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TEMARIO POLICÍA MUNICIPAL English - Modal Verbs II- www.academiacronos.es EDICIÓN MAYO 2020 646880536 [email protected] Todos los derechos reservados. Prohibida su venta, distribución, impresión, copia o plagio sin autorización expresa del autor. Academia Cronos S.L. Edición 2020
CRONOS OPOSICIONES ENGLISH – MODAL VERBS II 2 MODALS  Los verbos auxiliares modales en Inglés son muy útiles y de uso muy frecuente.  Los empleamos para: - Juzgar una situación basándonos en creencias, opiniones o actitudes; - Para dar permiso o instrucciones; - Para indicar posibilidad, necesidad, obligación, certeza y habilidad. - Para hacer peticiones, ofertas y sugerencias.  Los verbos auxiliares modales son:  Modales puros: CAN/ COULD, MAY/ MIGHT, MUST, SHALL, SHOULD, WILL y WOULD.  Semi- modales: Modales y verbos corrientes: DARE, NEED Y OUGHT TO.  MODALES PUROS: Todos ellos tienen características muy comunes: - No tienen infinitivo con ‘to’ ni participios. - No llevan -s en la tercera persona. - La forma interrogativa se construye por inversión. - No añadimos ‘to’ antes de un verbo en infinitivo que sigue a un verbo modal. Por ejemplo, decimos I must pay the taxes, pero es incorrecto decir I must to pay the taxes. MUST STRUCTURE/ESTRUCTURA • Afirmativa  Sujeto + MUST + verbo sin TO + complementos • Negativa  Sujeto + MUST NOT/MUSTN’T + verbo sin TO + complementos • Interrogativa  MUST + Sujeto + verbo sin TO + complementos? Para la interrogativa, casi no usamos MUST, casi siempre utilizamos HAVE TO. o Do I have to go in there? o Does he have to pass the exam? Affirmative Negative Interrogative I must I must not/mustn’t Must I...? You must You must not/mustn’t Must you...? He must He must not/mustn’t Must he...? She must She must not/mustn’t Must she...? It must It must not/mustn’t Must it...? We must We must not/mustn’t Must we...? You must You must not/mustn’t Must you...? They must They must not/mustn’t Must they...?
CRONOS OPOSICIONES ENGLISH – MODAL VERBS II 3 MUST – USES/USOS • OBLIGATION (OBLIGACIÓN) - DEBER: o You must respect your parents. o All children must go to school. o Must I wear an uniform? • DEDUCTION/CERTAINTY (DEDUCCIÓN/ CERTEZA)- DEBER DE: o People are wearing coats. It must be cold outside. o It’s 7 a.m; he must be sleeping. • FIRM NECESSITY (ENFATIZAR NECESIDAD): o She must go to work today. o I must clean my car, it’s very dirty. MUST - HAVE TO MUST HAVE TO Obligation (Obligación) – Deber Obligation (Obligación) – Tener que Imposed by the speaker External obligations Less common in questions More common in questions Past Must have Past  had to Future  have to o I must stop smoking. It’s bad for me. o Show must go on. o Do I have to go in there? o Does she have to stay at home? o It must have been Mariah, she is very grateful. o They had to get up very early yestarday. o We will have to study hard for the exam. MUSTN’T= CAN’T NOT + HAVE TO Prohibition (Prohibición) – No deber de You are not required to do something (Ausencia de necesidad, no hay obligación) – No tener que o You mustn’t use your phone while driving. o She doesn’t have to wear a suit for the party.
CRONOS OPOSICIONES ENGLISH – MODAL VERBS II 4 SHOULD STRUCTURE/ESTRUCTURA • Afirmativa  Sujeto + SHOULD + verbo sin TO + complementos • Negativa  Sujeto + SHOULD NOT/SHOULDN’T + verbo sin TO + complementos • Interrogativa  SHOULD + Sujeto + verbo sin TO + complementos? Affirmative Negative Interrogative I should I should not/shouldn’t Should I...? You should You should not/shouldn’t Should you...? He should He should not/shouldn’t Should he...? She should She should not/shouldn’t Should she...? It should It should not/shouldn’t Should it...? We should We should not/shouldn’t Should we...? You should You should not/shouldn’t Should you...? They should They should not/shouldn’t Should they...? SHOULD – USES/USOS • ADVICE AND RECOMMENDATION (CONSEJOS Y RECOMENDACIONES)-DEBERÍA: o You should rest and get some more sleep. o I think you should see to it right now. o Should I stay or should I go? You should stay home. o She should probably go. • PROBABILITY – PRESENT OR FUTURE (PROBABILIDADES): o He should be at home. Give him a call. o Our teacher should arrive soon. o There shouldn’t be any problem with the ticket. • SHOULD HAVE+PAST PARTICIPLE – REGRET THE PAST (LAMENTAR LO QUE HICIMOS O NO EN EL PASADO) o We should have traveled more. Now, we won’t be able to travel in a few months. o I should have been more careful. o You shouldn’t have been so hard on them.

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