Content text READ PART 4 - KEY.docx
READ PART 4 (Dưới đây là các tiêu đề được sắp xếp đúng thứ tự, dịch lại các tiêu đề này thành tiếng Việt xuống phần trả lời bên dưới, có thể tự thiết kế 1 mạch truyện - storyline cho các tiêu đề này, để ghi nhớ thứ tự các tiêu đề) Topic: Zoo 1. Symbol of privilege and wealth 2. Opening the door for everyone 3. Away from amusement towards instruction 4. Away from enclosure towards greater freedom 5. A different set of values 6. A new mission of conversation 7. A modern day alternative BIỂU TƯỢNG MỞ CỬA GIẢI TRÍ ĐẾN TỰ DO – GIÁ TRỊ NHIỆM VỤ MỚI HIỆN ĐẠI Topic: Coffee 1. The custom of coffee drinking begins to spread 2. Coffee encourages 3. A habit that has become a big economy 4. Problems of coffee economy 5. A remedy of unjust revenue distribution 6. Health risks versus health benefits debate 7. The ancient origin of coffee TỰ XỬ THEO STYLE NHỚ CỦA MÌNH Topic: Consumer age 1. Making things last longer 2. A temporary experiment 3. The reason of secrecy 4. Still relevant to our times
5. The difficulty of being generous 6. Reason to reach a compromise 7. Important lessons for all of us Topic: Early Australia 1. An alternative history of settlement 2. Natural barrier to resettlement 3. Technology helps uncover the ocean's secret 4. A Journey made by stages 5. A new evidence that leads to speculation 6. Lack of knowledge and skills 7. Determination of the explorers through the ages Topic: Charles Dickens 1. Dickens for our time 2. Difficulties for modern readers 3. Keeping the readers guessing 4. The influence of media 5. Dickens's early success 6. Trying to protect his property 7. Bring the books to life Topic: Tulips 1. The economy during the Golden Age 2. Coming into fashion 3. An object of trade 4. Different types of tulip 5. Trade mechanics 6. Trade across Europe
7. An unexpected turn of events Topic: Eating in China 1. The origins of chinese food 2. The influence of philosophy 3. Regional variations 4. Cooking methods 5. The style of eating 6. Changes in the Chinese diets 7. Effects of a changing diet Topic: Children and exercises 1. Factors contributing to inactivity 2. The situation have the potential of being worst 3. The success of a simple idea 4. The wider effects of regular activity 5. Ways in which environment can influence behavior 6. A design for exercise and for study 7. Achieving the right balance Topic: Antarctica - Frozen land 1. Who is in charge? 2. First step on the ice 3. Where is the end of the Earth? 4. Hidden geography 5. Race to the Pole 6. Less effort needed 7. Why is it so cold? Topic: Doggett's coat and badge
1. The easiest way to travel 2. Result of a lucky escape 3. Origins of what the winner receives 4. A need for change 5. Earning a reputation 6. Generations of champions 7. Not in it for the money Topic: Meatless diet 1. Types of vegetarian 2. Various explanations 3. Possible to happen 4. Farming Factory - it is a harmful thing 5. Respect the life 6. Health gets better with diet 7. Our responsibilities with global Topic: Music 1. A physically demanding activity 2. A good way to boost your memory 3. A great opportunity to broaden your social circle 4. A way to learn discipline and the importance of routine 5. A creative outlet for expressing emotions 6. Enhanced sensitivity to other people's feelings 7. Develop a greater sense of well-being Topic: Hotel 1. A sensible financial choice 2. The price of convenience may be high 3. The importance of planning in advance 4. The impact of lack of freedom 5. The benefits of living with less 6. The advantages of having your own space