up D. carried through Question 27: Following the crime in Bradford High Street last Saturday afternoon, the police are checking _____ anyone who was there at the time. A. in for B. up on C. out of D. over to Question 28: According to a Government spokesman, further _____ in the public sector are to be expected. A. cutbacks B. breakdowns C. out-takes D. layouts Question 29: Under the weather or not, Ashcroft _____ 2 mins 13.8 secs, almost a second faster than her winning time last year. A. set B. clocked C. gained D. took Question 30: That judge is feared because she takes a hard _____ in the fight against drugs. A. line B. lane C. path D. rule Question 31: He will be sued for _____ of contract if he does not do what he promised. A. fracture B. crack C. rupture D. breach Question 32: You shouldn’t _____ into other’s people private lives. A. prowl B. prod C. proceed D. pry Question 33: Some romantic novelists _____ out books with the same old formula every year. A. churn B. spill C. ladle D. pour Question 34: Even the best medicines are not _____. A. infallible B. unfailing C. fail-proof D. falsified Question 35: The dog was a little subdued yesterday, but she's full of _____ this morning. A. sprouts B. beans C. chips D. berries Question 36: There are a lot of crooked people in big cities. If you don't want to be cheated, you'll need to keep your _____ about you. A. mind B. wits C. head D. brain Question 37: Just because we've had a good year, this does not mean that we cannot do better: we must _____. A. have our head in the clouds B. bury our heads in the sand C. count our blessings D. rest on our laurels Question 38: There's nothing as cozy on a cold evening as the warm _____ of a fire. A. glare B. sparkle C. glow D. flame
Question 39: She seems to be angry with the whole world. She's got a chip _____. A. on her shoulder B. in her bonnet C. under her hat D. between the ears Question 40: How do you calculate the distance to the horizon? As a _____, it's 7 miles + 1 mile per 100 feet above sea level. A. trick of the trade B. golden rule C. free hand D. rule of thumb Question 41: When we start work in the morning, I usually _____ at the schedule for the whole day. A. glimpse B. watch C. monitor D. glance Question 42: Scottish pound notes are not legal _____ in England. A. tender B. money C. exchange D. value Question 43: If you're interested in a career in _____, you must be prepared to work hard for little money. A. acting B. playing C. performance D. tage Question 44: Mrs. Smith always likes someone to _____ her to the bus stop at night A. go B. company C. join D. accompany Question 45: After the funeral, the residents of the apartment building _____. A. sent to the cemetery each week flowers faithfully B. sent faithfully flowers all week to the cemetery C. sent flowers faithfully to the cemetery each week D. sent each week faithfully to the cemetery flowers Question 46: I don’t like Anthony, he seems to take too much _____ in criticizing everyone. A. joy B. fascination C. pleasure D. entertainment Question 47: Conversations you strike up with travelling acquaintances usually tend to be ______. A. insufficient B. perverse C. trivial D. imperative Question 48: He found that the test was child's _____. A. play B. games C. matches D. delight Question 49: The unscrupulous salesman _____ the old couple out of their life savings. A. deprived B. swindled C. robbed D. extracted Question 50: Sheila couldn't attend the meeting as the date ______ with her holidays. A. clashed B. struck C. opposed D. occurred LỜI GIẢI CHI TIẾT Câu Đáp án Giải thích chi tiết đáp án 1. B Kiến thức về từ vựng Upkeep (n): phí bảo dưỡng, sự sửa sang Upshot (n): kết quả, kết luận Uproar /'ʌprↄ:(r)/ (n): sự náo động, tiếng ồn ào Upsurge /'ʌpsɜ:dʒ/ (n): sự đột ngột tăng lên, sự bột phát Dịch nghĩa: Phí sửa sang của hai ngôi nhà tạo ra gánh nặng về tài chính đến

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