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iKnow JAPANESE WORDS + PHRASES + CONVERSATIONS Beginner Level Japanese Program Transcript
2 3 Welcome to Living Language iKnow Japanese. This audio fl ash card program lets you see and hear all of the essential words, phrases, and conversations that you need to get by in Japanese. Just listen to the native speakers of Japanese and repeat in the pauses. Before we look at any Japanese phrases, let’s fi rst learn a little about Japanese pronunciation. Here is a guide to some important sounds you should know: JAPANESE PRONUNCIATION EXAMPLE a a in father ashita (tomorrow) aa like a but held twice as long kaado (card) ai a in father, followed quickly by ee in see akai (red) e e in prey koe (voice) ee like e but held twice as long beeru (veil) ei ee in see eiga (movie) i ee in see, but short and crisp inu (dog) ii like i but held twice as long chiizu (cheese) o o in go but sharply cut off kao (face) oo like o but held twice as long hooshi (service) oi o in go, followed quickly by ee in see aoi (blue) u u in fl ute, without rounding lips umi (sea) uu like u but held twice as long suu (number) ui u in fl ute, followed quickly by ee in see furui (old) r between an English l and r riku (land) ts ts in cats tsunami (tidal wave) g g in go (at the beginning of a word) ng in singer (in the middle of a word) gaikoku (foreign country) kagi (key) f between an English f and h (resembles English wh) fune (ship) Most other Japanese consonants sound similar to their English equivalents. Okay, ready to get started? Ago mae ago ichijikan mae an hour ago nijikan mae two hours ago sanjikan mae three hours ago ichinichi mae a day ago futsuka mae two days ago sanshuukan mae three weeks ago gokagetsu mae fi ve months ago gonen mae fi ve years ago juunen mae ten years ago zutto mae a long time ago kanari mae a rather long time ago, quite a long time ago sukoshi mae a short time ago
4 5 Also, Too mo also, too watashi mo I also, I too anata mo you also ano hito mo he/she also watashitachi mo we also anatatachi mo you (pl.) also ano hitotachi mo they also Ano hitotachi mo kimasu. They are coming too. Watashi mo kimasu. I’m coming too. Around Town hikooki airplane kuukoo airport apaato apartment building machi no shuuhen around town panya, beekarii bakery ginkoo bank honya, shoten bookstore tatemono, biru (high rise) building basu bus nikuya butcher shop kissaten café, coff ee shop kuruma, jidoosha car kyookai church toshi, shi city shiyakusho city hall, municipal building yoohinten, iryoohinten clothing store depaato department store yakkyoku, kusuriya drugstore denkiya electronics store koosaten intersection gaitoobashira lamppost toshokan library ichiba, maaketto market shichoo, choochoo mayor mosuku mosque chikai/tooi near/far kooen park resutoran restaurant inaka no, den’en no, nooson no rural kutsuya shoe store hodoo sidewalk mise store michi, toori street gaitoo streetlight koogai no suburban chikatetsu subway, metro suupaa supermarket takushii taxi (o)tera temple kau to buy kaimono ni iku to go shopping machi town kootsuu traffi c densha train eki train station tokai no urban
6 7 mura village Asking Directions Sumimasen, Tookyoo eki wa doko desu ka? Excuse me, where is Tokyo Station? . . . itte kudasai. Go . . . Massugu ni itte kudasai. Go straight ahead. Achira e itte kudasai. Go that way. Modotte kudasai. Go back. Magatte kudasai. Turn. Migi ni magatte kudasai. Turn right. Hidari ni magatte kudasai. Turn left. Mawatte kudasai. Turn around. Toori no owari de. At the end of the street. Kado de. On the corner. Saisho o hidari ni. The fi rst left. Futatsu me o migi ni. The second right. Chikai desu ka? Is it nearby? Tooi desu ka? Is it far? shingoo traffi c light toori street koosaten intersection kooen park basu tee bus stop chikatetsu no eki subway station hoteru hotel Asking Questions Doko? Where? Deguchi wa doko desu ka? Where is the exit? Nani? What? Anata no meeru adoresu wa nan desu ka? What is your email address? Dare? Who? Are wa dare desu ka? Who is that? Itsu? When? Hikooki wa itsu tsukimasu ka? When does the fl ight arrive? Doo yatte? How? Amerika e wa doo yatte denwa sureba iidesu ka? How do I call the U.S.? Ikura desu ka? How much? Kore wa ikura desu ka? How much does this cost? Asking Questions, Part 2 Ikimashita ka? Did you go? Doo desu ka? How is it? Ikutsu desu ka? How many?/How old is he? Koko ni imasu ka? Is he here? Koko ni imasu ka? Asoko ni imasu ka? Is he here, (or) is he over there? Asoko ni imasu ka? Is he over there? Sore desu ka? Is it that? Kore desu ka? Sore desu ka? Is it this, (or) is it that? Kore desu ka? Is it this? Kore desu. It’s this. Nan desu ka? What is it? Itsu desu ka? When is it? Doko ni imasu ka? Where is he? Doko desu ka? Where is it? (Which place is it?) Dono tatemono desu ka? Which building is it? Dore desu ka? Which is it? (used for more than two)

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