Content text Try Out SNBT Reguler 3 Literasi dalam Bahasa Inggris 2024_2025 - Pembahasan.pdf
TS-W23AQP8G UTBK/SNBT Reg 3 Literasi dalam Bahasa Inggris 2024/2025 1. The question is basedon the following thread. SarahJones2814 Hello Everyone, as the Chair of our graduation party, I'd like to suggest a simple, warm party to celebrate our graduation day instead of a big, fancy one. I know some of you might want a grand party, but remember, a simple party can also be special.Please share your thoughts. BasketballStar98 Sarah, I get what you're saying.Planning a big party is a lot of work. A simple celebration could bring less stress andallow us all to enjoy our achievements together.I say let's do it. BookwormBenny I prefer a simpler, quiet celebration. It would make us feel more relaxedandclose to each other.Also, it couldbe a nice way to remember our school time without the fuss of a large party. MathleteMike I think we can still have nice things at a simple party.What if we focus on good food and a pretty place, without spending too much? It's like having the best of both worlds! ArtisticAmy A big party might take away the fun of being together. A simple event could help us talk more and understand each other better.I think that's more important. ScienceSam I was also thinking of a big party, but the idea of a simple party sounds good. We can plan fun games and activities that we can't do in a fancy party.It couldbe a unique andfun way to endour school life. CultureClubClara Oh, I've been eagerly awaiting our graduation day. The excitement grows every day as the event gets closer. We're ready to share the everyday experiences andlessons we've pickedup on this long journey. Why didthe poster start the discussion? a.To encourage the other students to celebrate graduation day b.To collect opinions about holding a simple graduation party c.To inform everyone about the finalizedplans for the graduation party d.To remindeveryone about the importance of celebrating their achievements e.To share different opinions on the type of graduation party to have Pembahasan Soal ini menanyakan alasan mengapa si poster (orang yang memulai diskusi), SarahJones2814, memulai diskusi tersebut. Dalam diskusi, ia menyarankan untuk merayakan hari kelulusan dengan cara yang sederhana. Dia kemudian menanyakan pendapat teman-temannya tentang idenya tersebut. Dengan demikian, tujuan yang tepat adalah untuk mengumpulkan pendapat tentang mengadakan pesta kelulusan secara sederhana. Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah B.
2. The question is basedon the following thread. SarahJones2814 Hello Everyone, as the Chair of our graduation party, I'd like to suggest a simple, warm party to celebrate our graduation day instead of a big, fancy one. I know some of you might want a grand party, but remember, a simple party can also be special.Please share your thoughts. BasketballStar98 Sarah, I get what you're saying.Planning a big party is a lot of work. A simple celebration could bring less stress andallow us all to enjoy our achievements together.I say let's do it. BookwormBenny I prefer a simpler, quiet celebration. It would make us feel more relaxedandclose to each other.Also, it couldbe a nice way to remember our school time without the fuss of a large party. MathleteMike I think we can still have nice things at a simple party.What if we focus on good food and a pretty place, without spending too much? It's like having the best of both worlds! ArtisticAmy A big party might take away the fun of being together. A simple event could help us talk more and understand each other better.I think that's more important. ScienceSam I was also thinking of a big party, but the idea of a simple party sounds good. We can plan fun games and activities that we can't do in a fancy party.It couldbe a unique andfun way to endour school life. CultureClubClara Oh, I've been eagerly awaiting our graduation day. The excitement grows every day as the event gets closer. We're ready to share the everyday experiences andlessons we've pickedup on this long journey. What is the overall tone of the discussion? a.Thoughtful b.Celebratory c.Humorous d.Indifferent e.Admiring Pembahasan Soal menanyakan tone atau nada dari keseluruhan peserta diskusi. Berikut adalah arti dari masing-masing tone pada pilihan jawaban. Thoughtful (penuh pertimbangan): Tone ini mengindikasikan bahwa peserta forum berusaha menyampaikan pemikirannya dengan cermat dan mendalam. Celebratory (merayakan):Tone ini menggambarkan kegembiraan dan semangat merayakan sesuatu. Humorous (humoris): Tone ini menunjukkan peserta forum berusaha menambahkan unsur humor atau keceriaan dalam penulisannya. Indifferent (acuh tak acuh): Tone ini menunjukkan bahwa peserta forum tidak terlalu peduli atau bersemangat tentang subjek yang dibahas. Admiring (mengagumi): Tone ini mencerminkan rasa kagum dan pujian peserta forum terhadap subjek yang dibahas. Tone keseluruhan yang tepat adalah thoughtful. Para peserta forum tidak semata-mata mengekspresikan
persetujuan atau ketidaksetujuan, tetapi juga mempertimbangkan segala aspek dan dampak dari subjek yang dibahas. Dalam konteks diskusi ini, tone thoughtful menggambarkan bagaimana peserta diskusi berbagi pendapat serta pertimbangan mereka mengenai konsep perayaan wisuda yang sederhana. Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah A. 3. The question is basedon the following thread. SarahJones2814 Hello Everyone, as the Chair of our graduation party, I'd like to suggest a simple, warm party to celebrate our graduation day instead of a big, fancy one. I know some of you might want a grand party, but remember, a simple party can also be special.Please share your thoughts. BasketballStar98 Sarah, I get what you're saying.Planning a big party is a lot of work. A simple celebration could bring less stress andallow us all to enjoy our achievements together.I say let's do it. BookwormBenny I prefer a simpler, quiet celebration. It would make us feel more relaxedandclose to each other.Also, it couldbe a nice way to remember our school time without the fuss of a large party. MathleteMike I think we can still have nice things at a simple party.What if we focus on good food and a pretty place, without spending too much? It's like having the best of both worlds! ArtisticAmy A big party might take away the fun of being together. A simple event could help us talk more and understand each other better.I think that's more important. ScienceSam I was also thinking of a big party, but the idea of a simple party sounds good. We can plan fun games and activities that we can't do in a fancy party.It couldbe a unique andfun way to endour school life. CultureClubClara Oh, I've been eagerly awaiting our graduation day. The excitement grows every day as the event gets closer. We're ready to share the everyday experiences andlessons we've pickedup on this long journey. Who in the forum gave an IRRELEVANT response? a.BasketballStar98 b.CultureClubClara c.MathleteMike d.ArtisticAmy e.ScienceSam Pembahasan Soal ini bertanya tentang siapa dalam forum yang memberikan respons yang tidak relevan dengan topik pembicaraan. Topik pembicaraan dalam forum ini adalah perencanaan untuk merayakan hari kelulusan dengan cara yang sederhana, bukan pesta yang besar dan mewah. Semua peserta forum memberikan tanggapannya dengan baik, kecuali CultureClubClara. Ia hanya menyampaikan antusiasmenya untuk merayakan hari kelulusan, tetapi tidak memberikan pendapat atau tanggapan terhadap ide SarahJones2814. Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah B.
4. The question is basedon the following thread. SarahJones2814 Hello Everyone, as the Chair of our graduation party, I'd like to suggest a simple, warm party to celebrate our graduation day instead of a big, fancy one. I know some of you might want a grand party, but remember, a simple party can also be special.Please share your thoughts. BasketballStar98 Sarah, I get what you're saying.Planning a big party is a lot of work. A simple celebration could bring less stress andallow us all to enjoy our achievements together.I say let's do it. BookwormBenny I prefer a simpler, quiet celebration. It would make us feel more relaxedandclose to each other.Also, it couldbe a nice way to remember our school time without the fuss of a large party. MathleteMike I think we can still have nice things at a simple party.What if we focus on good food and a pretty place, without spending too much? It's like having the best of both worlds! ArtisticAmy A big party might take away the fun of being together. A simple event could help us talk more and understand each other better.I think that's more important. ScienceSam I was also thinking of a big party, but the idea of a simple party sounds good. We can plan fun games and activities that we can't do in a fancy party.It couldbe a unique andfun way to endour school life. CultureClubClara Oh, I've been eagerly awaiting our graduation day. The excitement grows every day as the event gets closer. We're ready to share the everyday experiences andlessons we've pickedup on this long journey. The wordfancy in the poster's statement is closest in meaning to .... a.modest b.ordinary c.adventurous d. extravagant e.unique Pembahasan Soal ini menanyakan kata mana yang artinya mendekati kata fancy. Kata fancy dalam bahasa Inggris umum digunakan sebagai kata sifat untuk merujuk pada hal yang mewah. Pada pilihan jawaban, kata modest artinya ‘sederhana’, ordinary artinya ‘biasa saja’, adventurous artinya ‘yang berkaitan dengan petualangan’, extravagant berarti ‘pengeluaran yang berlebihan’, unique berarti ‘unik’ atau ‘tidak biasa’. Berdasarkan penjabaran di atas, kata yang artinya mendekati fancy adalah extravagant. Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah D. 5. The question is basedon the following text. White chocolate's classification as 'real chocolate' stirs a significant amount of debate in gastronomic circles across the globe. It is amazing to see what a simple delicacy can bring to society. A portion of chocolate enthusiasts claim that to earn the title of 'real chocolate', a product must contain cocoa solids. As these are