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Engish 363 NOUN: KINDS OF NOUN Distributive pronouns: The pronouns which refer to persons or things one at a time is known as distributi ve pronouns. Definition: A noun is a word used as the name of a person, place or thing ADJECTIVES E.g. Ashoka was a wise king. Definition:- A word used with a noun to describe or point out, the person, animal, place or thing which the noun names, or to tell the number or quantity is called an adjective. e.g. The lazy boy was punished. Noun Nouns are divided into four parts: Proper Noun: A noun meant for a particular person, place or thing is known as proper noun.E.g. Ram, Sita. Kinds of adjectives: Adjectives of quality-it shows the kind or quality of a person or thing. e.g. - Kolkata is a large city i) Common Noun: A common noun is a name given in common to every person or thing of the same class or kind. e.g. Girl, Boy. 1. Adjectives of quantity: it shows how much of a thingis meant. e.g.-it ate some rice. (iii) Collective Noun: A collective noun is the name of a number (or collection) of persons or things taken together and spoken of as one which as 2. Adjectives of Numbers: It show how many persons or things are meant, or in what order a person or thing stands. e.g.-The hand has five fingers. e.g. Crowd, Mob, Team. 3. Demonstrative Adjectives: It point out which person or thing is meant. e.g.-The boy is stronger than train. (iv) Abstract Noun: An abstract noun is usually the name of a quality, action, or state considered apart from the object to which it belongs as Formation of adjectives:- Many adjectives are formed from Nouns: e.g. Quality- Goodness, Kindness. Noun Adjective Another classification of nouns is whether they are "countable'" or "uncountable". Boy Fool Boyish Foolish Countable nouns (or countables): are the names of ) Care Careful objects, people etc that we can count Hopeful Venturesome Hope eg. Book, Pen, Apple etc. Venture (üi) Uncountable nouns (or uncountables) are the names Trouble Troublesome Shame Shameless of thing which we cannot count. Sense Senseless e.g. Milk, Oil, Sugar, Gold. Silk Silken Gold Golden PRONOUNS Tire Tireless Talk Talkative Definition: A pronoun is a word used in place of a noun. Tragic Tragical Kinds of Pronouns: Reflexive and Emphatic Pronouns: Whole Wholesome When the action done by the subject turns back on the subject is reflexive pronouns. Three Threefold Black Blackish White Whitish e.g. I hurt myself We hurt ourselves Sick Sickly Compound personal pronouns are used for the sake of emphasis and are therefore called emphatic pronouns. VERB 8 e.g. I will do it myself Definition:- A verb is a word that tells or asserts something about a person or thing. e.g. I myself saw him to it Hari laughs Demonstrative pronouns: Pronouns used to point out the objects to which they refer are called demonstrative pronouns. The clock strikes Verbs are of two kinds: e.g. This book is mine. Indefinite pronouns: All those pronouns which refer to persons or things in a general way, but do not refer to any person or thing is particular is known as indefinite pronouns 1. Transitive Verb 2. Intransitive Verb 1. Transitive Verb: A transitive verb is a verb that denotes e.g. Each of them had their share an action which passes over from the does or subject to an object. www.way2poly.in

English 365 He is fond of tea Dawn appear, sunrise, begin Gay - happyl, jolly The cat jumped off the chair Deadly- fatal, Iethal Generous-noble, liberal The words Gratification -satisfaction, in, of, off are used as prepositions Deceit fraud, cheating enjoyment Kinds of prepositions: There are three kinds of prepositions: Defend -protect, support Grief- sorrow, distress Deliberate-knowingly done, intentional Grumble utter, emit, let out Objectionable - offensive, undesirable ) Simple prepositions: At, by, in, for, from, off, on, out, through, till, to, up, with. (ii) Compound prepositions: About, above, across, along, amidst, among, amongst, around, before, behind etc. Hamper - block, obstruct Hasty-speedy, rapid Obscene-indecent, filthy Havoc -ruin, destruction Outrage- insult Pious- holy Pragmatic- empirical Heterogenous- different, diverse (i) Phrase prepositions: According to, in accordance with, in place of, along with, in addition to etc. Hoax - dupe, befool Horrible-dreadful, frightful Providential - fortunate, lucky Humorous - amusing, comical Quandary - dilemmap, plight THE CONJUNCTION Idolise adore, worship Queer- strange, odd Ilustrious- distinguished, eminent Quirk- twist Definition: A conjunction is a word which merelyjoins together sentences and sometimes words. Impassioned -fervent, fanatical Radiant -brilliant, bright Implicit- implied, inferred Raffle-gift, present, give E.g.-Bala and Vithal are good bowlers Impure dirty, unchaste Ramshackle - dilapidated, rickety Rash incautious, hasty The man is poor but honest Incapable- incompetent, unable Incense ensafe, anger Reasonable - cheap, fair Here, and, but are conjunctions Industrious -diligent, hard-working Relinquish- abondon Some conjunctions are used in pairs, as Inevitable-unavoidable, certain Repudiate - disclaim Either or - Either take it or leave it Instigate - arouse, misguide Salacious- obscene, foui Interesting-alluring, fascinating Secret- confidential, unrevealed Neither - nor - It is neither useful nor ornamental Jargon - lingo, shoptalk Sedition - incitement, insurgence Jolly-Delight, happy Justify defend, exonerate Stag-spy, monitor, supervise Tidy neat SYNONYMS Juxtaposition - closeness, nearness Keen -penetrating, piercing Trifling-trivial, frivolous Tyranny-despotism, autocrary Unblemished - spotless, clean Words similar in meaning to a given word e.g. Lacerate - tear, mayfle Abac a monogram Delinquent - culprit, criminal Lasting -permanent, continuing Undulation - vibration Aback- backwardness Detest- abhor, dislike Latent- hidden, concealed Urbane -polite, civil Abacus-a counting frame Diligence- care, industry Urgent- priority Vague obscure, bignous Lax - vague, loose Abandon- desert, forsake Divert-turnaside, deviate Lethargy- torpid, stopper Easy moderate, convenient Ebb decay, decline Abdicate give up, relinguish Liable - accountable Venue - a meeting place, location for Abnormal-unnatural, unusual an event Absolute- unrestricted, unconditioned Echo reverberation, imitation Limpsid-clear, pure Loathe despise, abhor Verbal-words other than things Abundant-ample, plentiful, enough Ecstacy enhancement, capture Vigilant - cautious, alert Accede - enter, give in, submit Egoist-self centered, self-conceited Lucid-plain, clear Weak-feeble Ambition - aspiration, zeal Elaborate - explain, discuss Mad - crazy Wordy-verbose Amnesty - pardon, excuse, forgive Encroach- infringe, trespass Marvellous -wonderful Woddly- earthly, carnal Astonish - amaze, surprise Enmity -hostile, hate Monotonous - tiresome, unvaried Yield-surrender, submit Axiom - truth, maxim Entice allre, attract Myth- legend Zeal- eagermess, passion Benevolent - generous, charitable human Envy -jealousy, ill-will Extraneous -unrelated, Narrow- thin, slender Zest enthusiasm, gusto Zonam needy Bogus shame, counterfeit Nuisane annoyance unconnected Zymurgy-a branch of chemistry Zythum -ancient writer Nullify - abolish Fabricate construct forge Failure default, lack of success Brave courageous, daring Nuptial- marriage Brutal-savage, cruel Oath- pledge Zythum - ancient writer Calm Fair spotless, unblemished - impassive, peaceful Cancel- annul, write off Chaste pure, virgin Fatigue exhaustion, tiredness Flexible-variable, changeable Fraudulent -dishonest, deceptive ANTONYMS Claim-demand, require Acquitted - convicted Adhere disregard Abase to increase Conceal- hide, cover Confer- admit, agree Convict-culprit, criminal Furious-angry, wild Futile useless, hopeless Ability inability Abrupt gradual Gallant-brave, bold Advance - retreat Crazy mad, insane Garner collect, gather Absurd rational Affirmative - negative www.way2poly.in
366 LEET-Question Bank Accord dissent Agile inactive Exactly approximately Panic serenity/normal Accumulate - scatter Alien native Exonerate - blame Persuade dissuade Belittle praise Leap - fall Legal- illegal Eplicit implicit Perverse aggreable Pillory (condemn) - appreciate Bequeath - withhold Febled - existent Blessing- curse Lend - borrow Fickle constant Polite rude Carping acquiescent Lenient strict Limber unbending Flexible rigid Forlorn - happy Prejudicial - harmless Cause effect Proud - humble Celibacy - matrimony Magnificent poorness Fragile - robust Queer Common Cheap expensive Malevolence - kindness Frail strong Qulet- noisy Conceal reveal Meagre bountiful Frugal - lavish Rare common Condemn - acquit Mild - harsh Galare few Rear front Confine release Monogamy - polygamy Generous - selfish Refind- boorish Courageous - timid Morose cheerful Genuine fake Credible - dubious Creepy - inoffensive Religious - secular Mysterious clear Gracious- churlish Retrospective - prospective Naive Urbane Grief- Joy Robust-feeble Deletorious - beneficial Near remote Guile truth Sacred profane Dependable - unreliable Objective -subjective Guilt - innocence Depressing - uplifting Diligent- lazy Sagacious (wise) - foolish Salvage- lose Selfish generous Obstinate - enrich Hatred Love Obvious -hidden Hinder encourage Eager reluctant Elegance ugliness Enemy ally Opponent- ally Humble proud Opposite same Slander commendationSlander - commendation Overlapping - different www.way2poly.in

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