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Page 2 of 18 The patient has not been affected by HIV over a course of 18 months without taking any (7) ____________. There are a host of similarities between the London patient and the (8) ____________ patient, who was treated around 10 years ago. The London patient underwent both pretty rigorous (9) ____________ and a stem cell transplant as part of the treatment. It is the (10) ____________ that has taken hold in the London patient, thereby his HIV (11) ____________. Doctors are cautious about giving this procedure the name “a (12) ____________” . There’s a demand that doctors pinpoint the reason why this (13) ____________ transplant has the effect in some cases whereas not in others. The Berlin patient was being treated actually for a very aggressive (14) ____________ . The adjectives used to describe the treatments for the London patient were “advanced”, “rigorous” and (15) “____________”. Part 3. For questions 16-20, you will hear a radio interview with Olivia Glydon and Ron Partridge, who are hyperpolyglots, people who can speak many languages. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D which fits best according to what you hear. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided (1.25pts). 16. Olivia and Ron both say that their motivation for learning so many languages is A. the possibility of communicating with people around the world. B. their fascination with language systems. C. their ability to master languages extremely quickly. D. the challenge of achieving native speaker fluency. 17. What did Ron learn about hyperpolyglots when he was researching his book? A. They do not have any special genetic features. B. They usually have a history of multi-lingualism in the family. C. They are part of a relatively recent phenomenon. D. They usually focus on the same group of languages. 18. When discussing reactions to their hyperpolyglotism, Ron agrees with Olivia that A. people often make the wrong assumptions about their personalities. B. it is surprising how much attention they attract. C. people cannot see the point of learning so many languages. D. it is touching how eager people are to help them. 19. How does Olivia feel about spending so much time on the internet? A. proud of the intensity with which she studies B. defensive about the choices she makes C. worried that she is becoming isolated from her friends D. embarrassed about her enjoyment of soap operas and chat shows 20. What point does Ron make about one East Asian language? A. He finds it particularly appropriate in one situation. B. He hopes to keep it alive for posterity. C. It has not kept up with modern developments. D. It has a special religious significance among its speakers.
Page 3 of 18 Your answers: 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. II. LEXICO-GRAMMAR (2 points) Part 1. For questions 21-35, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to each of the following questions. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided (1.5pts). 21. In the middle of his eloquent ________ , the audience suddenly broke into applause. A. provocation B. oration C. illusion D. ovation 22. Nick’s mom has turned her home into a halfway house for _________ relatives and stray dogs. A. tumble-down B. down-and-out C. run-down D. downcast 23. Those naughty boys went on making terrible noise in the park even though they had been ________ by the annoyed constable.  A. beavered away B. weaseled out of C. ticked off D. clammed up 24. The collapse of the company will have ____________ for the whole industry. A. enigmas B. repercussions C. propensities D. affinities 25. She had the _________ habit of saying exactly what she thought. A. disembodied B. disconcerting C. dismissive D. discordant 26. The graduates of this medical school are considered to be _______ in cardiology. A. the icing on the cake B. the big cheese C. the cream of the crop D. the captain of industry 27. The eyewitness said that she had seen a man ________ around outside the factory just before the fire started. A. prowling B. lumbering C. languishing D. rummaging 28. Among bees ________ a highly elaborate form of communication. A. do occur B. occurs C. it occurs D. they occur 29. I am just speaking ________ here – I haven’t seen the results yet. A. beyond the pale B. in deep water C. off the cuff D. on the hop 30. It was a difficult concept to grasp, but I soon ________. A. latched onto B. chalked up C. churned out D. leafed through 31. I am __________ aware of the difficulties we face. A. acutely B. gregariously C. woefully D. garrulously 32. This insect is completely _______, I have never seen anything like that before. A. out of the way B. out of sight C. off the way D. off the track 33. Did you see Jonathan this morning? He looked like ________ . It must have been quite a party last night. A. a wet blanket B. a dead duck C. death warmed up D. a bear with a sore head 34. When will you realise that it was your self-righteous and ________ attitude that prevented you from learning better ideas from other people? A. vociferous B. impeccable C. intact D. bigoted
Page 4 of 18 35. The Government is trying to _________ when it says it will spend more on the health service without raising taxes. A. chew the fat B. wave the flag C. square the circle D. put the lid Part 2. For questions 36-40, write the correct form of each bracketed word in each sentence in the numbered space provided in the column on the right (0.5pt). Your answers: 36. Steroids often help reduce the ______ (FLAME) and itching in the skin. 36. _______________ 37. There is a strong smell of ______ (INFECT) in the hospital. 37. _______________ 38. His last book is a bold, at times _________(REAL) mixture of of fact and fancy. 38. _______________ 39. The winners gave themselves a ______ (CONGRATULATE) round of applause. 39. _______________ 40. He is such a ______ (STRONG) person. He is determined to do things his own way and refuses to listen to advice. 40. _______________ III. READING (5 points) Part 1. For questions 41-50, read the passage and fill in each of the following numbered blanks with ONE suitable word. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided (1pt). ART HISTORY People who enjoy paintings are sometimes (41) ________ to analyse them for fear of spoiling the richness and spontaneity of their experience. It has been suggested that some of the work done by art historians, whose concern is (42) ________ theory rather than practice, ignores and indeed denies the aesthetic experience, the fundamental pleasure of looking, as well as the very special act of artistic creativity. This view is a bit like the notion that knowing the (43) ________ of the recipe, recognising the method of cooking and seeing the utensils (44) ________ detracts from the taste of the dish. Acknowledging the importance of enjoying something does not, of course, preclude a thorough knowledge of the object that is arousing pleasure. It might in fact be more pleasurable if we know more about the object we are viewing. (45) ________, pleasure is not a simple matter. The arousal of our senses – and how we recognize and register it – is itself (46) ________ to interrogation. It is also historically located. Why we like particular characteristics of certain sorts of objects at any one time is not simply the (47) ________ of our genes or our own particular personalities but is determined by values promoted within the society of which we are a part. So, while no one seeks to underestimate the importance of sensuous and instinctive (48) ________ to art objects, the notion that the sensuous is undermined by the intellectual is a (49) ________ from a period in the past which promoted art as a(n) (50) ________ to thought. Your answers: 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. Part 2. Read the following passage and do the tasks that follow (1.3pts).

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