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TIP OF THE WEEK ✅PRESENTE SIMPLE “TO BE” ESTRUCTURA (am / is / are) I AM I AM NOT AM I? YOU ARE YOU ARE NOT ARE YOU? HE, SHE, IT IS HE, SHE, IT ISN ́T IS HE, SHE, IT? WE ARE WE ARE NOT ARE WE? YOU ARE YOU ARE NOT ARE YOU? THEY ARE THEY ARE NOT ARE THEY? I'm late They are from Spain My sister is intelligent I'm not late We aren't from Spain My sister isn 't intelligent Am I late? Are they from Spain? Is my sister intelligent? USOS: 1) Descripciones The house is big, The flower is red 2) Nacionalidades I'm Spanish, are you from England?
3) Estados corporales y sensaciones She is hungry, I ́m thirsty 4) Lugares My sister is at home, The city centre is on the left 5) Edad How old are you? I ́m 30 years old 6) Clima It's sunny, It isn ́t cloudy ✅ PRESENTE SIMPLE RESTO DE VERBOS ESTRUCTURA SUJ + INFINITIVO 3ap + INFINITIVO + “-s / -es” SUJ + DON ́T + INFINITIVO PELADO 3ap + DOESN ́T + INFINITIVO PELADO DO / DOES + SUJ + INFINITIVO PELADO You play football You don't play football Do you play football? He plays football He doesn't play football Does he play football?

Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly Once a Twice a N° + times a Every time POSICIÓN ADVERBIOS FRECUENCIA ✅ Indefinidos → delante del verbo. Excepción: to be I frequently go to the beach She's usually sad ✅ Definidos → al ppio o final de la frase I do the shopping once a week Every day I call him ¡Ánimo, inglespolers!

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