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GLOBAL SUCCESS 9 UNIT 1:Local community 1 I. NEW WORDS: 1. artisan /ɑtɪ:’zæn/ (n.) : thợ làm nghề thủ công 2. handicraft /’hændikrɑ:ft/ (n.) : sản phẩm thủ công 3. community /kəm’mju:nəti/ (n.) : cộng đồng 4. look around /luk ə’raund/ (v.) : ngắm ngía xung quanh 5. preserve /prɪ’zɜ:v/ (v.) : bảo tồn, gìn giữ 6. get on with /get on wi��/ (v.) : có quan hệ tốt với 7. garbage collector /gɑ:bid3 kəlektə/ (v.) : nhân viên dọn vệ sinh 8. craft village /krɑ:ft vilid3/ (n.) : làng nghề thủ công 9. craftsman /’krɑ:ftsmən/ (n.) : thợ làm đồ thủ công 10. function /’f ʌŋkʃn/ (n.) : chức năng 11. fragrance /freigrəns / (n.) : hương thơm 12. suburb /’sʌbə:b (n.) : ngoại ô 13. delivery person /di’livəri ‘pə:sn/ (n.) : nhân viên giao hàng 14. police officer /pə’li:s ofisə/ (n.) : công an 15. cut down on /cʌt daun on (v.) : cắt giảm 16. speciality /,speʃi’æləti/ (v.) :đặc sản 17.electriccan /,ilek’triʃn (r)/ (n.) : thợ điện 18. surface /’sɜ:fɪs/ (n.) : bề mặt 19.firelighter /’faiəfaitə/ (n.) : lính cứu hỏa 20. pottery /’potəri/ (n.) : gốm 21. turn up /tɜ:n ʌp/ (phr. v.) : xuất hiện, đến 22. set off /set ɒf/ (phr. v.) : khởi hành, bắt đầu chuyến đi 23. close down /kləʊz daʊn/ (phr. v.) : đóng cửa, ngừng hoạt động 24. pass down/hand down /pɑ:s daʊn/ (phr. v.) : truyền lại (cho thế hệ sau…) 25. face up to /feɪs ʌp tu/ (phr. v.) : đối mặt, giải quyết 26. turn down /tɜ:n daʊn / (phr. v.) : từ chối 27. set up /set ʌp/ (phr. v.) : thành lập, tạo dựng 28. take over /teɪk əʊvə/ (phr. v.) : tiếp quản, kế nhiệm, nối nghiệp 29. live on /lɪv ɒn/ (phr. v.) : sống bằng, sống dựa vào 30. treat /tri:t/ (v.) : xử lí 31. carve /kɑ:v/ (v.) : chạm, khắc 32. stage /steɪdʒ/ (n.) : bước, giai đoạn 33. run out of /’r ʌn aut əv/ (v.) : hết, cạn kiệt 34. tourist attraction /tuərist ə’trækʃn/ (n.) : điểm du lịch II. GRAMMAR: A. QUESTION WORD + TO V Use a question word such as how, where, what , when before a TO-Infinitive To express an indirect question about what we should do. Ex: I don’t know where to buy some milktea here. B. PHRASAL VERBS: 1. set up: khởi nghiệp, xây dựng sự nghiệp 16. hand down : give(đưa, nộp) 2. come back: trở lại 17. Look around: nhìn, đi xung quanh
GLOBAL SUCCESS 9 UNIT 1:Local community 2 3. look through: đọc 18.find out: tìm ra 4. keep up with: bắt kịp với 19. Run out of = short of: cạn kiệt, hết 5. run out of: hết 20. Pass down: phá sản, phá vỡ 6. pass down/hand down: chuyển giao 21. Take care of = look after:chăm sóc 7. close down:đóng cửa,dừng (kinh doanh) 22. Deal with : giải quyết 8. get on with: thân thiết với 23. Look over: xem xét, kiểm tra 9. turn down: phản đối, từ chối 24: face up to (with) = deal with : đồng ý, đối mặt 10. set off: khởi hành 25. Turn down: phản đối, từ chối 11. pass down: chuyển giao 26. split up: vỡ ra, tách ra 12. turn up: xuất hiện, đến 27. rustle up: vội vàng, hối hả 13. work out: kết thúc 28. tuck into: ăn ngon lành 14. take over: đảm đương, đảm nhận 29: put off: trì hoãn 15: find out: tìm thông tin 30: get on (well) with: có mối quan hệ tốt với *PRACTICE Mark the word A,B,C,D whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. 1.         A. out                          B. round                      C. about                      D. would 2.         A. chair                       B. check                      C. machine                  D. child 3.         A. too                          B. soon                        C. good                       D. food 4.         A. though                    B. enough                   C. cough                     D. rough 5.         A. happy                     B. hour                        C. high                        D. hotel Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences. 1. He is trying to stop smoking. A. give off B. give up C. give in D. give away 2. The bomb exploded in the garage; fortunately no one hurt. A. put on B. went off C. got out D. kept up 3. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt you. Please, go on and finish what you were saying. A. talk B. quit C. continue D. stop 4. They decided to postpone their journey till the end of the month because of the epidemic. A. take up B. turn round C. put off D. do with 6. Be careful! The tree is going to fall.
GLOBAL SUCCESS 9 UNIT 1:Local community 3 A. Look out B. Look up C. Look on D. Look after 7. They had to delay their trip because of the bad weather. A. get through B. put off C. keep up with D. go over 8. It took me a very long time to recover from the shock of her death. A. turn off B. take on C. get over D. keep up with 9. They decided to postpone their journey till the end of the month because of the epidemic. A. take up B. turn round C. put off D. do with 10. What may happen if John will not arrive in time? A. go along B. go out C. put on D. turn up 11. Frank never turns up on time for a meeting. A. calls B. arrives C. reports D. prepares 12. Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today. A. do B. let C. delay D. leave 13. My father gave up smoking two years ago. A. liked B. continued C. stopped D. enjoyed 14. Both Ann and her sister look like her mother. A. take after B. take place C. take away D. take on 15. I’ll be back in a minute, Jane. I just want to try out my new tape recorder. A. resemble B. test C. arrive D. buy 16. He resembles his father in many ways. A. turns off B. takes on C. goes over D. takes after 17. We’ll buy you a cat, but you must promise to take care of it properly. A. put on B. go off C. take after D. look after 18. Johnny sometimes visits his grandparents in the countryside. A. calls on B. keeps off C. takes in D. goes up 19. Did your son pass the university entrance examination? A. make up B. get along C. go up D. get through 20. He did not particularly want to play any competitive sport. A. use up B. do with C. take up D. go on 21. I am tired because I went to bed late last night. A. stayed up B. kept off C. put out D. brought up 23. I felt let down when I didn't receive a birthday card from my sister. A. disappointed B. interested C. excited D. bored 24. Do you have to light up another cigarette? I thought you were trying to cut down. A. burn B. get up C. save D. smoke 25. I couldn't make out what he had talked about because I was not used to his accent. A. stand B. understand C. write D. interrupt 26. The firefighters fought the blaze while the crowd was looking on it. A. blowing B. watering C. preventing D. watching 27. The police are looking for the murder. A. redoing B. finding out C. doing D.looking up 28. I wonder what _______for my birthday party next week.
GLOBAL SUCCESS 9 UNIT 1:Local community 4 A.will buy B.to buy C.buying D.buy 29. Giovanna doesn't get along with her two brothers. A. agree with B. hate C. please with D. get on with 30. You don't need a computer. You can get by with the typewriter. A. understand B. manage with C. buy D. pass with 32. I want you to go on the project while I am out of town. A. bring B. end C. abandon D. continue 36. The bomb went _________ with a loud bang which could be heard all over the town. A. on B. off C. out D. by 38. She looked _________ him, smiling happily and confidently. A. on B. over C. forward D. at 39. I arranged to meet Jim after work last night but he didn’t turn _________ A. off B. up C. on D. down 40. I’ve lost my keys. Can you help me look _________ them? A. up B. after C. for D. into 41. She still can't get _________ the shock for her baby's death. A. out B. on C. over D. away 43. You’d better put _________ your coat before you leave. It’s chilly out. A. off B. on C. out D. up 44. Alex advised you to take _________ your parents at all. A. after B. along C. up D. over 45. We are going _________ a few days for the holidays. A. away B. up C. on D. out Complete each of the following sentences using the correct form of a phrasal verbs in the box. get on come back get up look after hand down set off 1. My sister is an early bird. She … gets up …… at 7 o’clock every day of the week. 2. We’ll … set off for Tay Ho village at 9 o’clock and arrive at 10 o’clock. 3. Many foreign tourist decided to … come back …… to Viet Nam for another holiday. 4. Nam has to ________his younger sister after school. 5. Phong is my best friend and we are really easy to … get on……… with him. 6. These traditional stories have been handed down from parents to children over many gerneration. Choose the words or phrases in brackets that best completes each sentence. 1.Tom, was staying (in/ on/ with/ to)........................ Lam last week. 2.Your mother likes watching documentaries, (doesn’t/ does/ isn’t/ is) ................she? 3.Mai said she would go to Hue (the day before/ the last day/ the day after).................. 4.We will have no fresh water to use (if/ although/ however/ therefore)we pollute the water. 5.In winter, many Swedes don’t know where (to buy/buying/buy/bought) some flowers. 6.-Na:“Don’t forget to come to my party tomorrow”-La: (I don’t./ I won’t/I can’t/ I haven’t)

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