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Content text AUDIO SCRIPT ĐỀ THI THỬ SỐ 01 (2019-2020).doc

TEST 01 Part 1.  Listen to the reording twice. Choose the correct answer A, B, or C for each of the following questions. 1. What kind of clothes do Linda’s parents want her to wear? A. shiny trousers B. tight tops C. casual clothes 2. What is Tom's opinion about Linda's choice of clothes? A. He thinks that her parents are right. B. He sym pathises with Linda. C. He disagrees with Linda’s parents. 3. What do you think Linda will do after talking to Tom? A. She may start saving money to buy clothes. B. She may follow her parents' advice. C. She may offer her parents some advice. 4. Why don't Tom’s parents want him to play computer games? A. They think some of the gam es are harmful. B. They think playing com puter gam es makes him neglect his studies. C. They think none of the gam es are useful. 5. What do Tom’s parents want him to do? A. Play a musical instrument. B. Do more outdoor activities. C. Browse the Internet to find information. Part 2. Listen to the recording. Complete the table below. Write one word or a number for each answer. COOKERY CLASSES Cookery Class Focus Other Information Example The Food....Studio...... how to (6) choose and cook with seasonal products * small classes * also offers (7) private classes * clients who return get a (8) 20 percent discount Bond’s Cookery School food that is (9) healthy * includes recipes to strengthen your (10) bones * they have a free (11) lecture every Thursday The (12) Arretsa Centre mainly (13) vegetarian food * located near the (14) market * a special course in skills with a (15) knife is sometimes available Audio Scrip Part 1 Tom: You look upset, Linda. What's the matter?  Linda: Nothing serious. Just my parents keep complaining about my clothes.  Tom: Why don't they like them?  Linda: They think my trousers are too skinny and my tops are too tight. They don't like my sparkling clothes or high heels. They want me to wear more casual stuff such as jeans and T- shirts.  Tom: Well, it depends on where you're going. If you're going to a party, you could dress up, but 1 don't think you should wear flashy clothes every day. 
Linda: But I really want to look more elegant and fashionable.  Tom: Well, have you thought about the cost? Perhaps your parents can't afford to buy expensive clothes.  Linda: Maybe you're right. What about you? Do you get into conflict with your parents?  Tom: Not really. But they forbid me to play computer games.  Linda: Sounds bad. What's wrong with computer games?  Tom: They think ail computer games are useless. They want me to use my computer for more useful stuff.  Linda: But there are some positive benefits of playing computer sanies.  Tom: Yes, there are. I can read faster because I can concentrate more. Playing computer games after school also helps me to relax after a hard day.  Linda: But your parents may worrv about your eyesight if you look at the computer screen for a long time.  Tom: Yes. they probably worry about it, and want me to have a healthier lifestyle with more outdoor activities.  Linda: That's right, I think you need to tell your parents that you atiree with them, and explain the benefits of computer games  Tom: That's a good idea. I hope my parents understand that. Thank you.  Linda: No problem. Thanks for your advice, too. Part 2. Official: Hello, Tourist Information Centre, Mike speaking, how can I help you? Woman: Oh, hi. I wanted to find out about cookery classes. I believe there are some one-day classes for tourists? Official: Well, they re open to everyone, but tourists are always welcome. OK, let me give you some details of what s available. There are several classes. One very popular one is at the Food Studio. Woman: OK. Official: They focus on seasonal products, and as well as teaching you how to cook them, they also show you how to choose them. Woman: Right, that sounds good. How big are the classes? Official: I’m not sure exactly, but they'll be quite small. Woman: And could I get a private lesson there? Official: I think so ... let me check, yes, they do offer those. Though in fact most of the people who attend the classes find it’s a nice way of getting to know one another. Woman: I suppose it must be, yes. Official: And this company has a special deal for clients where they offer a discount of 20 percent if you return for a further class. Woman: OK. But you said there were several classes? Official: That's right. Another one you might be interested in is Bond's Cookery School, They’re quite new, they just opened six months ago, but I’ve heard good things about them. They concentrate on teaching you to prepare healthy food, and they have quite a lot of specialist staff. Woman: So is that food for people on a diet and things like that? I don’t know if I'd be interested in that. Official: Well, I don’t think they particularly focus on low calorie diets or weight loss. It’s more to do with recipes that look at specific needs, like including ingredients that will help build up your bones and make them stronger, that sort of thing. Woman: I see. Well, I might be interested, I’m not sure, Do they have a website I could check? Official: Yes, just key in the name of the school - it’ll come up. And if you want to know
more about them, every Thursday evening they have a lecture at the school. It's free and you don’t need to book or anything, just turn up at 7.30, And that might give you an idea of whether you want to go to an actual class. OK, there's one more place you might be interested in. That’s got a rather strange name, it’s called The Arretsa Centre - that’s spelled A-R-R-E-T-S-A. Woman: OK Official: They’ve got a very good reputation. They do a bit of meat and fish cookery but they mostly specialise in vegetarian dishes. Woman: Right. That’s certainly an area I'd like to learn more about. I ve got lots of friends who don’t eat meat. In fact. I think I might have seen that school today. Is it just by the market? Official: That’s right. So they don't have any problem getting their ingredients. They're right next door And they also offer, a special two-hour course in how to use a knife. They cover all the different skills: buying them, sharpening, chopping techniques. It gets booked up quickly though, so you’d need to check it was available. Woman: Right, well thank you very much. I’ll go and ….

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