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PHARMD GURU Page 1 WHO DEFINITION OF HEALTH, AND HEALTH PROMOTION:  Health is a state of general wellbeing of an individual in all respects. It is also a level of functional and/or metabolic efficiency of a person.  In 1948, World Health Organization (WHO) defined Health as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well being and not merely absence of disease or infirmity”.  In developing countries like India, malnutrition, cigarette smoking, chewing pan masala, alcohol consumption and unhygienic living conditions are the major determinants for poor health. Illiteracy also adds to the problem. Health promotion is the strategy used to promote the concept of good health among the people.  In 2005, WHO defined health promotion as “the process of enabling people to increase control over their health and its determinants and thereby improve their health".  Health promotion examines underlying economic, social, and environmental conditions, risk factors that affects and endangers the health of the individuals and communicates the health related information and skills to the individuals to lead a healthy life. SKILLS TO IMPROVE THE HEALTH: Health of the individuals depends upon various factors like personal hygiene, personal involvement in social activities, and managing the stress in life. PERSONAL HYGIENE:  Hygiene is the practice of keeping the body clean to prevent infection and illness, and avoiding contact with infectious agents.  Hygiene practices include bathing, brushing and flossing teeth, washing hands especially before eating, washing fruits before they are eaten, cleaning food preparation utensils and surfaces before and after preparing meals, and many others.  These practices help the individual in preventing infections and illnesses. HEALTH EDUCATION
PHARMD GURU Page 2  By cleaning the body, dead skin cells are washed away with the germs, decreasing the chances of their entry in to the body. SOCIAL ACTIVITY:  Personal health depends partially on the social structure of one's life.  Maintenance of strong social relationships is also linked to good health, longevity, productivity.  Many research studies have revealed that positive social interaction produces certain chemicals in the brain which are linked to personality and intelligence traits.  Volunteering in social functions will help the individual to overcome their personal problems and lead a healthy life.  Volunteering in social services will add years of life.  According to a university study conducted for 7 years comparing the people who volunteered in social service with those who were not, the findings suggest that, senior citizens who have volunteered had shown a 67% reduced risk of dying. STRESS MANAGEMENT:  Modem world is posing work challenges and pressures to the individuals.  Prolonged psychological stress negatively affects the health and productivity of the individual and has been cited as a factor for cognitive impairment, aging, depressive illness, and expression of psychosomatic diseases.  Stress management is the application of methods to reduce stress or increase tolerance to stress.  Relaxation techniques are physical methods used to relieve stress.  Psychological methods include cognitive therapy, meditation, and positive thinking which work by reducing the response to stress.  Improving relevant skills and abilities build confidence, which also reduces the stress reaction to situations where those skills are applicable.  Learning to cope with problems better, such as improving problem solving and time management skills, may also reduce stressful reaction to problems.
PHARMD GURU Page 3 CARE FOR CHILDREN (OR) HEALTH PROMOTION IN CHILDREN:  From the birth to adolescence, children require adequate support from parents and elders to improve their physical and mental health. Pediatric age group ranges between 0-14 years.  At different stages of the pediatric age, various health problems or health related accidents are experienced by the children.  Based on their age, children are classified in to neonates, pediatrics and adolescents. Health promotion activities in children can be divided into: 1) Immunization 2) Nutrition 3) Oral Hygiene 4) Healthy habits 1) IMMUNIZATION:  Immunization is defined as a process by which an individual's immune system becomes fortified against an agent known as the immunogen.  Immunization can be done through various techniques, most commonly by vaccination.  Vaccines against microorganisms that cause diseases can prepare the body's immune system, thus helping the individual to fight or prevent an infection.  Immunization in children is very important to boost their immunity strength. Thus from their birth to till the age of the adolescence, various vaccines should be given to the children at different ages.  Soon after the birth, first dose of Hepatitis B vaccine should be given and within the first month of the life, second dose should be administered.  In the first 6-8 weeks of the life, first set of vaccination to diphtheria, polio, tetanus (DPT) and whooping cough should be recommended.  The second set and third set of vaccinations should be administered in the 3rd and 4th month of the baby's life.  The vaccination against Measles, Mumps and Rabies (MMR) are recommended at the age of 13 months of baby's life.
PHARMD GURU Page 4  At this age a booster dose of Hepatitis B vaccine may be recommended. At the age of 4-5 years of the child‟s life, once again DPT and MMR vaccines should be given. ROLE OF COMMUNITY PHARMACISTS IN VACCINATION:  Community Pharmacies are considered as the first point of contact, stock the vaccines and advice the patients suitably and refer the patients to the doctors when required.  In many countries, pharmacies are the key points for disseminating messages prepared by their National authorities individually or in collaboration with National Pharmacy Associations.  Pharmacists are trustworthy and authoritative sources for disease and medicines information and are trained to communicate information in such a way that empowers people to make informed and independent decisions regarding risks and benefits to their health.  During the outbreak of H1N1 infection, besides the provision of information at pharmacy level, community pharmacist can play vital role in conducting health education camps in schools and other community organizations to improve the awareness of H1N1 related issues.  Community pharmacists can also work as immunization facilitators and where possible under the national law, can become immunizers and take an active role in protecting vulnerable people.  In some countries like Portugal, pharmacists are already involved in population vaccination for seasonal influenza; and in U.K and Ireland, pharmacists are being trained to provide H1N1 immunization. In US, pharmacists stock the vaccines and immunize the public against various infections. 2) NUTRITION: Proper nutrition will ensure the child's normal body growth and development from the months through the teenage years. It is important to establish good eating habits from young age and children should be told about the value of avoiding high fat foods and the importance of fiber, calcium, iron and other minerals in the diet. Eating a well balanced diet from an early age has lifelong benefits.

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