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AXIAL MUSCLES OF HEAD Revised 20 Oct 2016 S&M, p. 209, Martini 5th, 320-335, Kapit and Elson: pl 27-26, Martini 6th: 340-357, Martinii 7th: 334-349, 8th: 341-358, 10th: 345-351 600+ muscles in body, named for: shape location action attachments divisions number relationship size HEAD AND NECK: (p 345) facial muscles move skin, not bone, facial expression. They arise fr bone or superficial fascia, insert into skin. orbicularis oculi [“rut, little, of the eye”] sphincter around eye, winks, squints, closes orbicularis oris [“rut, little, of the mouth”] closes mouth, purses lips epicranius: moves scalp. two parts: frontalis occipitalis attach to galea aponeurotica, corrugator “[together, fold”] draws eyebrows together, frown mentalis [“of the chin”] pouting muscle risorius [“laughter”] draws mouth laterally zygomaticus (major & minor) [‘join’] raise angle of mouth, smiling. Get tired smiling. platysma [“flat”] (p 345) superficial muscle of neck, orig in fascia of deltoid & pectoralis tightens neck, depresses mandible. Forms line when you tighten neck-jaw MASTICATION: (p348, 349) temporalis origin frontal, temporal, parietal insertion coronoid process and mandibular ramus (near articulation with mandibular fossa)fan shaped masseter [“chew”] origin: zygomatic arch insertion: angle and ramus of mandible pterygoid, lateral and medial: positions jaw, side wise grinding, [“wing- like”] protrusion of jaw buccinator [“cheek”] positions food for chewing Tongue: many have “gloss-“ in name: intrinsic (shape the tongue) and extrinsic (movement of the tongue) THROAT: (p 350, 345 under platysma) sternocleidomastoid origin: manubrium & clavicle insertion: mastoid process. Major muscle of neck, marks anterior, posterior triangles of neck. Anterior triangle of neck deep muscles, move the hyoid bone: suprahyoid attaches to styloid process, mandible, inserts into hyoid [“above U shape like”] raises hyoid during swallowing infrahyoid attach to manubrium, clavicle, [“below U shape like”] thyroid cartilage of larynx, etc, pulls down hyoid and larynx following swallowing Posterior triangle of neck: posterior border: trapezius, lower: clavicle, front: sternocleidomastoid. Scalenes fr top 2 ribs to transverse process of cerv. vert splenius capitis "bandage muscle,” holds down deeper muscles of posterior neck (p 360, 349), rotate, flex neck insert mastoid process, occipital and transverse proc of 1st 3 cerv vert. origin upper thoracic spinous processes, 7th cerv vert and nuchal [“back of the neck”] ligament: sail-like ligament, attach to midline of occipital and spines of cervical vertebra. anchors many post neck muscles, inhibits neck fr flexion.