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Y2 English 2013b – 2024 Week 15 Notes 1 GRADE 2 ENGLISH Term 2, Week 7 (15) – 2013b EXAM REVIEW Animal Voices Mice squeak and pigeons coo. Dogs bark and cattle moo. Pigs oink and horses neigh. Ducks quack and donkeys bray. Hens cluck and wolves howl. Whales sing and bears growl. Cats meow and bees buzz. Who croaks? A green frog does. Crows caw and songbirds tweet. Owls hoot and sheep bleat. Snakes hiss and parrots squawk Animals sure can talk! 1. Which pair of words from the poem are rhyming words? a. mice and dogs b. meow and buzz c. tweet and bleat d. quack and donkeys Rhyming words are two or more words that have the same or similar ending sound. Students should have the ability to recognise and produce words that have the similar ending sounds. Student work at home: • Complete English homework booklet – Paper No: 2013b • Textbook ‘Reading and Comprehension’ – pages (classwork) & page (homework) • Read every night – complete reading record sheet. • Continue your personal vocabulary list – use a dictionary to look up unfamiliar words from the homework booklets and your personal reading. Record the definitions in your English notebook.
Y2 English 2013b – 2024 Week 15 Notes 2 2. How many different animals are mentioned in the poem? a. fourteen b. twenty-one c. nineteen d. twenty-four This question asks you to count the different animals. This question also tests your understanding of word meanings as children need to figure out which word is an ‘animal.’ __________________________________________________________________________ Another View One misty morning, Chloe and Joey were looking around their backyard. They were sitting on the grass. Joey saw a rock with little plants on it. “Look at that mossy green rock!” Joey cried. “That is not a rock,” Chloe said. “It’s a dinner table for snails.” A snail inched over to the rock to munch on the plants. Next, Joey saw a leaf. “Look at that pretty yellow leaf!” Joey cried. “That is not a leaf,” Chloe said. “It’s a blanket for beetles.” A beetle crawled under the warm leaf. Then, Joey saw a flower. “Look at that red flower!” Joey cried. “That is not a flower,” Chloe said. “It’s a shower for worms.” A worm played in the water under the flower as dewdrops dripped from the petals. 2 Year 2 English Term 2 Exam | New Century School “Look at that wild mushroom!” Joey cried. “That is not a mushroom,” Chloe said. “It’s an umbrella for spiders.” A spider knit a web under the mushroom away from the mist. Finally, Joey saw a stick. “Look at that squiggly–” Joey stopped. If he called it a stick, Chloe would say it was not a stick. So, Joey cried, “Look at that squiggly ladybug ladder!” Chloe grinned at Joey and said, “Now you're seeing things from another point of view!” 4. What is this story about? a. The story is about two children who argue about everything. b. The story is about animals that talk. c. The story is about seeing things from another point of view. d. The story is about bugs that are building their own city. A point of view is a way we choose to perceive a situation. When you are asked to give an opinion on something, you are providing a point of view. Dialogue is the conversation between the two characters in this story. 6. What does Joey do differently at the end of the story? a. Joey draws a picture of all the bugs Chloe points out. b. Joey calls a stick a “ladybug ladder” to show Chloe he can see from another viewpoint too. c. Joey builds a water slide for the crickets. d. Joey argues with Chloe because he doesn’t like her ideas. The dialogue should reflect each character’s unique voice. In conclusion, the author chooses to share the story by Joey calling a stick a “ladybug ladder” to show Chloe he can
Y2 English 2013b – 2024 Week 15 Notes 3 see from another viewpoint. __________________________________________________________________________ First Plane Trip Jake is going on a trip. He and Mum take a taxi to the airport. “It’s my first plane trip,” he tells the taxi driver. “That’s great!” the taxi driver says. Jake rolls his suitcase onto the plane. “It’s my first plane trip,” he tells the pilot. “Welcome aboard!” the pilot says. Jake finds his seat and buckles his seatbelt. The plane’s engines rumble and roar. Jake opens his backpack and pulls out Panda. “It’s my first plane trip,” he whispers. He holds Panda’s paw. The plane moves faster and faster. Then—Whoosh! On the ground, cars and houses look like toys. Jake smiles. “Guess what, Panda?” he says loudly. “Flying is fun!” 8. How many plane trips has Jake made before this? a. The story does not say b. Many c. None d. A few 10. Who is Panda? a. Jake’s brother b. The pilot flying the aeroplane c. Jake’s pet d. A stuffed toy animal These questions require you to find an answer that is not clearly/literally stated in the text. To answer these questions you need to think about the meaning of what you’ve just read. Inferring involves making connections between the text and what you already know or have experienced. ______________________________________________________________________ Main idea and details Molly took her new bike out to the sidewalk. Her dad was going to teach her to ride it. He said it was easy, but she wasn’t so sure. He said not to worry, but she wasn’t so sure. She got on the bike, and her dad ran beside her, holding on to keep her steady. The bike wiggled a little, but Molly rode to the end of the block. She put on the brakes and looked around. Her dad was all the way up the sidewalk — she had been riding all by herself! After that, Molly never worried about riding a bike. She knew that she could do it. 16. Which of these is a small piece of information from the story that makes the story more interesting? a. Molly took her new bike to the park. b. Molly wore her pink shirt. c. The bike wiggled a little. d. None of the above. The word ‘wiggled’ adds detail to the information. Verbs describe what the noun or pronoun is doing. Every sentence needs a verb. They allow children to start building
Y2 English 2013b – 2024 Week 15 Notes 4 sentences. __________________________________________________________________________ Playing Catch Kate and her brother Jake like to play catch. They play with softballs, footballs, and tennis balls. They toss the balls back and forth in the yard all the time. Sometimes they go to the park to have more space for throwing the balls farther. When it is raining out, they play catch in the basement. They use a tennis ball because it bounces off the basement walls. Jake is going to soccer camp for a week this summer. Kate is sad because she won’t have anyone to play catch with while he is gone. The week before Jake leaves, they go to the park together. There is a girl tossing a ball in the air by herself. Kate and Jake invite her to play with them. Her name is Brooke. Kate is happy now that she has a new friend to play catch with while her brother is at camp. 18. What type do they use play catch on rainy days? a. pillows b. apples c. soccer balls d. tennis balls 19. Where do Kate and Jake go the week before he leaves for camp? a. the pool b. the park c. the school d. the beach This question type asks you to find a specific piece of information in the text. Strategy tips: Make sure you understand what information you are being asked to find. Search and retrieve – quickly scan the text for the correct information.

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