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Content text UNIT 4 (TỪ VỰNG & NGỮ PHÁP) - KEY.doc

UNIT 4: REMEMBERING THE PAST *VOCABULARY WORD PRONUNCIATION MEANING ancient (adj) /ˈeɪnʃənt/ cổ đại, lâu đời anniversary (n) /ˌænɪˈvɜːsəri/ ngày kỉ niệm, lễ kỉ niệm barefoot (adj, adv) /ˈbeəfʊt/ chân trần basic (adj) /ˈbeɪsɪk/ cơ bản castle (n) /ˈkɑːsl/ lâu đài communal (adj) /kəˈmjuːnl/ dùng chung, thuộc cộng đồng complex (n) /ˈkɒmpleks/ khu phức hợp, quần thể deep-rooted (adj) /ˌdiːp ˈruːtɪd/ lâu đời, ăn sâu bén rễ face to face (adv) /ˌfeɪs tə ˈfeɪs/ trực tiếp, trực diện fish and chips (n) /ˌfɪʃ ən ˈtʃɪps/ món cá và khoai tây rán (món ăn truyền thống của người Anh) found (v) /faʊnd/ thành lập generation (n) /ˌdʒenəˈreɪʃn/ thế hệ monument (n) /ˈmɒnjumənt/ tượng đài observe (v) /əbˈzɜːv/ duy trì, tuân theo occupied (adj) /ˈɒkjupaɪd/ có người ở occupy (v) /ˈɒkjupaɪ/ chiếm giữ promote (v) /prəˈməʊt/ thúc đẩy recognise (v) /ˈrekəɡnaɪz/ công nhận religious (adj) /rɪˈlɪdʒəs/ (thuộc) tôn giáo structure (n) /ˈstrʌktʃə/ cấu trúc takeaway (n) /ˈteɪkəweɪ/ đồ ăn bán sẵn (để mang về) *GRAMMAR THE PAST CONTINUOUS Thì Past Continuous (Diễn đạt 1 hành động đang xảy ra ở quá khứ) FORM
GLOBAL SUCCESS 9 UNIT 4:REMEMBERING THE PAST 2 +) S + was/ were + V-ing …….. -) S + wasn’t / weren’t + V-ing………. ?) Was/Were + S + Ving ……….? +)Diễn đạt 1 hành động đang xảy ra ở quá khứ khi có 1 hành động cắt ngang xen vào: - I met him while he was crossing the street. - She was going home when she saw an accident. + Thì Past Continuous Diễn đạt 1 hành động đang xảy ra trong 1 thời gian được xác định cụ thể - My father was watching TV at 8 o’clock last night. Choose the correct answer 1. What _______ you doing at 8 PM last night? A. is B. were C. am D. have 2. Mr Buong _______ watching TV when the doorbell rang. A.did B. was C. am D. is 3. She came into the shop to get a ______and went out. A.takeaway B.heritage C.structure D.generation 4. _______ they playing basketball when you saw them? A. Is B. Are C. Was D. Were 5. He _______ studying at the library from 2 PM to 4 PM yesterday. A. is B. was C. are D. am 6.We should _______ our family customs and traditions. A.observe B.promote C.protect D.recognise 5. _______ you listening to music while you were cooking dinner? A. Is B. Are C. Was D. Were 6. What _______ the kids doing when you arrived? A. is B. was C.were D. are 7. We _______ playing board games when the power went out. A. were B. am C. is D. are 8. _______ she sleeping when you called her? A. Were B. Are C. Is D. Was 9. The baby _______ crying all night because she was teething. A. am B. was C. is D. are 10. They _______ at the cafe when I bumped into them. A. was chatting B. were chatting C.chatted D.chat 11. _______ he ______ late last night? A.Was / working B.Did / work C. Does / work D.Is / working 12. I _______ jogging in the park when it started raining. A. is B. was C. am D. are 13. _______ they______ for the exam when you called? A. Were/ studying B. Was/ studying C.did / study D.Are / studting 14. She _______ reading a book while waiting for the bus. A. B. C. D. While I ______ the floor, Mrs. Paker began cooking A. swept B. was sweeping C. has swept D. is sweeping 3. When Jack______ me, I______a letter A.was phoning/ wrote B. phoned/ am writing C. phoned/ was writing D. has phoned/ writing 4. I _______my report when you entered the hall A. made B. was making C. have made D. making 5. She_____ this exercise yesterday at 8o’clock A. wrote B. has written C. writing D. was writing 6. She_______ some cakes yesterday at 2p.m
GLOBAL SUCCESS 9 UNIT 4:REMEMBERING THE PAST 3 A. make B. has made C. was making D. making 7. Miss Brown’s telephone_____when she_____. A. rang/ dressed B.ringing/ was dressing C. was ringing/ dresses D. rang/ was dressing 8. When he_____ into the office, the secretary_____ a crossword puzzle A. came/ was doing B. was coming/ doing C. was coming/ did D. came/ did 9. Why_____ to me while I_______? A. did you not listen/ was speaking B. were you not listening/ was speaking C. did you not listen/ spoke D.were you not listening/ spoke 10. She ______ the picture when I came A. painted B. was painting C. has painted D. have been 12. They_____ supper when the telephone rang. A. had B. were having C. have D.are having 16. We _____ while he_______. A. read/ was eating B. were reading/ ate C. read/ ate D.was reading/was eating 20. As I ______the glass, it suddenly______ into two pieces. A. cut/ broke B. was cutting/ break C. was cutting/ broke D. cut/ was breaking 21. A burglar_____ into the house while we_____ television. A. broke/ were watching B. break/ watched C.was breaking/ watched D. broke/ watched Put the verbs in brackets in the past continuous 1. My sister bumped into her old friend while she (was shopping) at the market downtown. 2. The kids were playing in the garden when they (saw) a rainbow after the rain. 3. Maria spilled her coffee all over her shirt while she (was reading) a book in the café. 4. Max fell asleep on the couch while he (was watching) a movie late at night. 5. We got lost in the maze while we (were exploring) the botanical gardens. 6. Emily discovered a hidden treasure while she (was digging) in the backyard. 7. The chef burnt the cookies in the oven while he (was cooking) dinner for the guests. 8. Mark stumbled upon an old photo album while he (was cleaning) out the attic. 9. Anna twisted her ankle while she (was hiking) in the mountains with her friends. 10. Jake accidentally broke the vase while he (was playing) with his dog in the living room. 11. The students were discussing their project when they (heard) a loud noise from the next room. 12. Sarah found her lost keys while she (was searching) for her phone in her bag. 13. Alex was daydreaming in class when he (received) an unexpected text message. 14. Lisa slipped on the wet floor while she (was walking) in the kitchen after mopping. 15. The cat knocked over a glass of water while it (was playing) on the table. 16. John missed the bus because he (overslept) after staying up late studying. 17. Julia stumbled upon a rare flower while she (was taking) a walk in the forest. 18. The firefighters rescued the kitten while it (was hiding) under the porch during the fire. 19. Sam found a lost wallet while he (was picking) up litter in the park. 20. The baby fell asleep in the car while we (were driving) to the beach. 21. The team won the championship while they (were training) hard every day for months. 22. Emily discovered an old diary while she (was cleaning) out her grandmother's closet. 23. Jack met Mr Buong while he (was walking) home from work. 24. Sarah missed her flight because she (lost) track of time while shopping at the airport. 25. The dog found a bone buried in the backyard while it (was digging) for a toy. 26. Max accidentally deleted his important files while he (was organizing) his computer folders. 27. The children found a hidden cave while they (were exploring) the forest. 28. Emma burnt her hand while she (was cooking) dinner on the stove. 29. Tom stumbled upon a rare coin while he (was digging) in the garden.
GLOBAL SUCCESS 9 UNIT 4:REMEMBERING THE PAST 4 30. The car broke down while we (were driving) to the concert. 31. Peter forgot his umbrella and got soaked while he (was walking) home in the rain. 32. Amy found a lost kitten while she (was walking)with her dog in the park. 33. The phone rang while I (was taking) a shower in the bathroom. 34. The power went out while we (were watching) a movie at home. 35. The cat knocked over a vase while it (was playing) on the windowsill. 36. The children found a treasure map while they (were cleaning) out the attic. 37. Sarah tripped over a rock while she (was hiking) in the mountains. 38. The baker burnt the bread in the oven while he (was preparing) pastries for the shop. 39. Jack missed his train because he (was waiting) at the wrong platform. 40. Emily discovered a secret passage while she (was exploring) the old mansion. 41. The dog chased a squirrel up a tree while it (was running) in the park. 42. The students found a rare book in the library while they (were researching) for their project. 43. Tom dropped his phone in the pool while he (was taking) a selfie. 44. The bird flew into the window while it (was trying) to escape the storm. 45. Sarah forgot her lines on stage while she (was performing) in the school play. 46. Max found a hidden message while he (was reading) an old book in the library. 47. The cat knocked over a lamp while it (was playing) in the living room. 48. Emily lost her keys while she (was walking) her dog in the neighborhood. 49. The chef burnt the pancakes on the stove while he (was cooking) breakfast for the family. 50. The children found a secret garden while they (were exploring) the abandoned house. Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple or the past continuous tense. 1/ He (was sitting) __________ in a bar when I (saw) __________ him. 2/ When I (went) __________ out, the sun (was shining) __________. 3/ The light (went) __________ out while I (was having) __________ tea. 4/ When it (was raining) __________ , she(was carrying) __________ an umbrella. 5/ We (were walking) __________ to the station when it (began) __________ to rain. 6/ He (taught) ___ English for 2 months when he (lived)______ in Germany and (studied) _______ as a journalist 7/ The house (was burning) ________ fast, so we (broke) ________ the window to get out. 8/ He (ate) __________ three sandwiches while you (were talking) __________ to him. 9/ The servant (dropped) ____ two cups while she (was washing up) ______ last night; neither of them (break)______. 10/ While he (was writing) __________ a letter, the telephone (rang) __________; as he (went) __________ to answer it. WISH IN ENGLISH I. “ Wish”. Động từ Wish= If only ( ao ước) thường dùng để diễn tả những ước muốn, những điều không có thật hoặc rất khó thực hiện. có 3 loại câu ước. Future wish:( ước muốn ở tương lai) * Form: (+) S + wish + S + would/ could + V(bare-inf) + O. (+) If only + S + would/ could + V(bare-inf) + O. * Eg:- I wish I would be an astronaut in the future. - Tom wishes he could visit Paris next summer. - If only I would take the trip with you next Sunday. Present wish( ước muốn ở hiện tại) * Form: S + wish + S + V(ed/c2) + O.

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