Content text HY MSK:Anatomy.pdf
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MEHLMANMEDICAL.COM MEHLMANMEDICAL.COM 3 By Dr Michael D Mehlman The purpose of this document is to focus on the highest yield anatomy/MSK and rheumatology for USMLE without all of the superfluous nonsense. Some students romanticize the discussion of every muscle insertion/origin and physical examination maneuver, as well as go through loads of CT scans and MRIs of muscles, etc. Waste of time. The focus here is not to prep you for some ultra-pedantic school of medicine anatomy exam. The purpose is to drive your performance up on the USMLE. Especially now that Step 1 is pass/fail, it’s an absolute waste of time for you to be off studying/memorizing nitpicky anatomy. If you are studying for 2CK, you can ignore the overly anatomy-oriented points in this doc and focus on the HY presentations. Much of this document absolutely helps with 2CK as well.
MEHLMANMEDICAL.COM MEHLMANMEDICAL.COM 4 HY Anatomy/MSK/Rheum - Student Q showed electron micrograph (EM) pic of sarcomere + they asked what does not change length during muscle contraction + had letters at different locations. Answer = A-band. o Before you instantly freak out, relax. First look at above EM of sarcomere. Then compare with bottom images here: o All you need to know is: as the myosin and actin overlap during muscle contraction, the H- zone, I-band, and sarcomere (Z-Z) shorten. The A-band (myosin; neon-green bar above) does not change in length.