Content text Introduction to Psychology Module.pdf
3 How to Use the Module Hello student! This is your self - learning module on Introduction to Psychology. I want you to take this seriously since this module consists of different topics which are deemed essential as you progress in your course in BS Psychology. Please take note of the following steps for you to have the best learning experience: 1. Answer the pre - test before exploring the whole contents of the module. 2. Begin the module by reading the introduction and internalizing the objectives so that you will know what to expect. 3. Read the instructions carefully when you answer the activities. Do not move on to the next activity if you have not fully answered the task on hand. If you have clarifications regarding the lesson or the instructions, do not hesitate to contact your instructor. 4. All outputs should be placed on a separate sheet (either short sized bondpaper or yellow paper) depending on your resources. If you plan to have it handwritten, please do write legibly. You may also opt to have it printed. 5. All learning activities are graded and should be submitted to the instructor’s designated dates via Google Classroom or you may personally hand in your answer sheets enclosed in a long brown envelope at the school campus if you do not have internet connection at home. 6. Your outputs must be done with honesty and uprightness.
4 Class Schedule Week 1 April 26 – 30, 2021 Pretest / Lesson 1 Week 2 May 3 – 7, 2021 Lesson 2 / Lesson 3 Week 3 May 10 – 14, 2021 Lesson 4 / Lesson 5 Week 4 May 17 – 21, 2021 Midterm Examination / Lesson 6 Week 5 May 24 – 28, 2021 Lesson 7 Week 6 May 31 – June 4, 2021 Lesson 8 / Final Examination / Post Test Guidelines in Groupings For your dyad Look for a partner you are comfortable to work with. He/she will be your pair until the end of the semester. For your group Form a group with 6 members each. You will be groupmates for the activities which require groupings until the end of the semester. Group 1 – Fechner Group 2 – Wundt Group 3 – James Group 4 – Watson Group 5 – Skinner Group 6 – Wertheimer Group 7 – Freud