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M4-R5.1 | WWW.EXAMJILA.COM | WWW.PRIMEGYAN.COM New Ideas YT | © Copyright All rights Reserved. | Whatsapp 7607418817 1. If you didn't know the recipient's name, how would you close the letter ? यदि आप प्राप्तकतााका नाम नह ींजानते, तो आप पत्र को कै सेबींि करेंगे? (A) With love. (B) Yours sincerely. (C) Yours faithfully. (D) Affectionately yours. 2. Communication is a non-stop : सींचार एक गैर-स्टॉप है: (A) Paper (B) Process (C) Programme (D) Plan 3. What is the process to check whether previous stages of reading have been followed properly ? यह जाींचनेकी प्रक्रिया क्या हैक्रक पढ़नेकेपपछलेचरणों का ठीक सेपालन क्रकया गया है या नह ीं? (A) Survey (B) Question (C) Reading (D) Review 4. How to research and enquire about the company ? कीं पनी केबारेमेंशोध और पछ ू ताछ कै सेकरें? (A) Website (B) Company Directories (C) Annual Report (D) All of theses 5. What type of speaker looks into the eyes of the audience ? क्रकस प्रकार का वक्ता िशाकों की आँखों मेंिेखता है?
M4-R5.1 | WWW.EXAMJILA.COM | WWW.PRIMEGYAN.COM New Ideas YT | © Copyright All rights Reserved. | Whatsapp 7607418817 (A) Confident (B) Impatient (C) Rude (D) Impolite 6. Which of these may convey arrogance ? इनमेंसेकौन सा अहींकार व्यक्त कर सकता है? (A) Shoulder shrug (B) Jointed fingertips (C) Hands swinging loosely (D) Pointed finger 7. Reports are usually utilized to present the outcome of : ररपोटाका उपयोग आमतौर पर पररणाम प्रस्ततु करनेकेललए क्रकया जाता है: (A) Experiment (B) Inquiry (C) Investigation (D) All of theses 8. What are the major categories of communications ? सींचार की प्रमख ु श्रेणणयाँक्या हैं? (A) Speech, writing (B) Printing (C) Electronic communication (D) All of the aboves 9. Identify the polite method of beginning a business letter. व्यावसाययक पत्र शरूु करनेकी पवनम्र पवधध की पहचान करें। (A) We are forced to refuse (B) We demand to know from you (C) We find it difficult to believe (D) We appreciate your prompt reply 10.Which of these does not enhance listening skills ?
M4-R5.1 | WWW.EXAMJILA.COM | WWW.PRIMEGYAN.COM New Ideas YT | © Copyright All rights Reserved. | Whatsapp 7607418817 इनमेंसेकौन सन ु नेकेकौशल को नह ींबढ़ाता है? (A) Attention (B) Clear perception (C) Frankness (D) Ignoring 11.__________ is meant for a specific group of people while __________ may be aimed for the general public. __________ लोगों केएक पवलशष्ट समहू केललए हैजबक्रक __________ आम जनता केललए हो सकता है। (A) circular, notice (B) notice, memo (C) notice, circular (D) memo, circular 12.The purpose of communication is to help officials to __________ the employees. सींचार का उद्िेश्य अधधकाररयों को कमाचाररयों को __________ करनेमेंमिि करना है। (A) Eliminate (B) Motivate (C) Threaten (D) Appris 13.What indicates to the reader the purpose of a letter ? पाठक को पत्र का उद्िेश्य क्या इींधगत करता है? (A) Subject (B) Body (C) Address (D) Salutation 14.How should the tone of a speaker be like ? वक्ता का स्वर कै सा होना चादहए?
M4-R5.1 | WWW.EXAMJILA.COM | WWW.PRIMEGYAN.COM New Ideas YT | © Copyright All rights Reserved. | Whatsapp 7607418817 (A) Loud (B) Clear (C) Low (D) Soft 15.The process of assessment of the speaker’s content while listening is called __________. सन ु तेसमय वक्ता की पवषयवस्तु केमल ू याकीं न की प्रक्रिया को __________ कहा जाता है। (A) Critical listening (B) Dialogic listening (C) Comprehensive listening (D) Systematic listening 16.Which of the following is NOT a hard skill? यनम्नललणखत मेंसेकौन सा कदठन कौशल नह ींहै? (A) Typing Speed (B) Machine Operation (C) Time Management (D) Coding 17.The sequence required for the preparation of an interview is: साक्षात्कार की तैयार केललए आवश्यक िम है: (A) Job-searching, Self-Analyzing and Identifying skills (B) Identifying skills, Job-searching and Self-Analyzing (C) Self-Analyzing, Identifying skills and job-searching (D) Self-Analyzing, job-searching and Identifying skills 18.Determine the benefits of writing. लेखन केलाभ यनधााररत करें. (A) The speaker himself did not have to be present in order to communicate (B) The knowledge of one generation could be accumulated and passed on to the next (C) Both (A) & (B) (D) We can represent, what we want

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