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Content text Cancer, Inflammation and Thrombosis

CANCER and INFLAMMATION Carcinoma is the cancer of Epithelial tissue Connective tissue Nervous tissue Muscular tissue Carcinoma accounts for more than 50% of all cancers 70% of all cancers 80% of all cancers more than 90% of all cancer What are the 3 top common cancers in Vietnam? Breast cancer, Lung cancer, Liver cancer Lung cancer, Breast cancer, Colorectal cancer Liver cancer, Stomach cancer, Lung cancer Prostate cancer, Lung cancer, Breast cancer Which composition does the targeted therapy target in cancer cells? Checkpoint protein Mutated protein that control how cancer cells grow Specific receptor on T cells Monoclonal antigen How does targeted therapy work compared with chemotherapy? Both of them attack all cells Targeted therapy attacks the mutated proteins in cancer cells and most healthy cells are not affected Chemotherapy attacks only specific proteins that help tumors grow and spread throughout the body Both of them attack only specific cells Which statement is NOT correct about targeted therapy? Targeted therapies are either small-molecule drugs or immunotherapy including monoclonal antibodies and CAR (Chimeric Antigen Receptor) T cells Most types of targeted therapy help treat cancer by interfering with specific proteins that help tumors grow and spread throughout the body. Targeted therapy may not work best when used with other type of targeted therapy Cancer cells can become resistant to targeted therapy. How do cancer cells avoid destruction by the immune system? Genetic changes that make them less visible to the immune system. Proteins on their surface that turn off immune cells. Changing the normal cells around the tumor to interfere with the immune system's response. All of the above. What can liquid biopsy detect? Circulating extracellular nucleic acids (cell-free DNA or cfDNA), Circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA), Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) All of the above
In acute inflammation, which events occur in the correct chronological order? transient vasoconstriction, stasis of blood flow, increased permeability, vasodilation transient vasoconstriction, increased permeability, vasodilation, stasis of blood flow vasodilation, increased permeability, stasis of blood flow, neutrophil accumulation neutrophil accumulation, vasodilation, increased permeability, stasis of blood flow Which of the following initiates the intrinsic pathway of clotting cascade? Hageman factor (XII). Antigen-Antibody complex alternative pathway of Complement Tissue factor Platelet activating factor Macrophages in inflammatory responses are derived from Circulating monocytes, whereas monocytes in tissues are tissue resident macrophages Leukocytes Lymphocytes Plasma cells The correlation between chronic inflammation and cancer was based on observations that cancer can originated in sites of chronic inflammation, and that inflammatory cells were abundant in tumor biopsies True False Regarding chronic inflammation, which of the following is NOTcorrect? It is associated with persistent infections It involves attempts at repair, rather than just tissue destruction It may contribute to the formation of atherosclerosis It involves mononuclear inflammatory cells What are the functions of inflammation in the innate immune response? To stimulate the adaptive response To limit the spread of pathogens To produce antibodies Initiate repair processes Why do tissues swell during inflammation? because of the volume of bacteria present in the wound. because of the number of blood cells attacking the bacteria. because the increased permeability of capillaries causes fluids to accumulate in the area. because of the swollen capillaries. Which cells are involved the most in acute inflammation? Neutrophil T lymphocyte Mono cell
Natural Killer cell COAGULATION and THROMBOSIS 1. Which of the following initiates the intrinsic pathway of coagulation cascade? A) Hageman factor (factor XII) B) antigen-antibody complex alternative pathway of complement C) Tissue factor D) Platelet activating factor 2. Which of the following initiates the extrinsic pathway of coagulation cascade? A) Hageman factor (XII) B) antigen-antibody complex alternative pathway of complement C) Tissue factor D) Platelet activating factor 3. Which natural subtance initiates the fibrinolysis? A) Antithrombin III B) Plasminogen C) Protein C and S D) All of the above 4. Rivaroxaban and Lovenox are both antiXa A) True B) False 5. Lovenox is low molecular weight Heparin that have lower antiIIa (thrombin) than Heparin inhibitors A) True B) False 6.

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