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TIP OF THE WEEK ✅ PASADO PERFECTO Positivas —> SUJ + HAD + PARTICIPIO (3a / -ed) Negativas —> SUJ + HADN’T + PARTICIPIO (3a / -ed) Preguntas —> HAD + SUJ + PARTICIPIO (3a / -ed) USOS 1) Indicar que una acción sucedió antes que otra en pasado. La pista es que tiene que aparecer un “pasado simple” en la frase When we arrived the film had already started It had snowed so everything was white the following day 2) Bloque del “if” en el 3o condicional If I had known you were ill, I wouldn’t have come Mark wouldn ́t have failed the exam if he had sudied harder 3) I wish / if only + pasado perfecto para indicar deseo sobre una acción pasada I wish I hadn’t drunk so much last night, what a headache! If only I hadn ́t eaten the whole cake, now I have stomachache

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