Content text Abnormal Psychology Drill 2.pdf
ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY (Psychological Disorders) 1. Developmentally inappropriate and excessive fear/anxiety in anticipating or experiencing separation from the individual to whom they are attached. Applied only under 18 (DSM IV-TR). Symptoms present for at least 4 weeks in children/adolescents and 6 months or more in adults. a. Generalized Anxiety Disorder b. Separation Anxiety Disorder c. Panic Disorder 2. Persistent, unrealistically intense fear of social situations that might involve being sanitized by exposed to unfamiliar people. At least 6 months. a. Agoraphobia b. Generalized Anxiety Disorder c. Social Anxiety Disorder 3. Overly familiar actively approached and interacts with strangers or unfamiliar adults. Willingness to go off. At least 9 months of age. a. Adjustment Disorder b. Disinhibited Social Engagement c. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder 4. Disproportionate fear caused by specific object/situation At least 6 months. Object/situation is avoided/endured with intense anxiety. Only under age 18 (DSM IV-TR). a. Specific Phobia b. Selective Mutism c. Hoarding Disorder 5. Characterized by obsessions or compulsions that are time- consuming (requires 1 hour per day). Recognize as the product of their mind. Common in women than in men. Begins in childhood. a. Body Dysmorphic Disorder b. Obsessive-compulsive Disorder c. Trichotillomania (hair-pulling disorder)
6. A psychological condition that causes symptoms that appear to be neurological (paralysis, speech impairment, tremors). At least 2 sensory or motor impairment symptoms. Cause by psychological reaction to a highly stressful event. Women have higher risk Incompatibility of evidence between symptoms and recognized medical condition. a. Conversion Disorder b. Factitious Disorder c. Illness Anxiety Disorder 7. There is personal gain in the deception/ pretending to have psychological/physical condition. Not considered mental illness. a. Malingering b. Dissociation c. Depersonalization/Derealization Disorder 8. Having a significant focus on physical symptoms (pain, shortness or weakness of breath) resulting to major distress and problem in functioning. Excessive thoughts, feelings or behaviors relating to physical symptoms. At least 1 symptoms. More than 6 months. Usually begins by age of 30. a. Somatic delusion b. Somatic Symptom Disorder c. Factitious Disorder 9. repetitive, clearly excessive behavior or mental acts that the person feels driven to perform to reduce the anxiety caused by obsessive thoughts to prevent some calamity from occurring. a. Obsessions b. Malingering c. Compulsions 10. are intrusive and recurring thoughts images or impulses that are persistent and uncontrollable usually irrational. a. Trichotillomania b. Compulsions c. Obsessions 11. Preoccupied with an imagined, exaggerated defect in their appearance. Has performed repetitive behaviors or mental acts in
response to the appearance concerned. Slightly common in women than in men but is very rare. a. Dissociative Identity Disorder b. Body Dysmorphic Disorder c. Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder 12. Delusion whose content pertains to bodily functioning, bodily sensations or physical appearance. Usually the false belief is that the body is somehow diseased, abnormal or changed. a. Somatic delusion b. Factitious Disorder c. Somatic Symptom Disorder 13. Disturbed, developmentally inappropriate attachment behavior to the caregivers. Persistent social and emotional disturbance. At least 9 months of age. a. Adjustment Disorder b. Disinhibited Social Engagement c. Reactive Attachment Disorder 14. Exposure to a traumatic events/ severe stressor (witnessed/personal) cause an extreme response. At least 1 intrusion and 1 avoidance symptom. At least 3 (or 2 in children) negative alterations in cognition and mood and alteration in arousal and reactivity. More than 1 month. a. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder b. Adjustment Disorder c. C-PTSD 15. Uncontrollably/persistent worrying about minor things. At least 3 months (6 Months in DSM IVTR). With muscle tension. Worry cognitive tendency to chew on a problems unable to let her go of it. a. Separation Anxiety Disorder b. Generalized Anxiety Disorder c. Panic Disorder 16. Characterized by frequent panic attacks that are unrelated to specific situation and by worrying about having more panic attacks. At least 1 month.
a. Social Anxiety Disorder b. Panic Disorder c. Agoraphobia 17. Anxiety about situations in which it would be embarrassing or difficult to escape if anxiety symptoms occurred. At least 6 months. a. Agoraphobia b. Specific Phobia c. Generalized Anxiety Disorder 18. Emotional and behavioral symptoms with significant impairment in functioning after an identifiable stressor (mostly normal stressors). a. Disinhibited Social Engagement b. Reactive Attachment Disorder c. Adjustment Disorder 19. Characterized by compulsive, mild to severe from anywhere on the body; can results in hair loss to ALOPECIA (bald spots on the scalp). a. Trichotillomania b. Excoriation c. Hoarding Disorder 20. Memory loss revolves around an unexpected trip. They just take off and find themselves in a new place but unable to remember how they got there. a. Dissociative Amnesia b. Dissociative Fugue c. Dissociative Identity Disorder 21. Have at least 2 separate identities/ personalities or alters-different modes of being, thinking, feeling and acting that exist independently of one another, emerged at different time. 2 of the alters recurrently take control. Inability of at least 1 to recall important information. a. Dissociative Identity Disorder b. Dissociative Amnesia c. Depersonalization/Derealization Disorder