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UNIT 8: BECOMING INDEPENDENT Lesson 1: Getting started – Earning your parents’ trust I. OBJECTIVES By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to: 1. Knowledge - Gain an overview about the topic becoming independent; - Gain vocabulary to talk about becoming independent; - Get to know the language aspects: cleft sentence. 2. Competences - Develop communication skills and creativity; - Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork. - Actively join in class activities 3. Personal qualities - Familiarize with the ways to keep fit and stay healthy; - Develop self-study skills. II. MATERIALS - Grade 11 textbook, Unit 1, Getting started - Computer connected to the Internet - Projector / TV/ pictures and cards Language analysis Form Pronunciation Meaning Vietnamese equivalent 1. independent (adj) /ˌɪn.dɪˈpen.d ə nt/ confident and free to do things without needing help from other people Tự lập 2. trust (earn sb’s trust) /trʌst/ the belief that sb/sth is good, sincere, honest, etc. Niềm tin 3. (to) convince /kənˈvɪns/ to make someone feel certain that something is true Thuyết phục 4. responsible (adj) /rɪˈspɔnsɪbəl/ having the job or duty of doing sth or taking care of sb/sth Trách nhiệm 5. (to) encourage /ɪnˈkʌr.ɪdʒ/ to give sb support, courage or hope Động viên
Assumption Anticipated difficulties Solutions Students are reluctant to work in groups. - Encourage students to work in pairs and in groups so that they can help each other. - Provide feedback and help if necessary. Students may lack vocabulary to deliver a speech - Explain expectations for each task in detail. - Continue to explain task expectations in small chunks (before every activity). - Provide vocabulary and useful language before assigning tasks - Encourage students to work in groups so that they can help each other. III. PROCEDURES 1. WARM-UP (5 mins) a. Objectives: - To stir up the atmosphere and activate students’ knowledge on the topic of becoming independent; - To set the context for the listening and reading part; - To enhance students’ skills of cooperating with teammates. b. Content: - Categorizing game: Classify dependent and independent people with some activities c. Expected outcomes: - Students can distinguish independence and dependence d. Organisation TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS CATEGORIZING GAME - Ss work in groups. Each group is given small pieces of paper on which activities of dependent and independent lifestyle are written. - Each group has to classify them into correct categories. - The first team to complete the task correctly is the winner. - Teacher asks the winner to go to the board and show the correct answers. Lists of activities: - Independent lifestyle + Cook for yourself + Have good time management + Know how to keep house + keep your body clean + Think twice before deciding + Get enough good sleep - Dependent lifestyle + Ask parents for money + Wait parents to cook + Don’t do your homework + Need mother to drop you off at school
+ communicate badly with people + Eat instant noodles all the time e. Assessment - Teacher observes the groups and give feedback. 2. ACTIVITY 1: PRESENTATION (7 mins) a. Objectives: - To get students learn vocabulary related to the topic. b. Content: - Pre-teach vocabulary related to the content of the dialogue. c. Expected outcomes: - Students can use key language more appropriately before they read. d. Organisation TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Vocabulary pre-teaching - Teacher introduces the vocabulary. - Teacher explains the meaning of the new vocabulary by pictures, or explanations. - Teacher checks students’ understanding with the “Rub out and remember” technique. - Teacher reveals that these five words will appear in the reading text and asks students to open their textbook to discover further. New words: 1. independent (adj) 2. trust (earn sb’s trust) 3. (to) convince 4. responsible (adj) 5. (to) encourage e. Assessment - Teacher checks students’ pronunciation and gives feedback. - Teacher observes Ss’ writing of vocabulary on their notebooks. 3. ACTIVITY 2: PRACTICE (20 mins) a. Objectives: - To help students get to know the topic. - To introduce words and phrases related to becoming independent. - To help Ss identify the cleft sentence with “it is/was …. who/that…”. b. Content: - Task 1: Listen and read (p.86) - Task 2. Read the conversation again and decide who has these skills. (p.87) - Task 3. Find words and a phrase in 1 that have the following meanings. (p.87) - Task 4. Match the two halves to make sentences used in 1. (p.87) c. Expected outcomes: - Students can thoroughly understand the content of the text and complete the tasks successfully.
d. Organisation TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Task 1. Listen and read. (5 mins) - Teacher asks Ss to look at the pictures in the book as well as the dialogue and answer the questions. - Ss answer the questions in pairs. - Teacher plays the recording twice. Ss listen and read. - Teacher checks Ss’ prediction. T calls 2 Ss to read the conversation aloud. Questions: - What can you see in each picture? - What do you think they are discussing? Suggested answers: - 2 friends, pan, food… - They are discussing about how to cook and how to earn parents’ trust. Task 2. Read the conversation again and decide who has these skills. (5 mins) - Ask Ss to read the conversation again and decide who has the skills 1-3. Have them to pay attention to the key words in the phrases first. Then give them time to read the conversation again and locate the part that contains the information for each phrase. - Then put Ss into pairs to compare their answers. - Check answers as a class. Encourage Ss to provide evidence from the conversation, e. g. Mike is good at managing money because he uses a money-management app that taught him how to be responsible with money. Extension: Call out sentences from the conversation or other statements related to it, but make mistakes, e. g. Mark can cook, clean the house, and do laundry. Have Ss stand up when they hear a mistake and say No! Invite a student to correct the mistake. In stronger classes, vary the game by having Ss say the wrong statements. Answer key: 1. Mark 2. Mai 3. Nam Task 3. Find words and a phrase in 1 that have the following meanings. (5 mins) Aim: To help Ss revise phrases related to earning parents’ trust. - Have Ss look at the words with scrambled parts. Answer key: 1 confidence, 2 independent, 3 responsibility 4.

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