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19. Two rods A and B are connected in series as shown in fig. the conductivity of A is K1 = 100 W/m -°C and conductivity of B is K2 = 50 W/m - °C. The free ends of the rods A and B has temp. 30° and 60° respectively the temp. of common meeting point will be - (A) 35°C (B) 40°C (C) 36°C (D) 50° 20. Heat energy absorbed by a system in going through a cyclic process shown is figure is - (A) 107 J (B) 104 J (C) 102 J (D) 10–3  J 21. For forced vibrations which statement is incorrect: (A) Displacement varies with the frequency of force (B) Displacement is not in phase with force (C) Amplitude decreases exponentially with time (D) Amplitude becomes  if the frequency of force coincides with that of body 22. A siren emitting sound of frequency 500 Hz is going away from a static listener with a speed of 50 m/sec. The frequency of sound to be heard directly from the siren is- (A) 434.2 Hz (B) 589.3 Hz (C) 484.2 Hz (D) 256.5 Hz 23. Three charges q1 = 1 × 10–6 , q2 = 2 × 10–6 , q3 = –3 × 10–6 C have been placed, as shown in figure, in four surfaces S1, S2, S3 and S4 electrical flux emitted from the surface S2 in N–m2 /C will be - q3 q2 s2 s1 q1 s3 s4 (A) 36 × 103 (B) –36 × 103 (C) 36 × 109 (D) –36 × 109 24. The charge on each of the capacitors 0.20 ms after the switch S is closed in figure is : (A) 24 C (B) 16.8 C (C) 10.37 C (D) 4.5 C 25. Find the equivalent emf of the three batteries as shown in the figure. (A) 0 (B) 4 v (C) 8 v (D) 12 v 26. The sensitivity of a potentiometer is increased by (A) increasing the emf of the cell (B) increasing the length of potentiometer wire (C) decreasing the length of potentiometer wire (D) None of the above 27. The magnetic induction due to circular current carrying conductor of radius a, at its centre is BC. The magnetic induction on its axis at a distance a from its centre is Ba. The value of Bc : Ba will be - (A) 2 : 2 (B) 1: 2 2 (C) 2 2 :1 (D) 2: 2 28. Figure shows a square loop of side 0.5 m and resistance 10 . The magnetic field on left side of line PQ has a magnitude B = 1.0T. The work done in pulling the loop out of the field uniformly in 2.0 s is (A) 3.125 × 10–3 J (B) 6.25 × 10–4 J (C) 1.25 × 10–2 J (D) 5.0 × 10–4 J 30oC 60oC 1m A P B K1 K2 2m 10 30 P (k Pa) V(litre)

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