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Content text 481_Way to Divine Bliss_reset_Feb.2014_1-112.pdf

II Shri Hari II 481 Jaydayal Goyandka àfl◊fl ◊ÊÃÊ ø Á¬ÃÊ àfl◊fl àfl◊fl ’ãäÊȇø ‚πÊ àfl◊fl– àfl◊fl ÁfllÊ o ̋ÁfláÊ¢ àfl◊fl àfl◊fl ‚flZ ◊◊ ŒflŒflH tvameva måtå ca pitå tvameva tvameva bandhu‹ca sakhå tvameva tvameva vidyå draviƒa≈ tvameva tvameva sarva≈ mama devadeva Way To Divine Bliss (Translated by M. L. Pandey)
II ›r∂ Hari II OUR HUMBLE SUBMISSION This booklet is a collection of English rendering of some of the letters written by revered Sri Jayadayal Goyandka to his friends and relatives at different times. Though written long ago, these letters contain moral teachings and such message which have a universal appeal. These letters can also be of immense help and guidance to those carrying on spiritual practices. If all such letters could be compiled and published together it would form a sumptuous volume profoundly useful and instructive. But such an attempt demands a lot of endeavour. Our present publication contains only a selected few letters for the benefit of our readers who have a preference for English. More letters could be published in our future publications in case such a publication meets the demand and aspirations of our learned readers. Solicitations are made to religious minded people to make a profitable use of our present publication. óThe Publisher
CONTENTS 1. Caution 7 2. Love and Self Surrender 8 3. The Methods of developing love 9 4. Unmotived conduct of worldly affairs 10 5. How to get redemption 13 6. The Warrant of death or Coils of birth and death 19 7. A sound advice 21 8. Time is very Short 24 9. Action leading to liberation in life 25 10. The divine Name and love divine 29 11. O Redeemer of Sinners and life of life ! 32 12. Why not take heed betimes? 33 13. The stream of devotion 34 14. Constant remembrance of God 35 15. Dispassion and avowal of love 39 16. The call of dispassion and love 40 17. Blessed indeed is the lover of the Lord 44 18. Meditation on the seer 47 19. Be on guard 51 20. The spiritual practice 51 21. The reverential study of texts and making the most of life time 55 22. So long as death stands afar 58 23. Association with the exalted souls 60 24. Love and Service 63 25. Undivided love 64 26. Methods to attain steadfastness of mind 65 Topic Page No.
27. How to attain the state of perfect love? 66 28. Grieve not for those who should not be grieved for 67 29. How to get over anger? 68 30. How to enhance love of God? 69 31. Meditation on the Manifest Divinity and Service to parents 70 32. Divine Compassion and love 73 33. The divine glory, attributes and Form 83 34. Dispassion, love and meditation 87 35. Annihilation of Ego 92 36. Where there is a will there is a way 93 37. Loving behaviour 94 38. How to get rid of the Snares of attachment? 94 39. How to develop love in Nåmajapa 95 40. Reverence and association with the exalted souls are the only methods 96 41. God who is Truth, knowledge and bliss combined is all pervading 97 42. Preference of death to begging 98 43. Egoism is a great bane 99 44. Improvement of behaviour and adoration 101 45. Cowardice is Synonymous with death 106 46. To the discriminative sense objects are full of miseries 107 47. Sense enjoymentsóthe cause of Self-destruction 109 48. An Open order 110 49. How to meditate on God? 110 50. Goodness in return for evil 111 51. Dispassion and meditation 111 Topic Page No. (5)
Topic Letter Numbers 1. Caution 1, 6, 8, 12, 14, 15, 16, 19, 22, 46, 47 2. Dispassion and mind Control1 16, 18, 22, 26, 28, 34, 46, 47, 51 3. Association with exalted Souls and reverence 7, 21, 23, 38, 40 4. Remembrance of God and Nåmajapa 10,11,14,20,21,42 5. Meditation on the indivisible formless God 7, 9, 14, 16, 18, 34, 35, 41, 43, 49, 51 6. Love, glory, Form and Self Surrender to Him 2, 3, 5, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 24, 25, 27, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 44, 48 7. The Divine Compassion 17, 32 8. Sense of unmotived action 4, 42 9. Method of doing away with anger 16, 29, 50 10. Improvement in the social conduct as well as business 4, 7, 37, 44 11. Sense of Service 24, 31, 45 12. Propagation 5, 13, 36 (6)

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