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Introduction to Leadership Communication Ivana Mrozková Božena Bednaříková
Recenzovali: Mgr. Silvie Válková, Ph.D. John Rayment, MBA Neoprávněné užití tohoto díla je porušením autorských práv a může zakládat občanskoprávní, správněprávní, popř. trestněprávní odpovědnost. © Božena Bednaříková, Ivana Mrozková, 2014 © Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2014 1. vydání ISBN 978-80-244-4304-1
3 CONTENTS PREFACE 5 1. Leadership 8 Definition, Leaders vs. Managers, Followership, Leadership, and Communication Styles 2. Transformational Leadership 14 Charismatic Leadership, Charisma, Communication, and Leadership 3. What is Communication? 23 The Communication Process, Encoding, Decoding, Message, Ambiguity of Language 4. Communication Channels 33 Selecting Appropriate Channels, Case Study: e-mails 5. Leadership and Diversity 41 Intercultural Communication 6. Leadership and Gender 52 Gender Communication 7. Leadership and Power 60 Types of Power, Empowerment, Communication, and Power 8. Public Leadership and Communication 71 Discourse Analysis, Persuasive Techniques and Political Rhetoric, Public Communication, and the Media 71 9. Presentations 96 Stages of a Presentation: Preparation, Organization, Practice, Delivery, and Assessment 10. Leadership in Groups and Teams 106 Fundamentals of Group Interaction, Meetings, Negotiations