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Content text PRETEST-PEDIA-KEY(NOV 2024).pdf

TOPRANK REVIEW ACADEMY INC 1 * NLE * NCLEX * CGFNS * HAAD * PROMETRICS * DHA * MIDWIFERY * LET * RAD TECH * CRIMINOLOGY * DENTISTRY * PHARMACY * PRE-TEST PEDIATRIC NURSING NAME: 1. Which of the following patient history is significant for a child who shall receive a hepatitis b vaccine? A. Allergy to eggs B. Allergy to sulfonamides C. Allergy to a hepatitis B vaccine component D. All of the above 2. Presence of small, blue-white spots with a red base found on the buccal mucosa is indicative of: a. Rubeola b. Rubella c. German Measles d. Varicella 3. You are currently testing a child for meningitis. You decided to assess for Brudzinski’s sign. Which of the following denotes a positive Brudzinski? a. Patient's hips and knees to flex when the neck is flexed. b. inability to straighten the leg when the hip is flexed to 90 degrees. c. Tightness and inability to move the neck muscles d. None of the above 4. You are currently testing a child for meningitis. You decided to assess for Kernig sign. Which of the following denotes a positive Brudzinski? a. Patient's hips and knees to flex when the neck is flexed. b. inability to straighten the leg when the hip is flexed to 90 degrees. c. Tightness and inability to move the neck muscles d. None of the above 5. A 10 y/o child was rushed to the ER after falling from a 10 foot ladder. The team is currently assessing for signs of increased ICP? Which of the following findings denote the poorest prognosis? a. Projectile vomiting 50 cc of stomach contents b. Poor feeding c. Headache d. HR: 55 bpm 6. An amniotic fluid volume of 2000 mL in the 3rd month of pregnancy indicates polyhydramnios. This is most likely associated with which of the following conditions: A. Tracheoesophageal fistula B. Renal agenesis C. Prune-belly syndrome D. Pulmonary hypoplasia 7. True regarding chest measurement: A. At birth, transverse diameter > anteroposterior diameter B. At birth, anteroposterior diameter > transverse diameter C. Transverse diameterincreases at slower pace than anteroposterior diameter D. Transverse diameter increases > anteroposterior diameter as child grows 8. The head circumference is measured by passing a tape measure around: A. The hairline of the forehead and the hairline of the neck. B. The nasal bridge and the most prominent part of the occiput. C. The supraorbital ridges and the hairline of the neck. D. The most prominent part of the occiput and just above the supraorbital ridges. 9. Andrea is a 15 year old patient with Hodgkin Lymphoma. Upon biopsy of her lymph nodes, which of the following is expected to be present? a. Starry sky appearance b. Presence of centrocytes c. Leukemic cells with fine, hair-like projections. d. Presence of Reed-Sternberg cells 10. Which of the following cells results to the presence of B symptom in lymph node cancers? a. Reed Sternberg Cells b. Chief cells c. Centroblasts d. Lymphoblasts. 11. A term pregnant mother comes in for her first prenatal checkup. History taking reveals chronic mild leakage of fluid in her underwear, starting from the second trimester. Her vitals were normal except for elevated blood pressure. During her interview, she suddenly experienced uterine contractions. She was brought to the ER for observation and eventually she went into labor and delivered a baby with flattened facies and positional abnormalities of the hands and feet. The noted errors of development in this child may best be characterized as: A. Malformation B. Sequence C. Syndrome

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